From the C.A.S in combative solidarity with Francisco, Monica, and Carlos

From refractario, translated by waronsociety:

To all those that fight!! To all the conscious free and alert!! To those who do not forget and persist!! Time of repression and prison for my brothers.

It seems the state’s and its assassins’ thirst for vengeance will never end…clearly! Punishment of the rebels and insurrection is as perpetual as our fight for a society without classes, bosses, and authority. Beginning the postponed preparation for our trial, the news came from democratic Europe, from the fascist Spanish state: Francisco, a beloved and respected brother, along with Mónika sister and young compañera in the idea, both repressed under the failed bombs case were arrested. Both now face the imperial justice of one of the most fascist states on the planet. And they must be strong to resist said circumstances probably in a life of total rebellion. And they must continue extending the bonds that join us with the anonymous that always walk behind the new day that will come. And today our resistance includes our bones along side those of Kariñoso y Mona. Everything that affects them, affects us as well and from now on we encourage combative solidarity on every level. We call for, independent of the judicial result, the building of permanent solidarity, the only way to break the borders of global repression with a cry of war and dignity that traverses the entire planet. Francisco and Monika to the street! Combatant youth: permanent insurrection!!!

And when the preparation for the trial ended, the sad news of your detention with evident regret that nothing mines our spirit because through us blood runs in our veins and motivates us to continue hoisting the flag of Mapuche resistance, of anarchist resistance…Carlos*, dear compañero after six years you have been caged with the corresponding battery of media farces who have not been able to wait. Also the silent complicit subversive, autonomous, and libertarian gestures…which promote the experience of attack on the state, capital, and all authority. And after almost 4 weeks of judicial preparation nothing relevant in our favor has happened. None of this paralyzes us nor hinders us in our quest for the street and total liberation. Times of repression do not cease here just like our persistent anti-capitalist rebellion. Our call is to multiply the attacks and gestures to destroy to the last bastion the prison society.

To Francisco and Monica all of our strength and combative solidarity! You are never alone, never!! Our promise!! To carlos our KIÑE NEWEN TÜIN!! As an undeniable war cry of peñi anarchos that traverse this ongoing social war, to all those who continue our invitation to be free, dignified, and happy in contstant link with the natural rebellion that comes from this unwavering impulse of wild freedom! From C.A.S. Stgo-chile 30 Nov. de 2013.

Marcelo Villarroel libertarian prisoner

Freddy Fuentevilla MIR prisoner.

Juan Aliste, subversive prisoner.




*[Transl. note]: Carlos Gutierrez Quiduleo was arrested in Angol on Nov 28, 2013 after being in clandestinity for close to 6 years, and is accused of taking part in assaults on 3 banks, Banco Security among them. He was promptly transferred to the C.A.S. in Santiago For more information in Spanish click here.

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