Vancouver, BC: Community Policing Center attacked in solidarity with Greek struggle

from anarchistnews:

On the evening of Saterday the 14th, the Community Policing Center in East Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory, had gallons of paint thrown across its facade and a hammer taken to its windows. The windows did not break however, for they’ve been replaced with Plexiglas after being smashed a number of times in attacks from years past. The CPCs are run by volunteers and are an attempt to normalize snitching and police presence in neighborhoods throughout Vancouver.

This act is a greeting to our comrades in Greece, specifically Yannis Kafkas, beaten into a coma by pigs at the General Strike demonstration on May 11th.

We are anarchists, our solidarity knows no borders.

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Montreal, QC: Night of anarchist graffiti against the police

from anarchistnews:

On the night of May 15, several crews of anarchists in Montreal painted slogans on about three dozen walls throughout the city against the police and state as a modest act of solidarity with anarchists in Greece.

“Flics-Porcs-Assassins (A)”, “All Cops Are Bastards”, “Police sont Meurtriers, Souvenons de: Fredy Villeneuva, Anas Bennis,Dudley George, Tués par la police”, and others.

Covering blank walls with our hate for the police spreads an easy, reproducible form of revolt against police control over the space in which we live through communicative signals of disorder. This can play a small part in shifting the tone in our neighborhoods from a space of work/consumption towards a space of consistent revolutionary anarchist activity; a project which Exarchia provides ample inspiration for.

Against the state and their dogs,
with love and in struggle,
-some anarchists

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Montreal, QC: Greek consulate disrupted in solidarity with anarchists and immigrants

from anarchistnews:

On Monday, May 16th a dozen people created a disruption at the Greek consulate in downtown Montreal located at 1002 Sherbrooke West on the 26th floor. We entered the office chanting slogans of solidarity to anarchists and immigrants facing heavy repression at the hands of the Greek state and organized fascists. Furniture and plants were overturned and hundreds of fliers were scattered. One office employee attempted to detain a comrade but failed. Outside people displayed a banner stating “(A) Flics-Porcs-Assassins, Solidarité contre la reprèssion d’État en Grèce” and handed out fliers.
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New Pamphlet: Against the Police and the Prison World They Maintain


Against the Police and the Prison World They Maintain:

Communiques from the Pacific Northwest

January – March, 2011

Download the imposed pdf for printing and readable pdf for computer reading.

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Statement from Denver Anarchist Black Cross in support of Amelia Nicol

from Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

Support resistance to police terror!
Support Amelia Nicol!

On Friday May 6th, over one hundred people, mostly young, poor, and angry, took to the streets in defiance of the Denver Police Department. They participated in a march, called to confront “police terror” in the Denver Metro area. Specifically, they marched to remember the deaths of Marvin Booker and Oleg Gidenko, two people murdered by area police departments in the last year.

As the the march ended, a small firework was set off in the street. Police used this act as a justification to chase one alleged participant down an alley, where she was tackled and beaten by police. This person would later be identified as Amelia Nicol, a 20 year old Colorado resident. She now faces outlandish charges including attempted murder.

We call on all people to support Amelia as she fights these attempts at intimidation and repression, and the police’s broader attack on social movements in Denver.

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South Korea: Anarchist sentenced to 18 months for Conscientious Objection

A young anarchist from South Korea, Ahn Jihwan, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for the conscientious objection on February 17th of this year in Seoul. Now shes imprisoned in Youngdenpo and should be released in August 2012. Jihwan received the 18 months for rejecting the mandatory military service.

Letters of support to Jiwahn Ahn can be sent to this address:

Jihwan Ahn
P. O. Caja 164
Seúl, República de Corea

To read her statement (in Spanish) follow this link:

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Italy: Two counter-informational leaflets in solidarity to the anarchists recently arrested

from 325:

To believe, to obey and to work

(Text of a leaflet translated from

You must believe the words of propaganda, the TV and the press reporting the proclamations of ministers, the communications of executive directors, the declarations of officers.

You must obey the orders of authority, be them rumbled by a government or a businessman, by a bishop or a police chief.

You must (try to) work, that is to say to consume the days of your life in efforts to find money in order to go on. You can’t waste time with original thoughts, freedom taken without asking permission or old-fashioned parties.

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Greece: 40-50 people attack police station in Exarcheia

from occupied london:

May 14, 2011 – Approximately one hour ago, at 13.00 GMT+2, a group of 40-50 people attacked the police station on Kallidromiou street in Exarcheia. The group threw molotov cocktails to the building, an undercover police car parked outside and a police motorbike. Moments later, the motorbike exploded, injuring a female street vendor who was selling groceries at the Kallidromiou street popular market (laiki), a few meters down the road (see photos).

At the time of writing, scores of Delta motorcycle police are roaring through Exarcheia and there are already reports of arrests.

44 225x300 #486 | Attack against Exarcheia police station sees one street vendor injured; scores of Delta motorcycle police roaring through the neighbourhood at the moment   breaking news

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Greece: Korydallos Prison inmates refuse daily cell check in solidarity with the struggle outside

from Occupied London:

Prisoners of the 1st wing of Korydallos prison rebelled and they issued the following statement:

We, the prisoners of the 1st wing of Korydallos prison we rebel today Saturday 05/14/2011 and we deny the miday check and lock of the cells.

We may be imprisoned for various reasons and we do not all have the same views, but that does not mean that we do not still remain human beings. We care about all the things that happen outside the place where we are exiled. We are witnessing the decisions made by a justice-prostitute who has as pimps judges and prosecutors who give years of imprisonment like they are peanuts. It goes without saying that we stand next to those who struggle against the economic dictatorship and for a free and just world.

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Greece: Coma, comma, question mark.

from Occupied London, May 13th:

The second morning after is covered by the shroud of normality. Curious commuters on the streets, friends at the other end of the line, random people in shops tune their conversations to unveil it. “-How is Yiannis doing?” “-Still the same.” “-Will he make it?” “-We shall see.” People take turns in making and answering the questions, sharing the little they already know. A peculiar mantra, a chit-chat over life and death. A collective, irrational belief that makes so much sense right now: If we ask the question enough times, things might be ok.

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Scott DeMuth transferred to Milan federal prison

from Scott and Carrie Support:

May 12 – Scott DeMuth has been moved yet again, to the minimum security federal prison in Milan, MI. We think this is likely to be where he’ll be for a while, possibly until his release date of July 30. Please send him some mail; he could use the support, especially after all of this being moved around! If you wrote him a letter at one of his previous locations and it got sent back to you, feel free to resend it or just send him a new one.

His new address for letters, books and magazine subscriptions is:
Scott DeMuth, Register #11246-030
FCI Milan – Federal Correctional Institution – P.O. Box 1000, Milan, MI 48160

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Madrid, Spain: Attacks on a branch of the Workers Commissions and one of the United Left

from madrid indymedia, translated by war on society:

This morning we destroyed the windows of the branch of the United Left on Madera street and a training branch of the Workers Commissions in the Pacifico area.

We deny the existent order and we confront it with all our rage. The electoral circus is approaching again, when a few will try to proclaim themselves the managers of our misery, who will direct our lives and will decide about us and–let’s not deceive ourselves–this is democracy. We do not feel betrayed by the parties nor by the unions, not now, nor before, nor tomorrow; betrayal comes from one in whom you trusted; we never could believe in those who intend to lead us, in those who present themselves as our representatives, in those who make a pact with the State and Capital. For this reason we have always seen them for what they are: recuperators and maintainers of the existent social order. For this reason we will continue to confront them everywhere and negate them wherever they are.

For the destruction of commodities!!

For the continuation of the attack!!! Let us get into the street, let us reveal ourselves!

To the prisoners on hunger strike Billy, Costa, Marco and Silvia; to all the prisoners.

To Patricia, murdered by the democracy.

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Madrid, Spain: Incendiary attack against vehicle of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation

from madrid indymedia, translated by war on society:

This morning, in the vicinity of Principe Pio, we torched with five liters of gasoline a vehicle of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation of Madrid, responsible for the devastation of the land and especially of the Sierra Madrileña. Ecocides such as the M-501 and the new roads into the mountains, the power station, four-lane highways, windmills, solar installations, reservoirs, ubanizations, antennas that inundate and destroy our lives………… will not go unpunished.

Neither sustainable nor ‘ostias‘ [??], here and everywhere we stop progress!!!!

“Progress is the road that takes you to see what the road has destroyed”

Against the artificialization of our lives, against all managers!!!!

To the prisoners on hunger strike incarcerated by the Swiss State: Billy, Costa, Silvia and Marco. To the Mexican eco-anarchists. To Patricia. To Mauri.

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Chile: Communique claiming the actions of May 11-12

from Santiasko Anarquista:

Through this unique communique we claim a series of actions carried out by different groups coordinated in an informal manner between midnight on Wednesday May 11 and 1 am on Thursday the 12th.

-Molotov attack on the Local Police Court and Civil Registry, along with slogans painted on the wall referencing the “Caso Bombas” and compañero Mauricio Morales in the Peñalolén neighborhood. (Anonymous) Link from chilean press

-Placement of an incendiary device inside the Bank of Chile in the Vitacura neighborhood. (Michelle Anjiolillo Iconoclast Circle and Antagonistic cells of the New Urban Guerilla) Link from chilean press

-Noise bombs placed against the Centro Cultural Las Condes. (Anonymous)

-Blockade with flaming barricades at Walter Martínez and Carrascal, in the Quinta Norma neighborhood. (Anonymous)

With these actions we want to convey, in the face of deeper and more extensive repression, the struggle against the state, capital, and all authority will not stop and within this struggle the informal coordination between different groups as a method for action is very important.

We also want to send our revolutionary solidarity with the intention of destroying all forms of domination, prison, and incarceration- to every rebellious prisoner in the world. Inside of the chilean state we greet the comrades held under the “Caso Bombas” and the mapuche prisoners who will soon complete the 60th day of their hunger strike.

Finally, with an active memory we dedicate these acts to compañero Mauricio Morales, a few days away from the 2nd year since his death during combat on May 22, 2009.




translated from:

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