Chile: Greetings from Santiago to the insurgents in Turkey

IMG_4274from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Today at around 6 pm a concentration was made in front of the embassy of Turkey. A banner was unfurled which read “For the spread of the revolt. Dayanışma bir silahtır – Solidarity is a weapon,” and some flyers were thrown with the following text:

Santiago’dan Türkiye’deki isyancılara selam
(Greetings from Santiago to the insurgents in Turkey)

In Turkey, Istanbul, 14 days ago a social crisis exploded due to the construction of a mall in the last park that exists in the city. Since then, and after a brutal repression against a peaceful movement that opposed the construction of another emblem of capitalism, thousands of people went into the streets to support that movement in principle and to take control of the plaza at the hands of the police. As the days passed the situation was heightened, leading to the city being taken night after night by demonstrations and resistance to the constant police aggressions. Already by the third and fourth day the repression took the lives of at least 4 people at the hands of police bullets, which can be clearly seen in the videos. The president of the country made a speech where he accused the demonstrators of being terrorists.

With the days’ passage and the earlier deaths of members of the resistance in Taksim plaza, Istanbul’s main plaza, the social tension grew again this time spreading through the main cities of Turkey and where the aim of avoiding the construction of a commercial center turned into the renunciation of the president and prime minister, in the streets lived a totally different reality than what the television showed, the most despicable act being when in the most tense moments of the street fighting the Turkish CNN channel cut off the live transmission from central Istanbul to put on a documentary about penguins.

Thousands of people have been arrested, thousands of people are wounded, and the victims are no longer just 4, and the government is hiding the real quantity of deaths at the hands of the police.

The anarchist compañerxs are actively participating in the demonstrations, and they as much as the courage they show fill us with bravery to carry onward with this struggle that we have decided to call the struggle for freedom. As such, our immediate solidarity for the combatants for freedom.

Down with nations and Long Live Anarchy!

Dayanışma bir silahtır (solidarity is a weapon)


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