Bolivia: House arrest for Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra, translated by waronsociety:

A few days from one year since the kidnapping of our compañero Henry, and after innumerable suspended hearings and one in which they denied him conditional release, today May 2nd, 2013, we wish to report that Henry has obtained house arrest.

With dignity as an ally, friend and compañera, and without bowing before power, in spite of a whole environment full of collaborations with the police, our compañero leaves honorably to be with his own while awaiting the resolution of the case.

All our support to Henry, our pride for having him as a compañero, and our strength so that ever more people may be able to leave the cages of power.

Toward total liberation!
Toward the destruction of the prisons!!

Solidaridad Negra

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