INTERNATIONAL Call for Solidarity with the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle!

from actforfreedomnow:

International Call for Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle

The 5th of October 11  has been set as the day that the  trial of the Revolutionary Organization Revolutionary Struggle will begin.

The 5th of October has been set as the day that the  trial of the Revolutionary Organization Revolutionary Struggle will begin. The trial will take place in the court room of Koridallos prisons.

Eight accused will stand trial, who according to a recent order of the Council of Appeals will be tried for participation in the organization.

Accused in the case of the Revolutionary Struggle are: N. Maziotis, P. Roupa, K. Gournas, Ch. Kortesis,V. Stathopoulos,S. Nikitopoulos, K. K., (not arrested his on run) and M. Beraha (K.Gournas wife).

The first three accused, Maziotis, Roupa and Gournas have taken responsibility for the organization and remain imprisoned, but in mid October the 18month detention period expires. The rest of the accused are free.

Kortesis, Stathopoulos and Nikitopoulos were released from prison on terms recently, after two decisions of the council of Judges of appeals, since the Supreme Court applied a recantation on the first and another was made that ratified the decisions of the appeals judges.

The charges of each individual concern the felonies of constitution and participation in a terrorist organisation, supply manufacture and possession of explosive materials, explosions and numerous attempted homicides.

Revolutionary Struggle has made many attacks, among which the rocket launcher attack on the American embassy, on January 12th 2007 and the armed attack on cops on Bouboulinas street on January 5th 2009.

Revolutionary Struggle are thought to be responsible for the following attacks, all in Athens: 

  • September 5, 2003: Bombing at courthouse.
  • March 14, 2004: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Psychico neighborhood.
  • May 5, 2004: Bombing at police station in Perissos neighborhood.
  • October 29, 2004: Bombing of police buses.
  • June 2, 2005: Bombing at Labor Ministry.
  • December 12, 2005: Bombing at Finance Ministry in Syntagma Square, near Parliament.
  • May 30, 2006: Attempted assassination of Georgios Voulgarakis, former Minister of Public Order, now Minister of Culture.
  • January 12, 2007: Wasp 58 LAW rocket attack on United States Embassy.
  • April 30, 2007: Shots fired at police station in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
  • October 24, 2008: Bombing at Shell offices in Palaio Faliro neighborhood.
  • December 23, 2008: Shots fired at riot police bus near Athens University in Goudi neighborhood.
  • January 5, 2009: Shots fired at police guarding Culture Ministry in Exarcheia neighborhood. One riot cop critically wounded.
  • February 18, 2009: Car bombing at Citibank headquarters in Kifissia neighborhood. Bomb fails to detonate.
  • March 9, 2009: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
  • May 12, 2009: Bombing at Eurobank subsidiary in Argyroupoli neighborhood.
  • September 2, 2009: Car bombing causes serious damage to Stock Exchange building.

”’The three comrades who took responsibility for the actions of Revolutionary Struggle show that fighting for what you believe in is not a task that only the “elite” can take on. Its in everyone that has suffered in the system that has been created to control us. The state knows they are the real terrorists and as long as no one is fighting back they have nothing to fear. Its time to show them enough is enough and attack it with all means available.”’






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Chile: Update and situation of the defendants of the Bombs Case

from libertadalos14a, translated by santiaskoanarquista:

This is the list of the 14 comrades who were and are (even when at home), kidnapped by the Chilean state, starting from August 14, 2010.

Comrades involved in the Bombs Case:

Monica Caballero: “Free” signed monthly from August 1, 2011. She spent 180 days in custody plus 2 more months and has now been on conditional release for almost 4 months.
Prosecutor’s Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 10 years and a day for a specific link to a bombing (September 21, 2009 in the Church of Sacraments)

Andrea Urzua: House arrest (only for nights 20:00 to 06:00 hrs) since June 26, 2011. She also served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy.

Pablo Morales: House arrest (for night from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since August 1, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: Framed as leader of the conspiracy, which results in a minimum of 20 years in prison.

Rodolfo Retamales: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since August 1, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: Framed as leader of the conspiracy, which results in a minimum of 20 years in prison.

Vinicio Aguilera: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since June 26th, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy.

Felipe Guerra: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since July 13, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 10 years and a day for a specific link to a bombing (Prison School in May 2009)

Carlos Riveros: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since July 13, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 3 years for being alleged financier of the conspiracy.

Camilo Perez: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since August 1, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy.

Francisco Solar: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since August 1, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 15 years and a day for a specific link to a bomb explosion (State Defense Council, National Intelligence Agency in January 2006 and Chilectra La Cisterna in October 2007)

Omar Hermosilla: House arrest (night only from 22:00 to 06:00 hrs) since June 26, 2011. He served 180 days in custody plus 2 months and has been out for almost 4 months.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 3 years for being alleged financier of the conspiracy.

Cristian Cancino: Conditional release.
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy.

Diego Morales: Conditional release
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy.

Candelaria Cortez: Conditional release
Requested Sentence: 10 years in prison as part of a conspiracy over 10 years and a day for a specific link to a bombing (Atal Automotives in March 2007)

Ivan Goldenberg: Conditional release
Requested Sentence: 540 days for illegal possession of firearm.

Places where they were imprisoned:
C.P.F.: Women’s Prison
S.E.A.S.: High Security Section
C.A.S.: High Security Prison
M.A.S.: High Security Module

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Italy: Hundreds of immigrants in revolt in Bari

from the press:

ROME – Hundreds of immigrants in Bari detention centre for immigrants have blocked roads and tracks near the centre in protest against the bureaucratic delays that delay the release of the status of refugees. Clashes in Isola Capo Rizzuto, in front of the reception centre.
In Bari, the migrants blocked Highway 16 in both directions and the railway line that passes close to Cara. The police have intervened massively. Violent clashes, dozens of injuries among agents, thirty arrested. The situation was a mess all morning, until the start of a negotiation and, at 2pm, at the end of the protest when the prefect of Bari provided written guarantees to respond to immigrants by Wednesday.
The rail traffic on the Bari-Foggia was interrupted between Bari and Bari Palese Airport Industrial Zone. This caused the cancellation of 12 regional trains and delays for many long-distance trains.
Shortly after clashes began between immigrants and the police. Some demonstrators armed with stones and iron bars attacked police. Police cars were damaged. Immigrants also attacked a bus, with stones. Most immigrants come from Central Africa: Mali, Nigeria and Cameroon.
They lit some fires along the railway line and placed rocks on the tracks. The blocks were gradually removed by the police and the Railway employees. With a series of charges and the use of tear gas the police have made the protesters retreat to the area of ​​Cara. Immigrants, however, continued to resist and were armed with iron bars and stones.

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Italy: Massive fire at Tiburtina station in Rome paralyzes rail traffic

from angry news:


24/07/2011 – Dozens of hours were necessary for Roman firefighters to stop the fire that paralyzed rail traffic all over Italy. The fire destroyed a new building under construction in the Tiburtina station in Rome. The Italian railways are advising passengers not to take the train if possible. According to preliminary information available, no one was hurt. The damage is “enormous”.

The reasons for this fire have not yet been established, but the prosecutor does not rule out arson. The old part of the station of Turina was also affected, mainly administrative offices of the Italian Railways.

Tiburtina is one of the largest rail interchanges in the city of Rome. The station under construction is to house the TAV – High-speed Italian trains. The TAV is facing many hostile voices, recently in the Turin area ​​violent protests were organized against the project of this train. But members of the collective opposed to the TAV strongly denied being linked directly or indirectly to the fire on Sunday.Chaos without trains due to the fire moved to Bologna, Florence, and in Mediolano as well as the Roman station of Turina.

The building affected by fire will be destroyed, it is unrecoverable according to various experts.

Rome’s metro has also experienced very strong perturbations due to the fire.

Here is what some Italian comrades have to say:, 07/27/11

Corda tesa

While in Val Susa the battle between the volunteers rushing to defend the Free Republic of the Maddalena was raging against the Praetorians sent to enforce the Republic of Slave Italy, a blaze in the night in Rome destroyed the new control room of Tiburtina station (a node of the Tav), blocking the national rail traffic. The suspicion that there may be a link between the protests in the valley and the metropolitan fire was immediate, as was immediate the outrage and denial of “NoTav People” through its public representatives; institutional assurances on probable natural causes were late in coming and not very convincing: it is a short circuit, less likely to be sabotage, or perhaps the side effect of a simple theft of copper.

But this suspicion has been creeping for hours and has not entirely disappeared – midway between hope and fear – a lot is being said. On the fear of the authorities as the possibilities of action. Those who are terrorised and those who are enthusiastic: the possibility that the struggle against the Tav could come out of this far away valley in Piedmont to explode throughout the country. That it finally gets rid of the unbearable citizenist litany to take up the weapon of sabotage. A thought at the same time terrible and wonderful. And not only is it possible, it is also easy. No video surveillance system, no increased patrols will ever be able to guarantee the effectiveness of a rail network which is spread over tens of thousands of miles. There is no need to take a train and get on the wagon of politics to try to stop the High Speed. There is no need to be generous, humble and silent labourers for the small differently republican strategists.

The fire in Rome burned for fifteen hours before being extinguished. But the ashes left behind rebel embers continue to sprout. Tav sites have burned elsewhere in Italy, as did the lorries of a company involved in the work of Chiomonte. And now firemen are arriving from everywhere with their water pumps, those that spit foam and those that bring out press releases. It is especially the latter – the spokespersons, representatives, leaders – who are working the most to throw water on the fire. The day before yesterday, they disapproved of the fire in Florence, yesterday they were horrified by that of Rome, now they condemn that of Susa. But what, within the noble and generous “NoTav People” were not all the minds, the methods, all the behaviour supposed to live together in respect for differences? Were not all welcome, those who make prayers to heaven ajust as those who throw curses on earth?

Well no. It’s all rhetoric, lies, as demonstrated by the spitting of condemnation on the flames of the sabotage, too singular to deserve the applause of the masses. The ovations addressed to other hunter-alpine soldiers who guarded the Chiomonte site. The only thing that seems welcome in Val Susa is the foul cohabitation – product of collusion between those who advocate that another politic is possible, another Republic is possible, another State is possible, and those who would like the end of all politics all Republics, all States. A dialectical game carried out by an alternation of tacit agreements and patient sighs, of closed eyes and plugged noses, linguistic acrobatics and timely omissions, in view of settling the final account. Lies and hypocrisy, with in the precociously dried up heart the hope of having become so skilled that one can even manage to do business with bankers.

Suspicions about the fire in Rome, like the certainties concerning those in the regions of Modena, Florence and Susa, are there to warn that this putrid political friendship that guarantees concorde where there can only be conflict, might well cease from one moment to the next.

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Seattle, WA: Department of Corrections office attacked

from puget sound anarchists (Aug 1, 2011):

Last night a Department of Corrections office in West Seattle had its windows broken. “Against Prison” was written on the building as well. In solidarity with all those who face the everyday violence and repression of prison and the police. Fire to the prisons.

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Netherlands: Statement to the court from one of the nameless

The following statement is from one of the individuals who was arrested during the most recent anti-squatting wave of evictions in Amsterdam and refused to give their name to the policial-judicial system, resulting in them spending longer in captivity than those who identified themselves. The new squatting ban in the Netherlands is attempting through repression to wipe out the entire basis of solidarity between squatters.

from 5th of July Solidarity:

Excerpt from nn1416 statement to court

We’re neither illegal, nor legal. We are people, and we experience every minute of our stolen freedom as ten long years; and don’t be deceived: the fact that we can watch CNN and Comedy Central, and are allowed to breathe the outside air twice a day, doesn’t make it any nicer.

Please don’t try and tell me that if the border between two countries lies in a forest, and that if you wander ten meters in the wrong direction, you are suddenly what’s known as an “illegal” person and therefore deserve confinement, humiliation, and violence. Unless anyone seriously still cherishes such medieval fantasies, it’s quite clear: no one is illegal. What we are, is unwanted.

We are condemned, like everyone else, to stand, sit, or lie somewhere on the surface of the Earth. We can’t really help that, unfortunately. If you’re driven away everywhere you go, what then?

I’m quite certain that the only thing we can really count on in the coming 50 years is misery on this planet. But the only thing which can never truly be taken away from us is solidarity; not only with people who suffer, but with those who refuse to make them suffer, and pay a sharp price for it; with those who stand up for the violated rights of us all; with the unimaginable terror that a missing bicycle light could lead to imprisonment and deportation to a place from whence you once had a very good reason to flee.

The fact that you’ve been beaten by the police doesn’t make you a violent person; the fact that you are sitting before a judge doesn’t make you guilty; the fact that you refuse to cooperate with an inhumane policy doesn’t make you illegal. Unwanted, maybe.

But since the cause of human misery is so often other humans, we — human beings — are the only ones who can do something to change that.

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Tacoma, WA: Justin Solondz, accused in ELF case, to face trial in September

from the fucking press:

TACOMA — The man accused of building the firebomb used by Earth Liberation Front radicals to torch the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture in 2001 pleaded not guilty Wednesday to several federal charges.

Justin Solondz, 31, was arrested July 6 in Chicago after his expulsion from China, where he had been serving a prison term for selling drugs.

A former student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Solondz is charged with conspiracy, arson, making an unregistered destructive device and using a destructive device during a violent crime, a charge that could result in a life sentence.

After the hearing in U.S. District Court in Tacoma, Solondz’s attorney said his client was glad to be back in the United States.

Solondz was a purported member of a cell of radical environmentalists known as “The Family” who are believed to have participated in a string of arsons and other sabotage that caused $80 million in damage in Washington, Oregon, California and Colorado.

Prosecutors allege that Solondz built a firebomb in a “clean room” behind a home in Olympia, transported it to Seattle and served as the getaway driver the night of the UW arson.

The firebomb was planted in the office of UW professor Toby Bradshaw at the Center for Urban Horticulture. Bradshaw was targeted because the arsonists believed, mistakenly, he was genetically engineering trees.

Damage from the arson was estimated at more than $6 million.

In June, Briana Waters pleaded guilty to charges of arson, conspiracy to use a destructive device, possessing an unregistered destructive device and the use of an explosive device in a crime of violence in connection with the arson. She agreed to testify against Solondz, whose trial is scheduled for Sept. 19.

Waters, 35, is Solondz’s former girlfriend.

Two other women, Lacey Phillabaum and Jennifer Kolar, pleaded guilty to the UW arson and were sentenced to three and five years, respectively.

Also charged in the UW arson was William C. Rodgers, who committed suicide in an Arizona jail in December 2005.

Solondz was indicted in Washington state and California in 2006. The FBI issued a $50,000 reward in late 2008 for information leading to his arrest. At the time, the FBI said he might be in Canada, Europe or Asia.

He surfaced in Dali, a Chinese city popular with Western tourists, using a phony Canadian identification and an altered appearance. He was arrested in a drug investigation in March 2009.

Paul Solondz said his son did not flee the United States to avoid prosecution, according to The Associated Press. He said Solondz went to Italy for a wedding in 2005 and traveled from there, visiting Holocaust sites in Europe before going to Russia and China.

He entered China with a valid visa and renewed it twice, his father said.

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Italy: Raids and repression as anti-TAV struggle continues

from the fucking press:

la stampa

29/07/2011 – The Digos has made a series of raids in the night in Turin, Susa Valley and the Canavese. At the centre of the investigation some members of the anarchist, autonomous and also the No Tav movement. One of them was accompanied to police headquarters for legal clarifications. The operation, coordinated by the deputy director of Digos Tartone Cecilia, came two hours after the end of the clashes in the Chiomonette site between about two hundred hooded demonstrators and law enforcement.

Of the seven raids that have already occurred, two were on the delegation of the judicial authorities for threatening behaviour, while five are the initiative of Digos looking for weapons and explosives in relation to the attacks made against the police in recent days. At the moment – the police announced – some slingshots, firecrackers and gas masks were discovered and seized.

The same ‘equipment’ used last night, when the extremists launched lead balls, bolts and stone against police. The resultt is six wounded, one in serious condition with a leg injury: three policemen, two pcarabinieri and a finance guard. The attacks were unleashed from two sides: the archaeological area, which in recent days has already suffered serious damage, and the area under the motorway viaduct Clarea. Calm returned around 3.30, but the A32 was closed for 5 hours.

The police report that “protractedvehement attacks.” The protesters tried to attack a metal cable to the network in an attempt to eradicate it, but the rope was cut off by the police. During the night, protesters also set fire to the wooded area opposite the Archaeological Museum, which was promptly extinguished. For the duration of the unrest on the Avana road, in the area of ​​Chiomonte power plant, a hundred inhabitants of the Susa Valley against the railway infrastructure, carried out a vigil of protest.


Antenna 3
Last night a patrol of the Traffic Police, the ring road of the Val Susa near the exit of the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia, Turin arrested a 46 year old man, carrying 57 gas masks and 118 filters, a sporting sling and 96 balls of lead. The man who, according to police, belongs to the Committee for the popular struggle against the high-speed railway, has been charged with illegal possession of offensive objects. In the car in which he was traveling, the agents found a few boxes still packed with masks, worth about three thousand euros. According to the police station, in shops in Val Susa and around Turin, there has been an “extraordinary increase” in sales of construction material, such as helmets, padded gloves as well as gas masks in recent day.

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Scott DeMuth released!

from Scott and Carrie Support:

We’re excited to let you all know that Scott was released earlier today and is on a bus heading back home to Minneapolis! His prison sentence is now complete and he’s excited to be coming home. While he still has a year of supervised release ahead of him, he’ll once again be with his family, friends, comrades, and loved ones here in the Twin Cities.

We’d also like to thank all of you for the tremendous amount of support you’ve shown him and Carrie Feldman from the beginning of this ordeal, when Carrie was subpoenaed to the grand jury in Davenport, IA in late 2009. Since then, you’ve supported both Carrie and Scott while they were in jail or prison, helped us raise the much-needed funds for their legal defenses, helped spread the word about their cases and other Green Scare cases, and shown the power of our solidarity in the face of state repression.

Continue reading

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Chile: Two Citizen Safety guard posts torched in Santiago

From Liberación Total (July 29, 2011) via mass media, translated by this is our job:

During the evening of Thursday, July 28, two Santiago Municipality Citizen Safety guard posts were attacked.

The first attack happened at around 10 p.m., when masked perpetrators threw Molotov cocktails at a guard post located at the intersection of Calle Erasmo Escala and Calle Maipú. The resulting fire partially damaged the exterior, and the municipal guard stationed there sustained minor injuries after cutting himself while exiting through the window.

The second attack took place 20 minutes later, just meters from the first, at another Citizen Safety guard post located at the intersection of Calle Martínez de Rosas and Calle Maturana. There, the masked perpetrators forcibly removed the municipal guard before dousing the guard post with gasoline and pelting it with Molotov cocktails. The resulting fire completely destroyed the guard post.

Carabineros and Investigative Police (PDI) “intelligence” agents arrived at the scene of both incidents to investigate in an attempt to determine the perpetrators’ identities. Prosecutor Humberto Vásquez is leading the investigation, and he used the press to call on citizens to collaborate with the authorities’ information gathering, especially if any video recordings of the attacks exist.

Also present was Santiago mayor Pablo Zalaquett. The extreme rightist classified the incidents as anarchist attacks, adding that “those responsible will rot in prison” as an example to anyone else who dares to subvert authority.

The following text was found on leaflets at the sites of both attacks:


We condemn and avenge the beating of an unnamed comrade by Citizen Safety during the June 23 march.

We have witnessed how Citizen Safety, in complicity with the Carabineros, harasses and persecutes street vendors.

These municipal functionaries have been transformed into Zalaquett’s police, and since they are police, we will attack them as such.

No aggression will go unanswered.

First guard post:

Second guard post:

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U$A: Antisec Destroys Several Dozen Law Enforcement Websites, Promise Massive Leak

communique from Antisec:


      `-`                                 +#antisec#anti:s/
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   "I'll throw a molotov cocktail at the precinct, You know how we think..."

      _  _                   __  .__
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   \   __   / \__  \  /    \   __\  |/  ___// __ \_/ ___\       #antisec
    |  ||  |   / __ \|   |  \  | |  |\___ \\  ___/\  \___       #lulzsec
   /_  ~~  _\ (____  /___|  /__| |__/____  >\___  >\___  >      #fuckthepolice
     |_||_|        \/     \/             \/     \/     \/       #freemercedes



Time for us to conduct a raid of our own.

In retaliation to the unjust persecution of dozens of suspected Anonymous
"members", we attacked over 70 US law enforcement institutions defacing their
websites and destroying their servers. Additionally, we have stolen massive
amounts of confidential documents and personal information including email
spools, password dumps, classified documents, internal training files, informant
lists, and more to be released very soon. We demand prosecuters immediately drop
all charges and investigations against all "Anonymous" defendants.

The 10GB of private law enforcement data contains:
  * The mail spools of police officers from dozens of different PDs
  * Usernames, passwords, social security numbers, home addresses and phone
numbers to over 7000 officers
  * A list of hundreds of snitches who made "anonymous" crime tips to the police
  * Hundreds of internal police academy training files

The leaked data also contained jail inmate databases and active warrant
information but we are we redacting the name/address info to demonstrate how
those facing the gun of the criminal injustice system are our comrades and not
our adversaries. On the other hand, we will be making public name and contact
information about informants who had the false impression that they would be
able to "anonymously" snitch in secrecy. 

To law enforcement: your bogus trumped-up charges against the Anonymous paypal
LOIC attacks will not stick, nor will your intimidation tactics stop us from
exposing your corruption. While many of the recent "Anonymous" arrestees are
completely innocent, there is no such thing as an innocent cop, and we will act

To our hacker comrades: now is the time to unite and fight back against our
common oppressors. Escalate attacks against goverment, corporate, law
enforcement and military targets: destroy their systems and leak their private

In our fight for a world free from police, prisons and politicians, we will
continue to expose their corruption and destroy their systems. Remember there
are more of us than there are of them, and they can never stop us all.

                           Solidarity means Attack!

  "The day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices
  you are throttling today." - August Spies, Anarchist Haymarket Martyr

 Continue reading 
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Chile: Letter from comrade Camilo ‘Viejo Loco’ Pérez from house arrest to imprisoned comrades

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Letter in solidarity with the comrades of the CCF, the accused in the “Halandri case” and with other imprisoned comrades.

May the shadows of the eclipse not hide Solidarity. May the sun continue to dawn!

“(…) We go on gathering hate,
until it explodes and sweeps up all the rabble.*
And all the while we will continue to struggle;
the prisons do not diminish our forces, they augment them.
Know this, Mr. Judge, and know this each of you: the masquerade has only given us disgust and laughter,
and more disgust than laughter–disgust for all because you are all vampires.”

– “Governmental Deeds,” from La Batalla (“The Battle”) periodical, 1913.

The information struck me like a fierce blow: extreme sentences for the accused members of the Revolutionary Organization “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” [R.O. C.C.F.] in Greece, and I will not let myself be gagged simply for being charged and caged in my home/prison for the “bombs case,” I will not be complicit in an easygoing and silent self-censorship, I express my solidarity, spitting a little ink and, perhaps, a bit of my black heart…

And my aim is modest, these words do not seek to be more than an embrace to the loyal themselves, to the proud who with their high gazes do not disown their lives and revolutionary positions, consistent with their negation of reality, of that reality that they continue to combat inside or outside of prison, this letter is a strong embrace that soars low over thousands of stormy leagues and that in another tongue–but in the same language of the passionate love of freedom–intends to solidarize with you comrades who drank, and continue to avail yourselves of, the flavor of a free life, although within a cell.

Haris Hadzimihelakis, Panagiotis Argyrou, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Panagiotis Masouras, Konstantina Karakatsani, Aleksandros Mitrousias, Emmanuel Giospas, Nikos Vogiatzakis and Errikos Rallis, who the damn State intends to cage for long years in order to demonstrate its vengeful authority (I have no doubt that Power would love to hang them in a public plaza) in order to intimidate those who even think of imitating the courage and daring with which they raised themselves in war against society, nor do I doubt that their convictions and desires cannot be crushed by any filthy cage, because the rebels who never settle for applauding, spectator-like, others’ insubordination are not easy to bend–it is for you the ungovernables that these fraternal words are intended. For the irreducible individuals belonging or not to the R.O. C.C.F. accused in the “Halandri” case, my deepest Respect and Strength.

Freedom for Constantino, Silvia and Billy, imprisoned in Switzerland!

Freedom for Francisco Moreno Orellana, Sergio Vasquez, Alberto Olivares, Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla, Esteban Huiniguir, Patricio Gallardo, Alejandro Rodríguez, imprisoned in Chile!

At ten years since your assassination, I salute your memory, rebel Carlo Giulini!

Immense strength for the warrior “Tortuga” (Luciano Pitronello)!

Strength to all who “fly free”! because I am sure that there is yet enough courage to continue to passionately kiss beautiful freedom…

El Viejo Loco [“The Crazy Old Man,” Camilo Pérez] (who also hears crows in his head)
South America, July 2011.

* translator’s note: There is an untranslatable double-meaning to arrolle in the original, which we translate as “sweeps up,” but can refer to either being rolled up as part of a force (like a snowball effect or surfing), or being routed and crushed by a similar force (as in an avalanche or tsunami will do). This is an interesting linguistic point because of the particular relationship of anti-social anarchists (such as CCF and El Viejo Loco) toward the ‘rabble’.

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Switzerland: Supreme court and AXPO in Zurich attacked in solidarity with Silvia Billy Costa

The communique in German can be found here.

We are not going to attempt a proper translation, but in brief it claims responsibility for attacks (broken glass and graffiti) to the Supreme Court in Zurich and an AXPO (public power company behind nuclear plant construction) building. (night of July 22 to 23)

They also mention that the Supreme Court is where eco-anarchist Marco Camenisch was tried in 2004.

The attacks are claimed in solidarity with eco-anarchists Silvia, Billy and Costa who were recently sentenced to over three years in prison each.

It is signed simply: Solidarität!

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New Orleans, LA: Banner Drop Against the Judicial System & Police

from Nola Anarcha:

received via email:

A banner was hung and fliers were tossed today near Canal and Rampart Streets in relation to the ongoing Danziger 7 trial. The banner read:


The fliers were tossed all up and down Canal Street. Pedestrians were picking them up, and some nodded to us in agreement before we left. The flier ends with a simple call, similar to the one made during the Oscar Grant trial in California:


This action was taken to counteract the lame, uncritical leftist cheer-leading going on during the Danziger 7 trial. Leftists relentlessly critique the justice system and point out how the system is rigged against the poor and people of color, yet they are all too willing to embrace that system the few times it decides to go after police officers who are caught red-handed in moments of excessive force.

The charade going on in the Danziger 7 trial is meant to reassure the public that the justice system is impartial and metes out punishment evenly for anyone who commits a crime. Everyone knows this is bullshit, yet leftists publicize this example of “the justice system working” and help to perpetuate the myths it spreads about equal justice under the law.

“Before the law, beggars and kings are equally forbidden from stealing bread or sleeping under a bridge.” -Elena Kagan

Fuck judges, fuck courts, and fuck leftists who uncritically embrace them the moment they take a minute of their time away from crushing the souls of, stealing the lives of, and robbing the fuck out of the poor. That is like cheering for someone who has just beaten your face bloody, because they decided to hit someone else for a change. It is absolutely idiotic.

The courts will never be on the side of the poor because the police and the court system work for the same master: the rich. Anything they do only serves the interests of keeping the rich in power, including when they put on show-trials to help maintain their facade of legitimacy in the eyes of the increasingly cynical and critical public. And leftists are right there to give them a hand with it (Why do you think the mainstream media are so willing to put the trial on their front page?). We refuse that role. We know jailing the Danziger 7 killers will do nothing to change the system that is surely creating new officers just like them at this very minute. The only way justice can be served, and people of color and poor people can be safe, is to get rid of the police altogether!

-some anarchists

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