Chile: Prisoners of the “bombs case” farse: 50 DAYS ON HUNGER STRIKE!

from: (translated by war on society)
11/04/11 Today marks the 50th day of  the hunger strike lead by the comrades imprisoned on August 14th under the ‘bombs case’ farse and soon to reach their 8th month in prison. They themselves have stated that their bodily conditions grow increasingly difficult to cope with and grow worse with the days due to the 11 to  13 kilos each one has lost on average. In addition to the lack of food we should add the daily wear and psychological treatment their jailers inflict upon them.


Today, a group of comrades told them that they are not alone and that the struggle they carry within is reciprocated. In a propaganda action, the comrades climbed a traffic signal  several feet above a crowded avenue in the capital with paintings alluding to the hunger strike, throwing leaflets and chanting for freedom. They remained chained there about an hour and a half before being taken down by the filthy repressive agents of the state.

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Czech: CCTV Toll Gate Generator Blown Up, Solidarity to the Chilean A14


April 10, 2011

“In the early morning of April 10 we blew up a generator which supplies power to a small toll gate on the D1 highway. As a result, CCTV stationed there was cut off. The state of constant control must not leave us dormant. They treat us like laboratory rats caged in a bleak maze. Due to the public’s resignation they are free to impose an atmosphere of fear as they please. Such an atmosphere of fear and enforcement is accompanied by a ubiquitous supervision carried out by various authorities to keep an eye on those who would feel like breaking free from the vicious circle.

We refuse to come to terms with the pre-packed and pre-designed life.

We refuse to go to work so that the rich can get richer while the poor are forced to live off the crumbs from a rich man’s table.

We refuse to obey and comply.

Solidarity to the imprisoned Chilean anarchists!
Honour to Lambros Foundas!
Smash the State and Capitalism!”

Revoluční boj (Revolutionary Struggle)

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Updates, Actions, Attacks, Solidarity to Anarchist Comrades in Greece

from actforfreedomnow:

1.Update on Aris Sirinidis Case

2.Attack on 2 banks in the centre of Athens for Simos Seisidis

3.Various attacks for Simos Seisidis

4.Intervention for Aris Sirinidis

5.Minister visits Agrinio, Greece

6.Sharing of Flyers in Abelokipos Area and Gizi, Athens


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Omaha & Oakland: Anti-state solidarity actions

Oakland, California (US):

Communique follows:

Simple solidarity action = a little bit of fun.

Banner reads:

“From Oakland to Seattle and Everywhere else
[Oscar Grant’s face & John T. Williams’ face]
Police violence is not an accident.

With love,
A few Oakland anarchists

Omaha, Nebraska (US):

Communique follows:

To whom it may concern,

A group of bedeviled associates dropped a banner from the memorial park bridge today, to their glee, in solidarity with Shannon Williams, a prisoner resisting the crooked tactics of police, judges, and lawyers in the fine city of Omaha, Nebraska.

This was an attempt to draw attention not just to his case but to the thin veneer of legitimacy that the justice system hides behind. When we demand “Free Shannon Williams” we are not asking for one person to be released, we’re not asking for charges to be dropped. We are calling for the dismantling of the conditions, ideas, laws, fences, and cells that separate us all.

In the same breathe we’d like to voice our solidarity with the individual acts of rage and retribution happening all across the world on a daily basis. The person on the street who refuses to be searched, the homie smoking a blunt like he just don’t care, and the outlaw who refuses to go down quietly… May these fighting spirits live within us all as we are faced with the thugs who would have us remain quiet and well mannered. Laughing with rage we send our salutations to the anti-authoritarians of the Pacific Northwest and we applaud their earnest efforts to resist police occupation while trying to establish alternatives.
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Solidarity to Mapuche communities! Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners NOW!

From Athens Greece, from Mexico city to London, from New York to Bilbao, from Hamburg to Sofia and from Katmandhou to San Francisco, from all the active cells of Void Network we are expressing our solidarity to the struggle of Mapuche for Mother Earth, for the Dignity and Freedom of their communities, for the Freedom and Dignity of all of us. The Struggle of Mapuche people is our own struggle, their dreams are our own dreams! Freedom for all political prisoners, Freedom for all Mapuche prisoners NOW!
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Call for solidarity: Social Center Satama under threat of eviction (Helsinki, Finland)

From Satama

The situation at Social Center Satama is critical. The city of Helsinki is threatening Satama and the Roma camp at the social center’s yard with an eviction. No one knows currently when the eviction will come – if it comes – if the city will not agree on our conditions.

At this point the Roma living in the camp have said that a camp without electricity in the yard of the social center is better than one under a bridge. The Rescue Department has stated, that they will not accept the camp in any way. To make sure that the Roma camp and Social Center Satama stay, and that activities in both are possible to continue, it is crucial to get as many people as possible to defend their existence. It is also possible to create pressure on the city’s officials by other means so that they must make a political decision in favor of the social center and the Roma people. All kinds of solidarity actions are more than welcome at this point.

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Portland: Bank of America attacked

from Portland Indymedia:

The Bank of America was attacked with red paint and the ATM was smashed. Next to the ATM, was written, “Stop tar sands:CAN and WARS”

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Chile: ‘Hooded ones’ erect barricades in Ñuñoa in support of the bombs case arrestees

from the $hilen press via Viva la Anarquia (translated by war on society):

About 30 ‘hooded ones’ erected barricades on the outskirts of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Chile in protest against the ‘bombs case’.

The demonstration on avenida Grecia lasted about 30 minutes, during which they burned tires and threw molotov cocktails, blocking traffic.

The slogans were in support of youths arrested for the case under prosecution for a series of explosive devices that have been detonated in the capital in recent years.

The unknown individuals fled into the campus upon the presence of police.

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Greece: Two recent solidarity attacks

From Culmine via This is Our Job (April 7, 2011):

In the early hours of Sunday, March 27, fire completely destroyed the Halandri offices of Eurocopters, whose subsidiary Aeroservices supplies helicopters to the Greek army and police. As our comrades explained in their lengthy communiqué, after breaking in through the front door, a potent incendiary device was left inside the offices. The action was dedicated to the Fire Cells Conspiracy members arrested on March 14, and the communiqué was signed by the International Revolutionary Front: Deviant Behavior for the Spread of Revolutionary Terrorism (Anarchist Action Cell).

In the early hours of April 1, the following targets were torched in Thessaloniki: the headquarters of the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (an NGO) in the Ano Poli neighborhood, and the local office of the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce downtown. Apart from it being a capitalist gang, there was another reason to attack the Chamber of Commerce. Its key executive is Rigas Tzelepoglou, who is also the honorary consul for Chile in Thessaloniki. The NGO in question, like most NGOs, has its hands covered in blood and shit due to Greece’s policy toward the Balkans. Plus, there is a surprise: The treasurer of the NGO that was attacked is none other than Mr. Tzelepoglou! The arsons were dedicated to the Chilean comrades on hunger strike, the five recently arrested Fire Cells Conspiracy members, and other prisoners. The communiqué, which can be read in Greek here, was signed by the International Revolutionary Front: Fire to the Borders Solidarity Cell.

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Spain: Centro Nacional Pharmaceuticals van burnt in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Switzerland and Chile

actforfreedomnow via informa-azione Source: madrid.indymedia – translated by culmine

06/04/2011 – This morning a van of the Centre National Pharmaceutical was set on fire in central Madrid, because we do not want to continue to endure this agony, because we prefer to stay mad before seeing ourselves tied to the madness of anti-depressants and other chemical and alienating garbage, because we hate this modern world and its barbarism, its wars, because we want to stop once and for all this damned machine that pushes us into the abyss and we know we must do it for ourselves and that the best time is NOW and the best place is HERE.

To spread the revolt, let’s come out from the ghettos. In the streets!

This action is dedicated to our comrades on hunger strike in Chilean State and Billy, Silvia, Costa and Marco. In our hearts.

Chilean anarchists’ hunger strike
Silvia Costa Liberi

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Communique regarding the searches and arrests on April 6 in Bologna

source: informa-azione via actforfreedomnow

we receive and impart:

Wednesday, April 6, from the early morning hours, the houses of some sixty comrades throughout Italy were raided by officers of the Digos [political police]. 27 of them are being investigated, of which 5 have been arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy.

Some of the Bolognese comrades most affected by the repression have been active in the anarchist documentation space FuoriLuogo opened in Bologna in 2006.

FuoriLuogo was raided, devastated and sealed.

Already last week the houses of 8 comrades between Bologna and Ferrara were searched, in response to some actions that had occurred some days before, including attacks aimed at structures of power, such as ENI, IBM and the Northern League.

Immediately the media, servant of the repressive apparatus, talking of terrorism, wanted to narrow down a general and widespread climate of incandescence to a very specific area, the anarchist one.

In a time of crisis and revolts that are spreading through the entire Mediterranean area the bosses and the powerful have nothing to offer and cannot do anything other than strike those who have always cried out loudly and genuinely oppose themselves to a world of wars , exploitation, hierarchy, prisons, detention centres.

We have chosen to continue to do so without being intimidated.

They will not stop us by trying to turn our desire for freedom to stereotypes made in their image and likeness, based on rigid hierarchies and organizations.


That is why we are relaunching the demonstration on Saturday, April 16 (concentration 15.00 at piazza XX settembre) against those who exploit, repress and bomb, both beyond the shores of the Mediterranean and within our cities.

Alongside those who do not let themselves be crushed, but rebel against those who would have them slaves and exploited.



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5 Anarchists arrested in Bologna; raids against anarchists in many other Italian cities


Update: A 6th comrade arrested in Ferrara.

from actforfreedomnow:

A new police and judiciary raid against anarchists in Italy has hit the city of Bologna, and in particular the comrades of ‘Fuoriluogo’. The charge is ‘organized crime with aims of subversion’ and refers to both public campaigns and attacks against banks, ENI (the Italian energy multinational involved in nuclear activities and in business with the Libyan regime), structures linked to the Bologna migrants detention centre and other centres of economic and political power.

The investigation is alleged to date back to 2006. Searches have been also carried out in 16 towns all over Italy, where material especially linked to the Bologna comrades has been seized.

5 comrades of ‘Fuoriluogo’, whom the investigators consider the ‘promoters of the association’, are being held in prison whereas another 7 have been inflicted restrictions of various kinds.

It is the usual way of the Italian repressive forces: wherever there is an active presence of anarchist comrades who stand up against power and its many manifestations, spectacular judicial frame ups are set out, comrades considered as interesting targets by power are arrested and dozens of searches are carried out all over the Italian territory against those who are viewed as accomplices or simple friends of the arrested.

The comrades of ‘Fuoriluogo’, like many other anarchists in many Italian places, are among those who do not stay silent in front of the misery of this society, speak out loudly and carry out activities with anarchist means in the struggle for freedom and against exploitation. Everything our comrades do becomes therefore a target for the inquisitors: leaflets, anarchist papers, meetings, demos, the most disparate initiatives. Needless to say, there is no evidence linking the arrested anarchists to the actions they are accused of as the reason for this nth repressive wave is to be found in the mere nature of anarchist struggle, in the generosity and tenacity of our comrades and in their resolute and unshakable struggle for freedom.

Unconditional solidarity to the anarchists of ‘Fuoriluogo’. Fuck the Italian judiciary and its pigs in uniform or in plain clothes.

-An accomplice of ‘Fuoriluogo’.

More: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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Indonesia: International Conspiracy for Revenge burns another Bank Central Asia ATM in solidarity attack

from 325:

4 April 2011

‘International Conspiracy for Revenge’ (ICfR) have taken responsibility for burning another BCA (Bank Central Asia) ATM in Indonesia, in an action against the capitalist exploitation of Indonesian resources and state repression. BCA are handling finances for the industrial development of Kulon Progo. The actions are directly revindicated by flyers which were left at the scene which were the same as in a number of other incidents around the country.

The communique situates the actions in the context of revenge for the brutal oppression inflicted upon the people of Kulon Progo, Bima, Takalar, Padang Raya, Makassar, Jogja, Persil IV Medan, Buyat and Papua by the Indonesia state and multi-national corporations such as PT Indomines and BCA. The claim also denounced the role of the mainstream media, bureaucrats, police and the military.

The ATM was completely destroyed with the money inside, CCTV system burned out, and ATM unit gutted. There were no injuries reported and it was only witnessed when several people drove past the ATM noticing a fire.

More Info:
Previous ATM attack against Bank Central Asia, Makassar, Indonesia
Position Paper by Coastal Inhabitants of Kulon Progo
Indonesian Intifada – Direct Action Info Indonesia
Social War – Disturbance – Insurrection

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Belgium: Days of riots after police kill by beating

from actforfreedomnow:

GILLY – Last week, on Friday, Sandro (27 years old), died after having been beating during an arrest. An autopsy said he died of a heart attack and discovered traces of cocaine in his blood (which the media are using to present him as a “drug addict” or even a “dealer”). Photos came out of his body, which was covered with hits and injuries. Also people of the neigboorhoud who assisted during the arrest (which took place in the middle of the street, cops thinking he stole a Coca cola in a shop), denounced the very violent behaviour of the cops. Almost all of the small city of Gilly, just next to Charleroi, blame the police.

Tension started to rise very fast in the city and in Charleroi.

Seven days later, on Friday 1 april, the media speak for the first time about the rage exploding. The local police station is attacked in the early evening with molotov cocktails, although not the whole station was burned down. Earlier that day, masked youngsters threw stones to passing cop cars and attacked several private cars of cops, stationed in front of police stations or their homes.

Saturday 2 april during the night, tens of masked younsters fought for several hours with the police, who sent several battallions of the Federal Police down to Gilly and used a water cannon. Clashes also erupted in the other neighboorhoud next to Gilly, Lodinsart. They started of with attacking the two cops stations with stones and metal bars. When police reinforcements arrived, the rioters startet to pick their fights, throwing stones to the cops and than disapearing. Several cops got injured, some cars were put on fire on parking lots of supermarkets and quite some damages to shop windows etc. Some rioters got arrested, and police claims some of them came specially from Brussels to cause trouble and incite the local youth. Everybody was released next day.

Sunday 3 april during the night, fire was put to garbage bins all over Gilly and one car was burned on the parking lot of the supermarket. Several shops and official buildings (like the socialist syndicate) were attacked with stones and other objects. Police claims they moved again around in small groups, which made it difficult to catch any of them. Some youngsters were arrested but released a few hours later.

Monday 4 april during the night, starting from 23h to 4h, cars were put on fire all over Gilly and Lodinsart. Some torches of anger were also noted in the city of Charleroi. In Gilly, police speaks about 7 cars and a bulldozer which have been torched. No arrests were made.

More to come.

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