Chile: Prison updates on Adrián Díaz and Jose Miguel

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Adrián took responsibility for and is accused of attacking and burning a gendarmería [prison guards] truck with molotov cocktails during a student protest. After spending 4 months in preventive prison he was able to go into the street through an abbreviated trial [similar to a plea deal – transl]. Finally, in a judicial trick, the plaintiffs (Ministry of the Interior and the Gendarmería) managed to nullify the abbreviated trial, requesting a new trial.

On December 19, 2012, the review of cautionary measures was brought about by the prosecution and plaintiffs. The persecutors intended to return to imprisoning Adrian and keeping him in preventive detention. In the end the Court clearly dismissed the motion in light of the comrade’s extensive preventive detention period and also understanding the possible sentence he might have.

What comes next in the judicial scheme against the compa Adrian is that they will fix the date to carry out the preparation of the oral trial.

We salute the comrade’s decision, will and dignity. Spirit and strength in all the judicial labyrinths to come!

* * *

José Miguel Sanchez (52 years old) is an old and active combatant from the armed struggle against the dictatorship through its democratic continuation. Miguel–former member of the FPMR, present and eternal revolutionary–is serving a long sentence of 20 years for possession of firearms and expropriations during the 90s.

At present he is held in the High Security Prison together with the comrade Juan Aliste. The sickening prison administration and its security paranoia decided on a punitive transfer on January 4, 2013, unexpectedly moving him to the Colina II Prison, specifically to Module 4.

It is known that comrade José Miguel Sanchez has visits on Sundays and assignment on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30.

We expect to know soon new information on the unwavering comrade, who has survived with dignity and rebelliousness long years of prison, from his militancy in armed groups, the prison and torture in the dictatorship and now the prisons of the democracy. We expect to know how Miguel finds himself in the new module and to know if there is any possibility that he will return to the High Security Prison. We remember that Miguel is set to soon receive prison benefits and return to the street.

Because isolation, dispersion, segregation and transfers are the guards’ weapons: Solidarity is the revolutionaries’ response.

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