The US Bank at Broadway and John suffered shattered glass Saturday night as an attack on its windows and doors left a mess. Meanwhile, similar damage to the Bank of America at 14th and Madison was also reported. UPDATE : The B of A was not damaged.
Slog has posted an account and pictures of the US Bank damage that happened sometime around 11p Saturday and reportedly involved a person in a black hoodie using something that looked like an ice pick to damage the bank.
We don’t have further details on the Bank of America incident but SPD was called to the scene around the same time and there are reports of damage to that building’s glass also. UPDATE : No damage at B of A. We’ll check with SPD about the callout.
Earlier this year, you might recall, we reported on a series of incidents involving broken windows and doors at Capitol Hill banks including this April attack on the Chase branch on Broadway.
Saturday’s damage comes as the largest crowds yet gathered downtown for the ongoing Occupy Seattle protests and hundreds camped overnight in Westlake Park.