Tacoma: Two Wells Fargos Smashed in Solidarity with Greek Anarchist Simos Seisidis

On the night of March 30th two Wells Fargo banks in Tacoma had their windows smashed. This was done for the international day of solidarity with Simos Seisidis, a greek anarchist facing trial for the case of the “robbers in black” as well as six more bank robberies. For more information read http://325.nostate.net/?p=1857

If we smash the windows it’s not because life is expensive, but because commodities prevent us from living at all costs. Anyone who would defend a bank is either a fool or a cop.

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Seattle, WA: Banner Drop and Disruption in Solidarity with Greek Anarchist Simos Seisidis

Today in Seattle in solidarity with Simos Seisidison the day his trial begins and the day of international solidarity with him–a group of anarchists dropped a banner off the roof of a shopping center and strung another across the street. The rooftop banner read, “Total Freedom for Greek Anarchist Simos Seisidis. Anyone who defends a bank is either a fool or a cop!” The other read, “Not out of pity nor out of duty but because we are anarchists solidarity is our weapon” Flares and smoke bombs were thrown into the intersection to disrupt rush hour traffic and over twelve-hundred leafleats were thrown from the roof and in the street. We did this in spite of the presence of a police cruiser parked at the intersection. A crowd of pedestrians gathered, picking up leaflets and talking excitedly about what they had seen, as the anarchists disappeared in seconds. People were heard commenting positively about the “anarchist flash mob,” and one even climbed up to the roof, looked down at the banner, and then raised his fists in the air in excitement.

Below are photos from the action and the text from the flier. (Click the images for full-size.)

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Windsor, NC, Heats Up: Prisoners Set Fires, Barricade Doors, and Engage in “Riotous Type Protest”

Comrades and outside supporters of the prisoners at Bertie CI in Windsor, NC, have received word that two prisoners on Solitary Confinement recently barricaded themselves in their cells as a protest of prison conditions and repression. This “lock-in” action lasted four days, and was timed to coincide with an outside demonstration by anarchists and supporters on March 12th. It also coincided with the second of two national call-in days to the prison and NC Department of Corrections.

Two days into the lock-in, which began March 10th, about twenty anarchists gathered outside the prison with drums, pots and pans, and large banners reading, “Against Prisons.” According to one prisoner:

“In regards to the demo on the 12th, the pigs tried to keep it under wraps from everyone. Usually, when a disturbance happens, they’ll lock the facility down. On this occasion, they figured if no one brought attention to it then they could go on as if everything was normal. One problem though. There are rooms facing the parking lot and prisoners were able to see what was happening! Word of mouth is effective. We started kicking on the door and flooding. A couple prisoners set fires.”

Another prisoner got written up for his behavior, his disciplinary report alleging, “creating a riotous type protest and causing other inmates to do the same thing.” Two days later, the prisoners conducting the lock-in were forcefully extracted from their cells, and later promised that many of their demands would be met.

The following [after the jump] is a description of the lock-in action by one of the prisoners involved, as well as the demands they submitted to prison authorities:

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Bank of America Visited in Olympia

Today, in the early hours of the morning, a Bank of America, in Olympia had all of its locks and ATMs glued shut. Paint was also splattered on the side of the building. Although this but a small gesture, this actions goes out to all the comrades near and far agitating against the police. We recognize that the banks are just another bar that keep us imprisoned in a society that we have no desire to live in. A society we wish to destroy.

Mad love to all the other circles A’s in the northwest holding it down.

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Montreal March 15 Repression

This information is being spread so that folks know what the 5-0 in Montreal have been up to and what to prepare for in the future.

On March 15th in Montreal, an hour before the annual anti-police demo, two anarchists were preventatively arrested. A cop car with its sirens on pulled over the taxi they were in, and both pigs drew their guns, yelling for them to step out of the car with their hands on their head. Three pigs wearing suits who looked like detectives were on the sidewalk behind the taxi with their guns drawn. At this point the intersection was shut down by at least 10 cruisers coming in from different directions, with numerous pigs standing around outside of their cars. The two were searched, under the pretext that the preventative arrest was for a weapons breach. This is because both anarchists were among the ten that were arrested in the black bloc on March 12th through a similarly ‘preventative’ tactic. All ten were initially charged with conspiracy and ‘possession of weapons with dangerous intent’ although the conspiracy charges were subsequently dropped. After finding no weapons, they drove them around the corner and released them.

While being uncuffed, a brief one-way interaction occurred between a chief pig who acted like he was in control of the operation and one of the anarchists, in which he said “We have the whole city locked down right now”, “You got lucky this time, but I know that your friends were bringing weapons for you”, “We’ve been following you all morning” and “You saw what we were able to do on the 12th”.

Both the use of drawn guns and the spectacular nature of the ten-minute detainment seem to have had the intention of intimidation. Yet, it is important for anarchists in this city to know what took place, so as to prepare for its possibility in the future.

As we all knew before, the pigs pay some attention to anarchists in this city. They have a history of watching houses for periods of time and trying to follow people around before demos. The use of preventative arrest, a spectacular display of feigned strength that involved guns, regular mass arrests, and house and physical surveillance (followed around in cars and on foot) have occurred. Obviously, this update is not intended to cause paranoia to spread, but to understand what they’ve been up to in order to be safer and smarter in the future.

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Indonesia: Bank Central Asia attacked with molotovs by God Is Dead Insurrectionary Front

Makassar, Indonesia – An ATM of Bank Central Asia was attacked with firebombs at midnight March 25. Leaflets were left at the scene, stating:

The State, Military and Police Institutions and Banks are the Real Terrorists

PT Indomining (Bima) has carried out brutal repression against local communities, Jogja International Mangasa want to get rid of 30 thousand farmers in Kulon Progo. Takalar farmers threatened with loss of their land. And all this is done brutally, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment and other oppression that we never hear from the media.

No wonder, after all company-bureaucrat-capitalists are not concerned about anything other than just lining their pockets!

Our attack against an ATM (bank) is an important target because the bank is always involved in the funding of natural resource extraction and suppression of people on behalf of the capital! We do not intend to hurt anybody, destruction of objects is not violence! There is no forgiveness for the oppressor! No mercy for the state and capitalism!

– God is Dead Insurrectionary Front Continue reading

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Car of a security-company torched in Berlin

The claim:

“First of may is knocking on our doors and the security-machine is working at full stretch. In Halle and in Bremen the nazimarchs going to take place by any means neccessary, just to show how democracy is working in germany.
In some districts of Berlin a ritualised squatting of scary police forces is going to take place. Far away from an actually moment of class struggle the first of may symbolises the current stage of counter-insurgency in Germany.

Even without living in a step before a revolt, Berlin is practicising one of the highest-developed concepts of oppression in europe – every small spark of unrest is suffocated by any means neccessary, mass-arrests are already preprogrammed.
But who is arresting also has to be sure that the prisons are safe. Security is the only discourse these days, which is led by „democracy“. Without the many helping hands, security would be not able to be as established as it is. A company that is a well established wheel in this machine of oppession is the company B.I.N.N.S. They install electronic alarmsystems in all prisons in Berlin.

Their speciality is the connection of optic and sensoric alarm-triggering with the alarm-centre of the JVA (general name of prisons in Germany).
B.I.N.S.S. applies for commisions for the new planned prison in Großbeeren. For autonomous groups there is a need to beat up this part of the security-chain. We did that on the evening of the 24th march by torching a car of the company B.I.N.S.S. at Knipprodestraße, directly on the other side of the copstation. In the next weeks some more protagonists of the social war, that is practicised from the upper class on the lower classes, will stand in front of burnt out cars. Maybe aswell Franz Schultz, Görlitzer Straße 61. A perfect person of mediation for police-violence, be it at the eviction of Liebig 14 or at the first of may in Kreuzberg. Schulz, a liberal major, pretends to be different then Körting (senat of Berlin). But in reality they are brothers in spirit. As an outlook for all riot-tourists and fotographers of desasters:
Its worth to visit Berlin on the first of may!

Vandalism Team of autonomous groups”


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Freedom Now for Simos Seisidis – International Call for Solidarity 3/30/11 (Greece)

From 325

On the 30/3/2011 the trial for the case of “the robbers in black” will take place in the first degree, regarding the January 2006 National bank robbery on Solonos st., central Athens, and six more bank robberies. It is the same case for which Yiannis Dimitrakis was finally sentenced, in the second degree, to 12,5 years of imprisonment. This time Simos Seisidis, who had been a fugitive for 4,5 years, is in the place of the accused.

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Montreal, QC: Two Security Companies Attacked

Windows were smashed and paint was thrown on the walls and surveillance cameras of two security companies in Montreal, QC. One company was attacked for its role in the installation of CCTV cameras and the other because it trains security agents. Take aim and target those complicit in the maintenance of this society of domination.

Solidarity to the North West US in their struggle against the pigs & to Montreal area anarchists facing state repression.


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Portland, OR: Flashmob Attacks Bank in Solidarity with Seattle and Olympia

On the evening of 03-20-2011 a group of well over a dozen anti-authoritarians converged onto the Hollywood district Key Bank in North East Portland. Rocks and bricks were thrown through its windows, the banks ATM machine was destroyed, and anti-police graffiti was painted across the buildings facade. It should also be noted that this attack was carried out as a police cruiser rolled into the banks parking lot and stood-by unwilling to engage the hostile crowd. The group then dispersed into the surrounding area without any arrests.These acts of sabotage not only allow us to lash out at the symbols of domination in our lives, but also serve as a means to forge bonds of trust and experience acting with one another.

This was done as a collective act of solidarity with the recent anti-police resistance in Seattle and against the recent police repression targeting anarchists in the Pugetsound.

-some anarchists on the grey coast

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Anarchists Cause Disturbance at Chilean Consulate

On March 22nd, anarchists in Vancouver, Canada – Occupied Coast Salish Territories, caused a disturbance at the Chilean Consulate and on the street outside. With this we send a strong embrace to our imprisoned companeros on hunger strike in $hile. 14 anarchists and comrades have been framed with conspiracy charges for incendiary explosive attacks against state and capitalist institutions. Nine began an indefinite hunger strike on February 21. Four Mapuche prisoners re-started hunger strike on March 15th.

In Vancouver, Five people shouted “For freedom! For Anarchy! Let the comrades go!”, banged on the locked door and threw leaflets in the hallway outside of the Consulate. Two people opened the door briefly to grab leaflets off the ground as we were leaving.

Meanwhile, on the street 16 floors below, a group unfurled a banner, wielded black flags and distributed leaflets. Three cops responding to a call from the consulate attempted to inform the group of their rights to protest and to locate a leader, but were met only with our cries for freedom and the chant “Cops, Pigs, Murderers”. We didn’t let our rights as “citizens” set the parameters for our actions, rather, these restrictions imposed by the State are what we seek to undermine through our struggle.

Later we reconvened to distribute information outside the Scotia Bank at Broadway and Commercial Drive. Drivers honked their horns in support and passers by showed interest. Canada’s Scotia Bank is expanding it’s investments in resource extraction on indigenous land in $hile. As Stephen McDonald, co-chief executive officer of the bank’s orgraniztion Scotia Capital put it, “We’re going to be more aggressive on that front over the coming years … We’ve been underinvested in the mining sector, so we made a commitment to growing it.” Mapuche people have been defending their land from the threat of mining for years, specifically in the Leu Leu Lake region.

As anarchists we fight to steal back the means of our existence and destroy the State and Capitalism. We act in solidarity with indigenous struggles for land and freedom as we fight against the same enemies and often share parallel goals.

The struggles of our companeros in prison is only isolated if we let it be so. Inside and outside the struggles continue.

The walls are breaking already with each act of solidarity!



Some Anarchists from Occupied Coast Salish Territories

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Milwaukee: Toward an Unlimited Strike, for a World without Prison

From Milwaukee Indymedia

The night of March 15th, a group of roughly forty students, workers, the unemployed and other uncontrollables marched to the Milwaukee County Jail, carrying banners and black flags. The banners at the front of the march read “Burn All Prisons” and “No Control”. Upon arriving at the front doors of the jail, demonstrators chanted “Free them all” and launched dozens of fireworks through the air in an effort to communicate with those locked inside.

The demonstration was called for by participants in the occupation of the Theatre building at UW-Milwaukee as a part of the ongoing struggle against the “Budget Repair Bill”. The bill, proposed by the hated governor of Wisconsin, contains a provision that will institute a Truth-in-Sentencing policy. This measure removes the possibility for those locked away in Wisconsin’s jails and prisons to qualify for early release for good behavior or ‘good time’

For inmates this means a dramatic increase in the time spent in jail – more time in captivity, kept away from their families and loved ones, kept in abject misery and isolation. The Truth-in-Sentencing provisions of the bill highlight specifically how the economic attacks on working and unemployed people throughout the state goes hand in hand with the criminalization and imprisonment of the working class). The economic system that exploits our labor, deprives our benefits, and throws us on the street is the very same system that keeps us in cages and behind barbed wire.

In the past weeks of resistance to Walker’s austerity measures, the politicians and police unions have been remarkably silent about this provision. They’ve built a mythology that “we’re all in this together” or that “they’re on our side”. It is more convenient for them to simply ignore the ways that the bill they purportedly oppose dramatically expands the prison system they faithfully defend. It’s no coincidence that the bill both extends prison sentences while also protecting the Police Union from the elimination of collective bargaining rights. The role of politicians and the police is to maintain the dreadful economy and the prison system necessary to it. It should come as no surprise to us that those who fail to criticize this system are the same who encourage us to continue working and scold those who step outside the lines they’ve defined.

It is time for new lines to be drawn. On the one side: the governor, politicians, police, bureaucrats, professional activists. On the other: prisoners, workers, students, the unemployed, the enraged. If the spontaneous struggle against this bill were to generalize and become a movement against this economic system and its prisons, it would mean that those affected by the bill would need to extend their actions and gestures of solidarity through all the walls that separate them. December’s historic strike by prisoners in Georgia shows us what such action could look like. For us, this means that the strikes, occupations and sabotage – the generalized disruption of the economy – needs to spread through the walls of the prison, to generalize, and to intensify. In this, we need to build complicit relationships and revolt inside and outside those walls.

Towards an unlimited strike, for a world without prison.

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Philadelphia, PA: bank attacked with bricks

Tonight a bank was attacked and windows cracked when several bricks were thrown at it. We wish we could have done more, but we were just feeling it at the moment and did what we could with a small window of opportunity. You should know by now why these things happen, in addition to the fact that it’s fucking fun to have brief moments where we can feel a small sense of freedom. Much love from the east coast to our friends in Oly, Seattle, Greece, Chile, and everywhere else holding it down. More to come from us here.

It’s getting warm again Philly, bring out them flash mobs.

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Montreal, QC: Public Security Ministry Vehicles Attacked

Several vehicles belonging to the Public Security Ministry of Quebec were doused in paint stripper and had their tires slashed. This Ministry oversees the provincial prisons and police forces.

Big ups to people who have been out on the streets in this city recently in solidarity with arrested anarchists and against the police, and also to people engaging in struggles against the police in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.

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