Mexico: Protests, clashes and arrests at Halconazo commemoration

10-de-junio.-11from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Note by MaterialAnarquista: This June 10th a protest was carried out in commemoration of the Corpus Christi Massacre or Halconazo, known as such for the paramilitary group that carried out this massacre in which they assassinated students and social fighters who participated in the Mexican student movement of 1971. Under the current Mexican context we cannot let pass a date of memory and combat with passivity, which is why different groups of anarchists and anti-authoritarians made themselves present in this demonstration, clashing with the police forces. We make a call to solidarity with the arrested in these demonstrations and who have declared themselves at war against every kind of authority.

Greetings, compañerxs, we send these notes from the bourgeois press around the protests and clashes for the commemoration of June 10, date of the famous Halconazo (or Corpus Christi Massacre), when the state through its uniformed shits carried out a massacre of students and social fighters in the 70s. 22 compañerxs were reported arrested.

Beyond what the press of capital can say–finger-pointing and criminalization–we leave these notes as a testimony in order to continue advancing in our reflections and struggles, our attacks and also our protocols of security and solidarity.

May no combatant be alone!!
Let us extend revolutionary solidarity!!

Destroy the Prisons

News from the Bourgeois Press (in Spanish)

Videos of the Protests from the Bourgeois Press

detenidos-calo-1811841  10-de-junio.-15 10-de-junio.-8 10-de-junio.-7 10-de-junio.-11 10-de-junio.-6 10-de-junio.-10 10-de-junio.-5 10-de-junio.-4 10-de-junio.-1 10-de-junio.-9


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One Response to Mexico: Protests, clashes and arrests at Halconazo commemoration

  1. Pingback: [Mexico] Emeute lors de la manif en mémoire des compagnon.nes assassiné.e.s par les fascistes le 10 juin 1971 | Le Chat Noir Émeutier

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