from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:
At 3:30 AM on April 16, Carla Verdugo Salinas and Ivan Silva Meneses were arrested on Lo Ovalle Avenue near Pasaje Membrillar in La Granja neighborhood with a backpack that contained material for fabricating a bomb.
It was the 13th Precinct of La Granja who were in charge of the procedure that was carried out last night, making an identity control stop on the comrades. According to the information that the same police sent to the press, they found in the backpack an open fire extinguisher, a kilo of black powder, a fuse, two canisters of butane gas and some items of clothing.
It was divulged by all the media that the comrade Carla Verdugo is the partner of the comrade Juan Aliste Vega of the Security Case, and that she together with her companion Ivan Silva intended to install the device during the night since the next day the preparation of the oral trial against the comrades accused in that case was to happen.
The comrades’ arrest control was scheduled for this afternoon, but the prosecution decided to postpone it to gather more evidence to back up their accusation. Under this situation, several houses have been raided during the afternoon of today Monday the 16th, in Santiago as well as in Valparaíso.
Meanwhile, the hearing for the preparation of the oral trial of the Security Case, which was scheduled for today, was postponed until August 6th due to the request of new experts and the change of defense lawyer of two of the comrades accused in this case.
As usual, Power is celebrating with the situation and claims its supposed efficacy in controlling attacks and finding those responsible. Now they show the citizenry, by means of the press, their logic, their supposed investigations and the fruit of their hard work, in order to once again distort the security they claim to offer. We cannot remain out of it now, support and solidarity have to be felt, we send an embrace and all our strength for both compas who are now in Dominion’s dungeons awaiting the political trial that just began. Now the revolutionary response is necessary so that Power knows that they are not alone. That if they strike one of us they strike us all!
Active and immediate solidarity with arrested comrades, Now and Always!
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