Denver, CO: Arrestee from anti-police march facing double attempted murder charges, 90 years in prison

from the bourgeois press:

DENVER — A 20-year-old woman accused of hurling a fire bomb at Denver police officers during a protest last week faces two counts of attempted murder and other charges, prosecutors said Thursday.

Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey formally charged Amelia Nicol with the attempted murder counts along with two counts of assault and single counts of use of explosives, possession of explosives, arson, inciting a riot, resisting arrest and criminal mischief.

The charges state that on the night of May 6 Nicol threw an incendiary or explosive device at officers in a marked patrol car. The device exploded and burned, damaging the patrol car. The two officers in the car were not injured.

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Call-Out For Solidarity With Greek Struggle, May 13-15!

In Athens, over the past three days, there have been two murders and one attempted murder. A Greek man was killed on May 10th in a largely immigrant district, triggering a police-sponsored fascist pogrom that is still taking place in the immigrant neighborhoods. Immigrants had their car windows smashed out while they were driving, many have been beaten on the street, and a Pakistani family had their house fire-bombed. This pogrom continued with the murder of a 21 year old immigrant by fascists in the early morning of May 12th. The police have been directly sponsoring and protecting this racist terror and have also cooperatively attacked the anarchist squats Skaramagka and Villa Amalias.

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Greece: Regarding the extremely serious injury of demonstrator Yiannis K. and the attempted cover-up by the police


Yiannis K., who is currently intubated in a critical condition at the intensive care unit of the Nikaia Hospital in Athens having received murderous blows to his head by the Riot Police, was one of the thousands of demonstrators who participated in the General Strike demonstration of May 11th. More specifically, during the entire demonstration – including the moment when he was attacked at Panepistimiou Ave – Yiannis was in the block of the assembly of resistance and solidarity of Kypseli/ Patision.

In face of the lies and the attempted cover-up on the side of the police, we state the following:

On Panepistimiou Ave, between Voukourestiou and Amerikis Str, while the demonstration was coming back from Parliament, the police launched an organised and coordinated attack with their obvious aim being the self-organised and counter-consensual blocks: the people who struggle “from below”. At that moment, the neighbourhood assemblies (Kypseli/Patision, Vyronas/Kaisariani/Pagrati), the base union of the waiters/cooks, the anarchist assembly for social self-determination, student unions and others were encircled and beaten by numerous Riot Police (MAT) units.

Us who were marching along with Yiannis holding the banner of Kypseli with him, found ourselves in an asphyxiating pen by Riot Police who would strike demonstrators, with their batons turned upside down, in the head and their bodies, throwing many to the ground. At the same time they threw tear gas and stun grenades directly into the crowd. The result was for tens of people to be seriously injured, many of which were taken to hospital. Among them was Yiannis K. who while bleeding from the head was taken away from the point of the attack thanks to the help of a fellow demonstrator. He was received by the Ambulance Service and transferred to the Nikaia Hospital where he undertook surgery.

At this moment Yiannis is fighting for his life because he chose the path of collective resistance, solidarity and struggle, against the exploitation, the poverty and fear enforced by the bosses, against their terrorism, against defeatism and passivity. Yiannis’ struggle belongs to all of us!

Yiannis Vidalis

Katerina Sofianou

members of the assembly of resistance and solidarity of Kypseli/ Patision

May 11th, 2011

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Greece: Cops on fire during general strike

from actforfreedomnow:

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Chile: Bomb placed at business school and arson attack at court in Santiago


Both incidents happened late in the night of May 11th in different parts of Santiago.

from the $hilean press… translated by war on society:

Bomb threat in Business School in downtown of Santiago.

A bomb alert was made around 7pm in the Business School, where in the facilities’ bathrooms was found a device hidden inside a package.

The package was found by cleaning personnel of the place, who handled the device and took it to the streets, fearing a possible explosion. Then they called the police.

At the intersection of Ejército and Grajales specialist personnel from GOPE arrived, cordoned off the area and partially evacuated it, and checked the package.

The package was composed of a metal container with wires that were tied with tape. It was taken to police headquarters. In the place there were no leaflets found.

After conducting tests, Gope said it was a sound bomb, which was not possible to activate. Information about which the press was not given further details.

As a precautionary measure, traffic was blocked outside the Business School, and people living in the emergency perimeter were evacuated.


Arson attack on a court of the local police in Peñalolen.

Around midnight, a group of unknown persons attacked with molotov cocktails the Court of the Local Police, which houses the Registry Office and other municipal offices Peñalolén neighborhood, located at 6900 Los Orientales.

Around 5 bombs were thrown at the roof of the court, causing a threat of fire, which was controlled by the security of the site and the police.

At the site were found leaflets alluding to the “bombs case” and to Mauricio Morales, who died May 22nd 2009 after the bomb he was carrying to the field school of the Gendarmería exploded. There was also found writing on a wall that read “freedom to all the prisoners!” and “PUNK MAURI IS HERE!”

Video from the press, here.

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Uruguay: 2 years after the death of Mauricio Morales, attack on the Chilean embassy

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Almost two years after the death of compañero Mauricio Morales, we wanted to mark the occasion in some way and for this reason we decided to attack the embassy of Chile in Montevido with our fire, in the early hours of this Sunday May 8th 2011…

For the freedom of all the Mapuche prisoners,
Against the “bombs case” frame-up,
not one more prisoner,
freedom and fire…

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Chile: Bomb placed at Banco de Chile branch in leadup to anniversary of the death of comrade Mauricio Morales

from the $hilean press, 5/11/11… translated by war on society:

The presence of an incendiary bomb the morning of Wednesday the 11th mobilized the police and forced the evacuation of a branch of Banco de Chile located on the corner of Candelaria Goyenechea and General John O’Brien, in the affluent district of Vitacura.

The alert was made just after 9 am when a client who came to the branch realized that there was a suspicious device on an ATM.

Staff of GOPE, LABOCA, OS-9 and Dipolcar went to the location, blocked it off, and conducted a two-hour operation to determine the nature of the device.

The device was left by unknown persons after midnight, it was composed of benzene, a vial, two butane gas cylinders of 190 grams each and an activation system with a battery that did not work, which prevented the place being destroyed.

The prosecutor Christián Toledo said composition is similar to another device that detonated and was not stopped in 2010 at a branch of BancoEstado de Independencia.

At the site were found pamphlets alluding to the death of anarchist Mauricio Morales in 2009, and to the “bombs case.” According to the press the leaflets were signed “Michelle Anjiolillo Iconoclast Circle” while other media say they were signed by “Antagonistic Cell New Urban Guerrilla.”

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Mexico: The explosion of the package from the ‘individualists tending toward the wild’

Read the communique here. The photo above accompanied the communique.

from the mass media, April 19, 2011, translated by war on society:

One person was injured from the explosion of a homemade bomb left in the facilities of the Universidad Politécnica del Valle de México, located in Villa Esmeralda, in which a message was also found.

Reports indicate that at around 8am today (April 19), Alberto Álvarez Vázquez, 21 years old, who works in surveillance on the campus, discovered a box in one of the gardens and the note on it, “DHL fragil, do not move,” caught his attention.

He moved the box with a stick and set off the explosion, by which he was struck in the face by a metal fragment of the homemade bomb, inside of which there appeared to be gasoline.

Reports from the municipal government indicate that unknown persons came to the university campus and left the box which contained a .6 liter soda bottle with a metal tube inside of it […] without any gunpowder in plain sight.

Along with the device was a label with the text “Confidential information: whatever person opens this package with the exception of the intended recipient will be prosecuted by the federal government.”

Charge of the case was assigned to individuals from the Special Services Group (ASES) of the ASE, specialists in the handling of explosives, who transported the device to department laboratories for analysis.

The injured person was taken to the Vicente Villada hospital located in Cuautitlán-México, with serious injures to his face, especially to one eye.

The rector of the Universidad Politécnica del Valle de México, Carlos León Hinojosa, arrived at the place, where the students are on vacation.

The reports indicate that the DHL label placed on the box appeared to be a black and white photocopy, as was the message found with the device.

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Denver, CO: “Even With Our Backs Against a Wall” anti-police march reportback

from Queen City Antifa:

(Disclaimer: This reportback is authored by several participants and members of Queen City Antifa. However, it should not be assumed or insinuated that the comments, conclusions, or descriptions of events in anyway represent the feelings or experiences of anyone else, including other organizers, collectives, or participants. So, let’s just be clear: This reportback does not represent the opinions of West Denver Copwatch, Denver Anarchist Black Cross, or any other supporting groups or individuals other than the authors. Clear? Cool.)

Since the nearly year old murder of Marvin Booker at the hands of Denver Sheriff’s Deputies in the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center, a movement against police and policing has grown in the Denver metro area. Between July 2010 and May 2011, at least 3 militant and unpermitted street marches have been organized. Press conferences, vigils, rallies, panel discussions, and other protest s and events have also been held to protest not only the murder of Marvin at the hands of his jailers, but also others who have been murdered, beaten, attacked, raped, and assaulted by police in the greater metro area.

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Madrid, Spain: Sabotages in solidarity with Billy, Marco, Silvia and Marco

*, translated by War on Society:

This morning a Caixa ATM was destroyed moments after the fall of the windows of the Real Academia de la Farmacia. These attacks are solidarity with the prisoners Billy, Silvia, Costa and Marco, on hunger strike since the 1st of May.

No nanotechnology, no biotechnology, against the artificialization of our lives!!!!!



To Patricia, in our hearts.

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Open letter of Christos Tsakalos, member of the r.o. C.C.F., from the prisons of Koridallos

from actforfreedomnow:

Open letter of Christos Tsakalos Member of the r.o. C.C.F.  from the prisons of Koridallos, regarding his attitude and the persecutory procedures:

On the 27th of April, Christos Tsakalos, for the case of C.C.F. with the upgraded charge of the managerial executive, was transported to the prisons of Koridallos, after a call for appearance at the juridical council, where he denies to appear.

Today therefore, Wednesday the 27th of April, I announce officially to the juridical authorities, to not “bother me again” with their repeated calls for my presence in the interrogative process, because they will receive my total refusal and my factual contempt.

There is not even a millimeter of dialogue to be shared with my judges.

As I have declared repeatedly in front of them, I do not recognize their process and I deny to legalize it morally and politically with my presence. I have a clean conscience and I do not apologize to officers of the state.

The only ones who will judge my actions are myself, the rebellious people that choose to be involved in the “crime” of freedom and history itself.

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Mexico: A text by some revolutionary insurrectional anarchist individuals to the First Anarchist Congress of Mexico

from culmine, translated by War On Society (the text was sent to the Congress but they did not care to share it):

we receive and publish:

* Some Revolutionary Insurrectional Anarchist individuals

Greetings to the First Anarchist Congress of Mexico. We introduce ourselves as individuals who, in sharing the concerns that we explain below, have realized that these concerns are shared by comrades elsewhere who are involved, as we are, in public or open struggle and also in clandestine or insurrectional struggle–this being the reason that we prefer to communicate in writing with the goal of safeguarding our anonymity, not out of cowardice but for our own security.

We would like the text that follows to be read in full during (and not at the end of) the section that is considered most appropriate during the session on Saturday April 30th. Thus its brevity.

A fraternal greeting

We introduce ourselves as individuals from various parts of the country involved in different anarchist collectives and affinity groups and insurrectional anarchist initiatives who, in order to maintain our anonymity and security, bring to you in writing a perception that we have long observed and endured by seeing ourselves in both types of struggle.

Over time, a fracture is becoming evident between those two types of anarchist struggle; one can hear some of the self-described insurrectionalists speak of the non-insurrectionalists as reformists, salon anarchists, posh, bourgeois, well-off, populists, that their struggles (public actions, publications, lectures) are not really struggles. Meanwhile, the self-described “dry” anarchists accuse the insurrectionalists as violent, immature, cowardly, and lacking in elaborated ideas, thereby justifying State repression (which is always present, with or without insurrectional actions) and subordinating them to self-censure due to their not being able to argue while preserving their anonymity.

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Argentina: Vehicle of an official of the military industrial offices arsoned

from Viva la Anarquia, translated by War on Society:

In the early hours of Saturday, we set fire to the car of an official of the offices of military production. He left his car parked the entire weekend at the gates of the governmental agency, located on Av. Cabildo and Dorrego (Cap. Fed.), Buenos Aires.

We have much fire and much to burn.


We are transforming pain into rage.

Today in homage of the name of compañera PATRICIA HERAS.

We also send greetings to our comrades in every corner of the world who make from dignity not only theoretical sketches, but rebellious acts of subversive winds: In Mexico, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Peru, Uruguay, Spain, France… and especially to the brothers imprisoned by the Chilean State.

We love them, we embrace them, as we know that others will…


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Fire to the Prisons – A North American Insurrectionary Quarterly – issue 11 released

- Days of Rage - Southern Appalachia - Notable Failures in Justice - Chronology of Prisoner Resistance - Japan: The End of the World

issue 11

– Days of Rage
– Southern Appalachia
– Notable Failures in Justice
– Chronology of Prisoner Resistance
– Japan: The End of the World

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