Greece: Update for day 1 of the CCF second Halandri case trial

from actforfreedomnow:

C.C.F. TRIAL UPDATE, (second Halandri case trial) | DAY 1. | 14/12/11

The court was adjourned until 20/12/11 at 9am after the demand of defence advocate F.Ragousis. Ragousis represents Mihalis and Giorgos Nikolopoulos and Christos Tsakalos. Damiano Bolano appeared without a lawyer. The comrade was transferred yesterday afternoon from Trikala prisons to Koridallos and consequently could not have found a lawyer, let alone be prepared for the trial. The court self-appointed two defence advocates who accepted their appointment. The chairman of the court gave the suffice, for him, deadline of 6 days to study a massive trial brief such as the 1 Halandri case one.

In the political part, the comrades began with a political statement while reading the communiqué of F.A.I./Freedom to Eat and Billy Cell/ I.R.F. concerning the mailing of a bomb letter to the central offices of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, with Ackerman as the receiver.

The comrades from the first moment declared that this is a political trial or better a court martial, where anarchist urban guerrillas are being tried. They continued saying that they do not realize themselves as defendants, but as proud members of the revolutionary organization C.C.F. and that for them defendants are the prosecutors and judges, which they will show during the court-martial that is taking place in Koridallos prisons. They unanimously declared that they do not recognize this procedure or the prosecutors as their judges but through that they will reverse the terms with which the trial is taking place transforming it into a step to promote their political beliefs.

Finally, matters were mentioned but will be analysed in the process, the matter of filing the information of those who attend the court in solidarity by the anti-terrorist and the cops and the non-recording of the trial minutes.


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