Tacoma police department building attacked

On the morning of February 28th, a Tacoma Police Department building had all its windows smashed out and some paint thrown on the facade.

This was done as part of the West Coast call out for two days of action against the police.

Solidarity is our weapon.

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Portland, OR: Police Substation Attacked in Solidarity with Seattle Comrades

from Portland Indymedia

On Sunday night the 27th of February we smashed with rocks the windows of the Portland Police contact office at 4720 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

We did this in solidarity with our comrades in Seattle and the recent uprisings against the police on the west coast. It is our hope that our struggles, and further, the struggle of all anti-authoritarians, will be mutually inspiring. The police have always used violence to uphold the institution of capitalism, and for that they should expect nothing less than to be attacked.

Against Police and the Prison World They Maintain

-Portland Anarchists

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Anarchists in Grand Rapids, MI Set Fires and Smash Windows Against Gentrification

From M Live

Grand Rapids Police are investigating letters mailed to residents of a Southeast Side neighborhood that threaten arson and retaliation for area revitalization.

The letters were received by mail Friday at homes near a recent suspicious fire, police said.

The blaze on Feb. 22 damaged a section of townhouses under construction at 914 Blodgett St. SE.

Police say the letters threatening retaliation for ongoing revitalization.

Residents received the letter Friday from a group calling themselves “The Old Neighbors,” the group claims responsibility for the fire and also reads “We are not peaceful. We are not willing to negotiate.”

The same letter states that the group “placed three incendiary devices throughout the first story of the household.”

The group claims the “attack was not isolated, nor will it be the last.” It wants East Hills Condominiums residents to leave that area and hopes low-income housing will be put in the East Hills neighborhood, in the area of Cherry and Hollister.

The letter ends by saying, “Failure to comply will result in a multitude of repercussions, including, but not limited to: destruction of vehicles and houses, muggings, burglary and kidnapping.”

Investigators are looking into a possible connect to earlier property damage complaints in recent weeks.

In January, vandals struck two Wealthy Street businesses. On Christmas morning in December 2010 vandals damaged a bar and restaurant and other businesses on Wealthy St where the actors had spray painted a pig and then wrote, ‘Gentrify this.’ And then on another window wrote ‘Yuppie scum, your time has come,'”.

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Short update of the recent repressions against anarchists in Belarus

As of right now four Belarussian anarchists are under arrest, accused of having organised a series of direct actions 2009-2010.Everything started long before this past September(2010). The years 2009-2010 were rich in radical actions claimed by Belarusian anarchists. Such as:

and finally

  • an attack on the Russian embassy in Minsk as a solidarity action with Khimki arrestees on the 30th August 2010 where a car belonging to the embassy was burnt.

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Call out for West Coast Days of Action Feb 26th and 27th against police and the prison world they maintain.

No charges will be brought against Officer Ian Burke for the execution of John T. Williams. Is anyone surprised? Is this the call for justice so many police-apologists desire? It’s been nearly six months since the murder of John T. Since then footage of SPD brutalizing people have been leaked to the public, and just over a week since officers attacked anti-police demonstrators in their Seattle home.

In the early morning of Sun Feb. 6th the police approached a person vaguely matching the description of a suspect in a burglary on a nearby porch. After being asked for their badge numbers and denied entry to the house the pigs snuck in through an open window and attacked six people, arresting three and charging them with assault on an officer. One pig exclaimed “I’m going to Ian Burke your ass motherfucker” to one individual as he was handcuffed and beaten. Though the house didn’t seem to be targeted due to knowledge of anti-police demonstrators residing there, once it was understood that these people weren’t going to take shit from the authority the pigs escalated with violence.

That same night a group of 40 supporters gathered outside the jail and held a noise demo show solidarity with their comrades and other prisoners. Bells, horns, whistles, pots and pans all rattled through the empty streets and into the jail. A surveillance camera was destroyed and a grate from the guards parking lot was ripped down. The chant “A.C.A.B.- All Cops Are Bastards!” caught on inside on multiple levels. We could see lights flicker and arms wave through windows. The prisoners heard us and understood why we were there. Our friends were released on Tuesday, with no charges sticking.

The old adage “an injury to one is an injury to all” rings true in the face of our common enemy: the State and Capitalism, whose police and prisons maintain the depravity and isolation of a world reduced to commodities and appearances.

This call out for Specifically West Coast solidarity is not meant to exclude any regions from acting (in fact we encourage it!) but to reaffirm networks of affinity that already exist. To realize our strength as a collective force, and the feelings of joy that spread through moments of solidarity and revolt in the face of a common enemy. It is our actions together that bind us.

Against the police and the Prison World they maintain!

Solidarity with all imprisoned comrades, and those still resisting!
To John Graham, Leonard Peltier, Scott Demuth, G20 Arrestees, Asheville 11, Imprisoned Chilean comrades.

Solidarity with all prisoners!
Destroy what destroys you!

Below is a list of recent anti-police activity in Seattle, from most to least recent.

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St. Louis: Liebig 14 Solidarity Attack Against Developers

On the night of February 6, the office of Millennium Restoration and Development on the corner of Arsenal and Arkansas was attacked. The developer’s windows were smashed. This action was taken in solidarity with and to mourn the loss of Liebig 14, one of Berlin’s autonomous, squatted housing complexes.
Keep your head up.
Keep dreaming.
Keep plotting ways out of this mess.

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Seattle, WA: Jail noise demo for comrades attacked in their home

From Puget Sound Anarchists

On Sunday night at 10pm around 40 people met in front of the downtown Seattle jail on 5th avenue. They proceeded to make noise with bells, pots, horns, yelling, screaming, howling, chanting, and the like. People yelled such things as “Hate, hate, hate, the hate inside of me. All cops are bastards, A-C-A-B!” and “cops, pigs, murderers!” A surveillance camera was taken down, a grate from the guards parking lot was ripped down, and a trashcan was thrown at a cop. A lot of noise was made for 40 minutes. People locked in jail were banging on the windows of several stories and could be visibly seen from across the street.

Many people came out to support their friends who, in the early hours of Superbowl Sunday, were threatened, attacked, and arrested by the police in their home. Two are now being held on false charges, and one has been released but still faces false charges. This all took place during a climate of escalating tensions with the SPD.

Solidarity with all imprisoned comrades, and those resisting police repression.

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We ain’t takin this no mo’: The streets fill with rage against the Denver cops

Denver, Colorado. January 29, 2011.
We ain’t takin this no mo’!

The Action

In a third round of street demonstrations against police terror in the Denver metro area in the last six months, hundreds took to the streets of downtown Denver on the night of January 29th. A crowd that started as 150 and at times fluctuated to almost twice that number stormed the 16th Street Mall, a commercial epicenter of downtown Denver in a display of rage that hasn’t been seen in Denver in quite some time.

The actions come on the heels of an endless series of police misconduct incidents, including the killing of a prisoner named Marvin Booker by Denver County Sheriffs at the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center in July 2010. A laundry list of beatings, rapes, child pornography and drug charges has marked police activity in the metro area. Lawsuit after lawsuit has been filed, with the city of Denver paying out millions of dollars over the last several years.

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Greece: International call for solidairty from three imprisoned members of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle


We are three political prisoners, members of the armed group Revolutionary Struggle [Epanastatikos Agonas], and we send you militant greetings from the Greek prisons.

We were arrested in April 2010 along with other three comrades who are being accused of involvement in the organization. Since then, we have been on pretrial detention [under the terrorism act], waiting to be referred to a trial in the first months of 2011.

In an open political letter to society, the three of us claimed political responsibility for our participation in the organization of Revolutionary Struggle. In this way, we defended our actions which were directed against the Capital and the State, and contributed through practice and speech towards the overthrow of the State and capitalism, aiming at social revolution, at a non-statist, anti-authoritarian, communal and communist society, in which assemblies and councils of the people will undertake social, political and economic operation and management.

By claiming political responsibility, we also want to defend the armed struggle, and to highlight its timelessness and importance within the broader struggle for the overthrow and social revolution. Most importantly, we want to highlight its relevance and necessity for our times. It is our belief that the appropriate objective conditions for the overthrow of capitalism have developed in this era of global economic crisis more than in any other time since the Second World War.

Also, by undertaking political responsibility we wanted to restore the memory and honour of our comrade Lambros Foundas, who was a member of the Revolutionary Struggle and was killed in an armed clash with cops in March 2010 during an attempted expropriation of a car –a preparatory action of a wider action plan of our organization.

The political, economic and social environment in which the Revolutionary Struggle was formed and has developed its action is very different from that of the Western-European urban guerrilla groups, which were active from the 1970s and 1980s up until the early 1990s. Back then the bipolar, the competition between the US-USSR and their political-economic systems were dominant. It was the time when the model of Keynesianism was sinking into crisis and political devaluation, as the Capital regained its strength against the proletariat, governments of Western countries one after the other abandoned state intervention in the economy – the so-called ‘economics of demand’ – and replaced them with ‘economics of supply’, while the States began the assault on labor and social gains, defending the interests of the economically powerful and imposing the neoliberal financial and political model of governance.

The economic and political environment in which the Revolutionary Struggle was formed was set by the USA monocracy, the economic globalization, the neoliberalism and the fight against terrorism, which is the peak of the political-military globalization. Because, for us, both the “fight against terrorism” and the totalitarianism of the markets are two sides of the same coin; they are the political and economic nature of the globalization. Whenever and wherever the globalization is not able to be imposed by the weapons of the capitalists and international financial institutions (IMF, WB, WTO, ECB, FED), by the financial tools of international stock markets, by poverty, hunger and marginalization, it is imposed by the sharpening of state violence and power, by the repression, the war and military incursions, by fire and iron.

The period from 2003, when the Revolutionary Struggle started its action, up to 2007, while the growing social crisis was creating strong social dissatisfaction, the neoliberal consensus was strong, due to the fact that the capitalist development was continued ‘smoothly’ using the bank loans, as a global scale bubble growing against the successive financial crises that were shaking the planet (Southeast Asia crisis, economic collapse in Argentina, Dot.com crisis in the US).

Since 2007, year of the fist ‘bursting of the bubble’ of the residential mortgage loans in the US, which gave the onset of the global financial crisis, the failure of the neoliberal consensus started, leading to a deeper and deeper political and social scorn for the regime.

During its first period the Revolutionary Struggle set as cutting-edge issues the ‘fight against terrorism’ with the military operations of the US and their Western allies to the countries of the region, and with the intensity of state violence, repression and terrorism in the countries of the capitalist centre and the semi-periphery, in which substantially Greece belongs (rocket attack against the US Embassy, attack against the former minister of Public Order, against police targets and courts), the neoliberal invasion, the marketization of all the economic and social functions left, the attack of the Capital against labor gains (bomb attacks against Ministries of Employment and Economy).

Then, since 2008, the global financial crisis was a true challenge for us in order to upgrade our action, making attacks against economic structures and institutions such as the stock market, Citibank and Eurobank. Our ambition was to hurt the vulnerable – due to the crisis – system as long as possible, to strongly sabotage the political choices of the Greek government and the ‘rescue-of-the-country’ plans imposed by the troika (IMF, EU, ECB).

This was the reason that PASOK government was so afraid of the Revolutionary Struggle, since – according to the statements of a member of the government – the organization ‘could blow up the financial measures.’ That’s why our arrests, which took place a few days before the IMF, the EU and the ECB entirely take the reins of power in Greece, were characterized by the Greek government and other European and American political factors as a great success.

For us, the financial crisis we live today is the first truly global crisis in history and the only one since the Great Depression of the early 1930s that affects so intensely all the countries of the capitalist centre, while its character is systemic; it concerns the nature of the capitalism itself and the nature of the market economy, and it is multi-dimensional, because other than financial it is political, social and environmental.

On the occasion of the current crisis, both economic and political elites around the world conduct a frontal attack against societies; former achievements of the labor movement are permanently buried in the name of competitiveness, the welfare state is long past, while institutions of the system such as the nation state lose their importance, concepts such as sovereignty have no real meaning, and representative democracy in many countries such as Greece, which come under the supervision of the transnational elite and economic institutions (IMF, Central banks, etc.) is humiliated, since in fact a series of constitutional provisions are cancelled, and it becomes the vehicle for the establishment of a globalized totalitarianism, that of markets, multinationals, bankers and their political institutions.

Against this charge of the political and economical elites there is no room for the implementation of Keynesian experiments and reforms. This has been obvious by the governments’ respond to the crisis, by unleashing their wildest neoliberal attack against the middle and lower classes, against the willing of the majority of people. On the occasion of the financial crisis, they forward the greatest robbery and looting in human history and the greatest transaction of wealth from the basis to the top of the social hierarchy, driving more and more people to hunger, impoverishment and death.

For vast parts of the societies both of the periphery and the centre of the capitalist world, the neoliberal model of development has bankrupt alongside the general economic regime. Next in line to fall is the political system of the representative democracy.

The lack of social consent doesn’t stop the European governments from a series of political coup d’état with the excuse of over-passing the crisis while supported only by minorities. In this way, they provoke the rage and exasperation of the social majorities, which quite often are expressed in violent ways on the streets of European cities (of France, England, Greece, Ireland, Italy…).

All the above record a series of political and social conditions that, for us, are the most appropriate in order to put into practice the international proletarian counterattack, to accomplish the overthrow of capitalism and the State, to undertake the revolution. Because today the dilemma of the fighters but also the people repressed is one: social revolution or total submission and death.

Our obligation is to create the subjective circumstances, namely to contribute to the creation of a polymorphic revolutionary movement at national and international level that will form the conditions for the realization of the social revolution.

Within this political and social situation, the armed struggle can be of particular importance and may hold a central role, as it may reflect the overall political conflict with the regime, to herald the armed proletarian counterattack of peoples and to propagandize in the most dynamic way the overthrow and social revolution.

We want our trial to be a political step to express in public these political positions; we want it to be registered in history as a moment of the struggle for freedom. To highlight the importance of the social revolution as the only answer to the crisis that condemns the largest parts of society to economic and social devastation.

[We want our trial] to become a public condemnation of the system and all its collaborationists no matter their political accession. To highlight that the armed struggle, despite the attacks by the system, is vivid and well-timed but also important in our days in order to promote the revolutionary process. We want to speak out the need for the formation of revolutionary movements everywhere, which will persuade the accomplishment of the social revolution.

In such a trial we believe that the best ‘witnesses of defense’ are the comrades who have chosen their dynamic clash with the system. These are the fighters who have been members of guerilla groups and have remained immovable and impenitent in their choices, by defending their struggles, their comrades who died in prison, those who were imprisoned for many years.

With their political statement in court, they will testify their own experiences, their own struggles as these were expressed through different social and economical conditions. They will speak about the timelessness and historical continuity of the social and class struggle that will be waged until the total destruction of the capitalist system. They will also speak about the struggle that is continued inside prison cells by the prisoners of this war. Because we do not choose the path of struggle to accept the conditions of imprisonment imposed by our enemy in order to morally defeat us and lead us to political or even physical extermination.

For us, that would be the best expression of solidarity; to make this trial a cry for freedom.

Pola Rupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

December 9, 2010

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Tijuana, Mexico: Anonymous Anarchist Action (archive)

Anonymous Anarchist Action, or Acción Anarquista Anónima (AAA), are an anarchist group in Tijuana, Mexico. 


  • November 2009: AAA burns 28 police trucks.
    (see below)
  • New Year’s Eve 2009 (to 2010): AAA machine guns various police vehicles, carries out several expropriations of OXXO stores, and kills a cop.
    (see below)
  • January 2010: AAA releases a statement on the arrest of Socorro Molinero, accused of the armed attacks on police that AAA themselves carried out.
    (see here in Spanish)
  • December 2011: AAA releases a statement against leftists.
    (see here in Spanish)
  • 2011 to 2012: AAA signs on to the joint statements of the insurrectional anarchist and eco-anarchist groups of Mexico.
    (see 1, 2, 3… the 1st & 2nd are in English and the 3rd in Spanish)

Hostile fire against all authority!

Flames claim 28 police trucks in Mexico

from thisisourjob via Klinamen [dead link, here is alternative]:

December 8, 2009

Communiqué from insurrectionalists in struggle inside the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Greetings to those who fight!

We are not a new organization presenting its beloved acronym to the controlling, foolish mass media. We are not a new guerrilla group, nor are we a new party. We are no Vanguard, nor do we want or try to be one; we do not direct or represent anyone. We represent ourselves, and we therefore take the shape of an affinity group and resolve to self-manage the struggle against everything that oppresses and exploits us. We decide to counterattack, to respond to the death imposed on us by capitalism and the state in their obsession to conquer.

We had preferred silence. To act in total anonymity through the insurrectional collective. But again, the controlling mass media—serving the exploiters—is trying to confuse those who fight, and forcing us to say what they hide. We are all vandals and criminals to capitalism and the state; we know that behind the war on drugs lurks the war on the oppressed, on the excluded. That’s why we decided to counter-inform in the face of lies and distortion.

Exactly one week ago, last Monday [November 30], we attacked—with anarchist fire—the fleet of patrol vehicles ready to be delivered to the municipal authorities in the Bulevar O’Higgins parking lot (on the Vía Rápida) in the Fortín de las Flores community, near the Mazda dealership and Mega Dulces in that city.

We managed to destroy 28 new patrol vehicles—the 2010 Ford F-150 model pickup (Lobo edition)—belonging to the Department of Public Municipal Security. Six were totally destroyed, and 22 suffered considerable damage, which amounts to millions of pesos in expenses.

This action is not an incident of vandalism, nor is it an “organized crime” operation on the orders of Arellano, Dr. Caro, El Teo, or Muletas; this is an anonymous anarchist action in solidarity with all our prisoners in the hands of the state, for the International Week of Agitation and Pressure in Solidarity with the Prisoners Seized by the Chilean State, and in support of comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s call for a hunger strike as a means of revolutionary struggle for our comrades in prison. Our action is in solidarity with comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández (prisoner in Mexico City), Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico Rodríguez, Sergio María Stefani, Francesco Porcu, Alessandro Settepani, Leonardo Landi, Pablo Carvajal, Matías Castro, Axel Osorio, Diego Petrissans, Amadeu Casellas Ramón, Alfredo María Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, and all the anarchist prisoners of the social war.

May the smoke from our action’s insurrectionary flames reach your cells, so you can smell the liberating aroma of gasoline; the cry of each one of your names will echo in the ears of the powerful.

For the spread of the counterattack and the realization of actions in every city.

Insurrectional creativity has no limits!
Death to the cops!
Fire to the world’s prisons!

– Anonymous Anarchist Action

 * * *

Communique for New Years action

Black Christmas: We unleashed all of our rage in these dates of consumerism and Christianity in Direct   Solidarity   with   all   of   our   comrades   kidnapped  by  the  Mexican  State  in  the  entire  world.

Comrades:   During   the   first   hours   of   this   new   year,   we   machine   gunned   three   police   vehicles   of   the Tijuana   Municipal   Police   as   well   as   one   private   police   car,   in   different   parts   of   the   city.   During the   attack   there   were   no   “victims  reported”,  our  intention  was  not  to  kill  the  cops  but  to  demonstrate that  we  are  still  active  and  in  solidarity  with  our  comrades.

We  did  this  as  a  gesture  of  solidarity  with  the  international  hunger  strike  of   anarchist  prisoners  called  for by  Gabriel  Pombo  Da  Silva…  from  the  20th  of   December   until   January   1st,   as   well   our   attack   is   in solidarity   with   our   comrades  Abrahán  López,  Fermín  Gómez,  Emmanuel Hernández  Hernández   and  Víctor Herrera  Govea  [currently  in  jail  in  Mexico  for  alleged  bombings  and   attacks   attributed   to   anarchist,   earth and   animal   liberation   cells].

We   will   also   continue   our   expropriations   from   OXXO   stores.   This   capitalist   business   took   part   in accusations   against   our   comrade   Víctor   Herrera.   Including   yesterday   we   have   carried   out   seven successful   expropriations.   We   have   ended   the   year   well,   which   permits   us   to   have   the   necessary means  to  continue  attacking  the  State  and  capital.  Unfortunately  during  one   expropriation  a  cop  who attempted  to  defend  the  interests  of  the  State  and   capital   died.   It   was   him   or   us.   Sadly,   two   robbers, without   ideological   motives,  were  captured  during  a  holdup  at  one  of  the  branches  of  the  same   business, the  police  are  trying  to  blame  them  for  our  actions.  We  write  this   to   clarify   that   the   only   “crime”   these individuals   were   involved   in   was   the  robbery where they were   arrested.

Comrades:  The best way to show solidarity with our imprisoned comrades is to constantly attack the State and capital, therefore we call on all affinity groups, collectives and anarchist individuals to join the insurrectionist counter attack, we invite you to give an answer to the death that the State and capitalism force upon us, from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego.

All   capitalist   businesses   are   our   objective:   banks,   stock   exchange,   currency   exchanges,  insurance companies,  department  stores,  OXXO,  Super  7,  Seven   Eleven,  Supermarkets.  All  government  installations  are our  objective  as  well:   cop  cars,  cops,  police  vans,  soldiers,  marines,  etc.  All  of  the  headquarters  of   all  of the  political  parties,  and  Unions.  All  churches  of  all  denominations.  All   authority   and   its   representatives are   our   enemy.   Insurrectionist   and   anti authoritarian   fire   to all   authority!

PS:  Brother  Gabriel  thank  you  for  your  words!*  You  are  not  alone!

Another  Anonymous  Anarchist  Action
Tijuana, Baja California.


* The words from Gabriel Pombo can be found here.

See also:- Liberación Total

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