Argentina: Friends of the Earth – FAI claim incendiary attacks

from culmine, translated by war on society:

We are not “the people,” we do not feel part of it because in order to be so we would have to be satisfied with the overfeeding of obedience and consumerism, having common desires such as to live working in order to buy a car, entertain ourselves with television and programmed vacations, among other things.

But we do not accept “the people,” nor do we pretend to sympathize with them. Our immediate objective is to break with the peace of society.

We see daily life as “the people” shitting on those who try to make this oppressive world into a free world, and so we lovers of freedom shit even more on those who work hard for society to stay alive.

With each new camera that the State installs in the city of Buenos Aires, several more meters of freedom are lost, but “the people” gains the happiness of continuing with obedience in work and then in the consumption of what is produced.

And without consideration for whether the monetary payment for the work done is just or not, since that would suppose to support a whole life of doing a task that only serves the interests of the exploiters, we attack production, commerce and the vehicles that transport it.

We take responsibility for the incendiary attacks on the luxury vehicles in Villa del Parque and in Caballito in the month of December 2011 and in January, with dozens of cars and trucks burned in the streets that are controlled by the bourgeoisie of these despicable neighborhoods that we attack.

We embrace hatred and vengeance because they have demeaned us and they have abused us, and they continue to do so. And when we have it already incorporated in our bowels, we throw them at the creators of this reality as best we consider.

Abrazamos el odio y la venganza porque nos han humillado y nos han maltratado, y lo siguen haciendo. Y cuando ya lo tenemos incorporado en las entrañas, los lanzamos hacia lxs generadorxs de ésta realidad como mejor lo consideramos.

They can see it in the streets and also by means of their cameras on the street corners, but they do not believe that it is going to be easy to get rid of the contagious presence of the lovers of freedom, they will have to use their best weapons and we are disposed to continue the offensive.

Friends of the Earth/ Informal Anarchist Federation

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One Response to Argentina: Friends of the Earth – FAI claim incendiary attacks

  1. Pingback: Argentine: les “Amis de la Terre” (F.A.I.) mettent le feu à la gentrification et sa société « Antidéveloppement

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