325 receives and transmits:
Compañer@s, I’ll try to make this as brief as possible, as I’ll have more than enough time in the future to lay out my stance and my reflections. My position remains the same: I claim myself absolutely as an Anarchist and the only one responsible for my acts. For now, I’ll limit myself to thanking my compañer@s of affinity for their solidarity and to “denounce” just a few deeds of many within this deceitful process which all began the moment I claimed myself an Anarchist, of which I do not regret. Never apologetic!
1. I want to denounce the total complicity of the physicians of the Ruben Leñero General Hospital of Mexico City with the Public Ministry concerning the modification of the declarations so that they would coincide with those of the accusatory part. With this I refer specifically to the declaration, the same one that was taken only two or three hours after surgical intervention, still under anaesthetic, and with strong vomiting and dizziness. In the context of such a cowardly complicity, a registry is needed from a juridical physician who must confirm that I was capable of giving a declaration, when not even did the physician not examine me adequately, they never even asked any questions at all as to my state of physical and mental health.
2. As I have said since the beginning, I accepted to some degree my absolute responsibility. As an individual I am, before myself and only myself, responsible for my acts, for that reason from the moment of my arrest I have claimed myself an Anarchist. However, having analysed with detail the declarations, I have found many things that I never said, but that given the situation it was obvious that they were going to alter them. Precisely here is where the state lawyer’s complicity comes in, who was obviously in favour of the Public Ministry, lending himself to all of this set-up.
3. Furthermore, I denounce that the judge who is bringing about my case is clearly colluding with the Public Ministry. From the very moment that I changed lawyer, rejecting the public “defence”, the judge has put many traps and barriers in our way, with the obvious intention of avoiding at any cost my lawyers taking on my case. The most cynical of these debacles was the refusal of the judge to accept the evidence presented by my lawyers which shows that I did not write the first declaration, as the judge complicit with the Public Ministry claims, due to being immobile for the effects of the anaesthesia which didn’t even permit me to read (I read only two lines of their declaration before vomiting because of the dizziness), and even less was I able to write, for which they forced me to sign the declaration. Moreover, it has to be underlined that the judge didn’t accept the evidence that confirmed that the declaration was not mine, based on the graphology investigation that they made in which the declaration clearly does not match my hand-writing.
4. From my ingression to the South Remand Centre and equally during my stay in the hospital, the Public Ministry has tried to isolate me by all means possible. They have impeded my visits, only letting my mother see me once a week. As well they have tried to put me in an unhygienic place that is not apt for my recuperation, which thankfully has not gone as badly as it could thanks to the fact that the doctors here have been able to keep me in a relatively clean area. During my reclusion in the Ruben Leñero General Hospital, with the complicity of the director and of the physicians in charge, they kept me in an area that was inadequate for the attention of my wounds, with permanent custody around my bed and at the mercy of the interrogators. I should point out that all of this the same police officers cynically pointed out to me, threatening to contaminate me with severe infections given the lack of hygiene surrounding me.
5. Also I want to make public the constant harassment that my lawyers are suffering for having accepted to bring about my case. This includes visits to their homes and intimidation of family members, humiliations and threatening comments, among other things. This just adds to the long list of acts that go against my case.
6. I want to show my public appreciation to the rest of the prisoners of the area where I find myself, because they have helped me with the medicines, food, personal hygiene and to maintain my area more or less
clean, all of which will help me get better quickly.
Compañer@s, lastly I would like to clarify that all of these denunciations and declaration are not meant to make myself a victim nor do they have the end of asking for compassion from our eternal enemies: the judges, police
and the rest of the mercenaries of the system of domination. I ask nothing from them and I will never beg for my freedom. All of the “juridical process” we are bringing about as a mere strategy, nothing more. I write these lines to make my situation known to my compañer@s of affinity, to my friends, family and to the great mesh of complicit compas in solidarity around the world. After reflecting deeply during all of these days, it is very possible that from here on I start to refuse to collaborate with the interrogations and declarations of the accusatory part, something that I should have done from the start. Although legally it might not be a good strategy, as some have advised me, this decision would more be related to my convictions and a consequence of my position on authority and any type of power.
This experience has been very difficult, but with strength, a lot of rage and with the complicity of my close ones, I keep on going.
Thanks to all of you for your support!
If from the start I accepted the responsibility of my actions it was also in part because I didn’t wish to involve more compañer@s of ideas in my individual acts. Again, I appreciate all of the solidarity from you all and for the acts directed at my support and that of Felicity, without devaluing any- each has its own weight and its own importance.
I also thank the compas of the CCF-Greece for their words, which gave me strength to keep going. Solidarity is our best weapon.
Never defeated, never repenting!
¡Que Viva la Anarquia!
Mario López, “Tripa”
Anarchist prisoner of the Government of Mexico City, Mexico