from culmine, translated by war on society:
In each country, in each State and in each government there is persecution
and incarceration of those who do not share the ideologies of these structures of power and domination
that only benefit the bourgeois at the expense of the exploited.
Our enemy is visible, believed to be omnipotent,
believed to be invisible like a wall that places itself over us.
Believed to be indestructible, thought to perpetuate itself feeding itself on us and nature.
Believed to appropriate our lives.
It thinks to crush us and to build its foundations over us to suffocate our dreams and our rage.
But it does not realize that, done with corroding some of its bricks to destabilize it,
each warrior will destroy its foundations with their own hands.
In that moment it will crumble because we have vanquished it.
This deathblow and fear invade every corner of its disgusting body,
its blood nourishing our dreams and hopes.
We trample and spit over the cursed shit that remains of it.
One more time our rage will rejoice over its ruins
We are anarchists and for us Power and Capital are not invincible.
With are in solidarity with our clandestine and imprisoned comrades
with whom we share the same struggle against this speciest, patriarchal and authoritarian system.
There are no pacts with the exploiters, nor rooms for mediation, tables for dialogue nor any of that.
Borders and countries for us are simply tools.
Tools of Power for extending its domination of nature,
with which it tries to extract us to increase its Capital.
Because we are nature, that is undeniable.
The State tries to appropriate the Earth in order to enrich itself and murder her.
We do not seek to reduce the exploitation of the Earth, we seek to destroy it,
This is real and not a banal illusion.
Action and conscious solidarity against this monster is what puts it against the wall,
it should disappear together with its prisons, laws and all its structure.
We place ourselves in solidarity with the compañero Luciano.
Who attacks Capital without fear or doubt.
The chilean State wants to seize him to make an example of him and so to try to stop the struggle.
Repression is the weapon that tries to shut us up and shut us in.
But the only thing that it achieves is to unite us and further infuriate our burning rage.
Autonomous Fraction of Savages against the capitalist Intervention in TIPNIS
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)