June 11th Day of Solidarity with Eric McDavid and Marie Mason and Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

June 11th began as an international day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoner Jeff “Free” Luers in 2004. At the time, Jeff was serving 22+ years. Infuriated by the environmental devastation he saw occurring on a global scale, Free torched three SUVs at a car dealership in Eugene, OR. The sentence imposed on him was meant to send a clear message to others who were angered by capitalism’s continued war on the Earth’s ecosystems – and to those who were willing to take action to put a stop to it. Free is, after all, not alone in his concerns about climate change, fossil fuels, pollution and genetically modified organisms.

After years of struggle, Jeff and his legal team won a reduction in his sentence and he was released from prison in December 2009. But in the years intervening Jeff’s arrest and release, the FBI had carried out a series of indictments and arrests in an attempt to devastate the radical environmental and anarchist communities. Two of the people caught up in this maelstrom of repression were Eric McDavid and Marie Mason.

Eric McDavid was arrested in January 2006 after being entrapped by a paid government informant – “Anna” – and was charged with a single count of conspiracy. Eric – who never carried out any actions and was accused of what amounts to “thought crime” – refused to cooperate with the state and took his case to trial. After a trial fraught with errors, the jury convicted Eric. He was subsequently sentenced to almost 20 years in prison. More information on Eric’s case can be found at www.supporteric.org

Marie Mason was arrested in March 2008 after her former partner – Frank Ambrose – turned informant for the FBI. Facing a life sentence if she went to trial, Marie accepted a plea bargain in September 2008, admitting her involvement in the burning of an office connected to GMO research and the destruction of a piece of logging equipment. At her sentencing in February the following year, she received a sentence of almost 22 years. More information on Marie’s case can be found at www.supportmariemason.org

Marie and Eric now share the unfortunate distinction of having the longest standing sentences of any environmental prisoners in the United States.

Please join us in an International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid on June 11th. This is a time to remember our friends who are in prison – who are continuing their struggles on the inside. This is a time to continue and strengthen the very work for which Eric and Marie are now serving so much time – to struggle against capitalism, ecological devastation, and the ever more diffuse forms of control in this prison society.

Free Marie and Eric!
Free all prisoners!

Please be in touch:
june11th.org (more content soon)

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Chile: Prosecutors asking for Sentences of 10 years to life for “Bombs Case”

Sentences of 10 years and one day in jail, to life imprisonment, are possible sentences that the 15 defendants in the “Bombs Case” could receive, according to the indictment filed by the prosecution.

The southern metropolitan prosecutor, Alejandro Peña, presented his indictment in Octavo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago, specifying the penalties applied to the court for each of the defendants.

The higher penalties fall on the two alleged leaders of the “illicit association”, Pablo Morales and Alberto Retana, who are facing life imprisonment, according to the prosecutor.

(From: BioBio)

Today, the prosecution presented to the Octavo Juzgado de Garantía a guarantee of 610 pages of evidence against our compañeros/as, with which he intends to accuse them of 23 detonations of explosive devices in Santiago and with an illicit association more false than the peace they believe in. The filthy prosecutor of the South Zone, Alejandro Peña, said that the trial will have over 800 witnesses, 220 surveys, 7000 tested evidence, which, he says, will get the sentences he seeks.


“In this war we take social positions and, as a question of morality, we cannot remain indifferent before the death of our brothers who die in combat, as well as the situation faced by millions of prisoners in this war, kidnapped throughout the world. Judges, prison guards, prosecutors and the police, are and will be today and always our enemies and this will not stop until we destroy the last bastion of society. We are at war. Prisoners at war to the streets! ”
– Words of compañero Mauricio Morales
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Mapuche man arrested accused of involvement in arson attack

The peñi (brother) has been identified as Carlos Alfredo Marín Marín, 20, he was arrested in downtown Collipulli by intelligence officers of the Carabineros Police Malleco Prefecture. According to an investigation by the Public Minister, the peñi is accused of participating in an arson of a bus belonging to the Safco forestry company in the town of Loloco on July 14, 2010.

This incident is in addition to the raids on September 15th, when a violent and massive police raid that took place in the Community of Rayen Mapu, six people were arrested and imprisoned, including their Werken and a youth.

At this time (March 15th) there are 6 peñi free, but under protective measures. Although in this case it does not invoke the anti-terrorist law. Since the end of the last hunger strike the law was changed but it is important to note that the penalties for fires were increased in sentencing to years especially in cases of Mapuche land defense.


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Protest Against Obama in Santiago

March 22:

While in Libya US aircraft bomb the cities, in Afghanistan the troop kill man, children and woman and in Iraq the petrol corporations and private security get the control of the country, in Chile all the political colors celebrates giving a welcome to their master, with an orchestra and subjugation behavoir.

While the rich and powerful people eat banquets to celebrate the visit of Barack Obama, several groups that belives that selfdetermination of people is made without the need of militar interventions, they protested against imperiliasm and bourgeois peace that is imposed from Washington DC in base of militar boots, rifles and torture.


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Personal Vehicles of Cops Attacked in Montreal

(Article from Mainstream News)

The police of the City of Montreal (CMPS) are facing a wave of vandalism of a new kind.

These are the cars of employees who are vandalized rather than patrol cruisers.

Vandalism on the cars of police officers occur when they are at work and their vehicle is parked in the parking lot reserved for employees.

The vandals do not go hand dead. They sabotage the mechanics of the car in the hope that the police will have an accident during their drive home.

In less than a year, no fewer than 61 vehicles of police personnel have been sabotaged, according to internal documents obtained by TVA.

Two surveillance operations day and night have been conducted to pinpoint the vandals, and without success.

No responsibility has been claimed by any group or individuals.


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Letter from newly imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

On March 14th 2011, 5 comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, O. Ekonomidou, G. Polidoras, G. Nikolopoulos, D. Bolano and Ch. Tsakalos were arrested, here is their letter:

April 1, 2011

They thought it was over…
But now everything begins again…

We write now locked in our cells, dozens of kilometres away from one another, hostages where we were exiled by the vengefulness of the juridical authorities scattered in the prisons of Greece, Corfu, Komotini, Grevena, Domokos, Thebes…

We write and we are certain that our voice, no matter how they try to bury it in the drowning cells of democracy, has the strength to still shout. To shout for freedom, for inversion, for revolution. Shout for another way of life where we will all be “kings” without slaves. For a world without authority, police and prisons.

We still have the thirst to speak of our struggle, about our rights and wrongs, about this unique journey to the oceans of mutiny where we wandered through the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Because we, Olga Ekonomidou, Giorgos Polidoras, Damianos Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Christos Tsakalos, are a piece of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and the Conspiracy is our way for the revolution.

Today more than ever, we are sure that our voice, together with the voices of our brothers, Gerasimos, Mihalis, Haris and Panagiotis, are linked with thousands of voices that preceded us and with thousands that will follow. Our decision to be organised in the Conspiracy Cells of Fire is the decision to stop seeing the life that was imposed on us with the eyes of a passive spectator and become perpetrators of our history. Transfer the revolution to first person, fight for ourselves, without inhibitions and postponements and to exist in the here and now of the new urban guerilla warfare.
This is why we decided to arm ourselves and to walk with our head held high against our faint-hearted era.

We never did fit in the narrow limits of an orthodox social struggle that speaks almost exclusively the language of economic analyses and the front of class struggle, flamboyantly ignoring the individual responsibility of the subjects of authority. We are hostile so much to the hand that holds the whip, as well as to the backs that accept it passively on them.

This is why we speak of the revolution of daily life, for the inversion of compromises, for untamed freedom, for the greed of desires, for the uniqueness of the individual.

We are not fooled by the crippled freedom they promise us on flat screens, in fast cars and in comfortable apartments. We seek the authentic side of life outside the limits of a society that reciprocates between angry outbreaks of economic claims and big intervals of hibernation. Not us, our comrades set fire to the quiet nights in the metropolis, despise the laws and have their vision clear of the hypocrisy of urban culture. We are the reversed image of society in the mirror. We are anarcho-individualists and nihilists and we know that we are conducting a minority struggle with a powerful price. However we do not regret even a moment. Even imprisoned our conscience remains freer than ever.

Do not search therefore through police scripts and theories of communicating containers to find the causes that more young people abandon the certainty of a legal life, and choose revolutionary illegality and the new urban guerilla warfare as a choice of life. Do not wonder when new comrades with surplus courage raise their weapons against this system of death. Because its your system itself, the hypocrisy, poverty contextual and material, fake culture, empty relations, oppression, exploitation of nature, that “supplies” new urban guerilla warfare with dozens of undisciplined revolutionaries. This is why, the new urban guerilla warfare will never be defeated. But like the phoenix will be reborn from the ashes of a precarious defeat, even more stronger, even more threatening, even more liberating. And we were, are and will be there…


Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front


Olga Economidou
Giorgos Polidoras
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Damianos Bolano
Christos Tsakalos

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell

We greet the direct reflective action of comrades from Volos, who on the afternoon of the same day of our arrest, assembled in the area and made a demo to the house where we stayed, cutting the ribbons of exclusion by the police and shouting chants. Such actions accentuate the hostilities and release “occupied” turfs from the police, showing that the capitulation will never come… Also the attacks with incendiary devices from Comrades warms our hearts, breaking the ice of isolation and captivity they want to impose on us. We send our warmest greeting to all the anarchist-incendiary groups and to the International Revolutionary Front-Informal Anarchist Federation which we will continue to promote with all our strength, because we are unrepentant accomplices in the same crime of the raging search for freedom.

From the hell-holes of the Greek prisons we express our wholehearted solidarity to the comrades that are imprisoned in the democratic cells of Chile, carrying out a hunger strike for their release, pawning their own life. Brothers hold strong… no matter how far we are buried alive in the cement graves of prisons, we know that through the bars of our cells we gaze a common flaming sky… of revolution and anarchy…

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Call for a Week of Solidarity (April 2nd-April 9th) with the Khimki hostages

We call everyone who is not indifferent in different cities and countries to show solidarity with persecuted brothers Denis and Maxim Solopov, and Alexey Gaskarov. They became hostages in the course of the unbelievable story with the Khimki forest, a story of confrontation between civil society in today’s Russia and a soulless junta of avaricious corrupters. Due to this situation, the city of Khimki in the Moscow suburbs has gained a reputation beyond the borders of Russia.

Alexey Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov spent three months in prison, due to a fabricated case, which is currently collapsing in court. Investigators used threats, torture and false witnesses from amongst police agents. On the 14th of april, there will be a new court session in the Khimki city court.

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Spring attacks from Informal Anarchist Federation (Italy, Greece, Switzerland)

Attacks by the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) across three countries in Europe. The targets are directed at military, nuclear-industrial and prison targets within the frame of international revolutionary solidarity. The European authorities are trying to withhold details of the claims accompanying the explosive devices for purpose of denying the ‘value of propaganda’.

30 March 2011 – Olten, Switzerland: A package bomb exploded in the offices of Swissnuclear (the Federation of the Swiss nuclear industry) giving two office workers superficial burns. The attack is claimed by the FAI who outline a vision of their ideas and vindicate the action in solidarity with Silvia, Costas and Luca who are imprisoned accused of planning to attack a center of IBM nanotechnology in Rüschlikon, Zürich.

31 March 2011 – Livorno, Italy: A package bomb has been delivered to the Ruspoli barracks, a center of the Parachutist Brigade Commando which serves in Afghanistan. A soldier remains hurt and crippled. Lieutenant colonel, chief of general staff of the Brigade, highest in degree at the moment in the barracks. The explosion has amputated three fingers of the hand and injuries to the face and the legs. The target was carried away in a state of shock to the first aid. The soldiers at the moment do not supply details. Police investigation is underway. A claim of responsibility accompanied the explosion by the Informal Anarchist Federation.

31 March 2011 – Korydallos, Greece: The Director of Korydallos Prison receives a package bomb but it is detected and defused by technicians of the Greek police. From the Greek corporate press it is learned that inside of the destined package bomb to the director there was a claim of responsibility in the name of the Informal Anarchist Federation. The text has not been published, but Greek journalists report that a draft of two pages in Italian in which is mentioned solidarity to the captive companions of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and beyond to other prisoners locked up in the prisons of Switzerland, Germany and Chile.


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Three Banks Attacked in Olympia- Solidarity with Asheville 11

Just before the stroke of midnight on April 1st, Key Bank, West Coast Bank, and Columbia Bank, all on the Westside of Olympia had all of their locks and ATMs glued shut. Black paint was also thrown of the facades of all three banks. As has been said, anyone who defends a bank is either a fool or a cop, and in reality probably both. What better time to give said fools something to feel foolish about, then on a day that has already been established in their honor. This action goes to out to those 11 comrades in Asheville who the state is trying to break. This action also comes one month before our international day to shine, and we’re just getting ready. Hugs, Kisses, Raised Fists, and Thrown Bricks to those 11 sexy motherfuckers in Asheville who know how get down. Hearts filled with rage for the enemies, love for the comrades. Spring is in the air, and the Puget Sound is only getting hotter and hotter,


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Seattle, WA: Chase Bank attacked in solidarity with the Asheville 11

On the night of April 1st the windows of a Seattle Chase bank shattered to the ground as paint splattered on its facade. This month will see the beginning of the trial for the Asheville 11 and for this we have nothing but hatred for those which create this world of misery and a wish of strength to our friends, our comrades on the east coast. We only wish it was the faces of the capitalists that painted the building red.

Unlimited solidarity to the A11.
Stop at nothing.

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Seattle, WA: American Apparel attacked in solidarity with the Asheville 11

Last night (March 31) an American Apparel in Seattle had its windows smashed. Leaflets were thrown in front of the store stating solidarity with the Asheville 11 and their struggle against the misery of everyday life. Whether it comes in the form of hipsters or in the form of the police capitalism and the state function to humilate and pacify everyone…but where there is misery, there will be rebellion!

Whoever forgets the accused of the struggle, forgets the struggle itself.

Total solidarity with the Asheville 11 and all those who wage war on misery!

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Roundup of Recent Actions in Greece

It would be impossible to keep track of every sabotage that has taken place during the past few weeks in Greece, and we are therefore limiting ourselves to details about attacks that have been claimed.

In the early hours of February 20, a Piraeus Bank in the Athens neighborhood of Votanikos was attacked with hammers and then set on fire. The action was dedicated to those being charged with membership in the Fire Cells Conspiracy, but the accompanying communiqué was unsigned.

In the early hours of February 21, a gazaki (camping gas canisters plus a flammable liquid, like gasoline) exploded at the Treasury Office in the Thessaloniki neighborhood of Touba. The action was claimed by the International Revolutionary Front: Arson Attack Cell and dedicated to “those being charged with membership in the Fire Cells Conspiracy, social bandit Rami Syrianos, and all dignified prisoners in struggle.”

On March 1, a Zografos driving school was torched in the Athens neighborhood of Kaisariani. The accompanying communiqué—simply signed “Action”—explained that Zografos was attacked because of its collaboration with the pigs, as evidenced by its participation in the Police Day celebrations at the Hellenic Police Academy’s Officers’ School last October. Like many other communiqués connected to actions commemorating the one-year anniversary of the death of Revolutionary Struggle member Lambros Fountas (shot and killed by the pigs on March 11, 2010), it ended with the slogan “Honor forever to Lambros Fountas.”

A group called Shadows for the Instigation of Nighttime Sabotage claimed responsibility for a series of arsons that took place in Athens on March 2. A Eurobank EFG branch in Kaisariani, the Treasury Office in Holargos, and the local New Democracy party headquarters in Tavros were all set on fire. These actions were dedicated to anarchist prisoner Christos Politis and the five others being charged in the same case (all six comrades were arrested on December 4, 2010), anarchist prisoner Aris Seirinidis, and the hunger-striking Chilean comrades being charged in the “Bombings Case.”

In the early hours of March 6, the Lambros Fountas Guerrilla Formation set fire to an Emporiki Bank branch located right in the middle of the bourgeois Athens neighborhood of Kolonaki. The action was dedicated to the “captive Guerrillas of the Fire Cells Conspiracy, Revolutionary Struggle, and November 17,” as well as the Chilean comrades on hunger strike.

That same morning, a KION construction site was torched. KION is one of the companies that constructs prisons and courthouses in Greece. The unsigned communiqué dedicated the arson to Aris Seirinidis and “all dignified prisoners of the war on the regime.”

In the early hours of March 14, the local PASOK party headquarters in the Thessaloniki neighborhood of Sikea was set on fire. The accompanying communiqué was signed by the International Revolutionary Front: Incendiary Plans for Nighttime Disorder. It mentioned the Chilean comrades caught up in the “Bombings Case,” the imprisoned Fire Cells Conspiracy members as well as the other prisoners being charged with membership in the group, and the five imprisoned Thessaloniki anarchists (Yiannis Skouloudis, Dimitris Fessas, Dimitris Dimitsiadis, Haralambos Stylianidis, and Sokratis Tzifkas) being charged with the arson of Public Power Corporation (DEI) vehicles.

In the early hours of March 15, the Chaos Warriors torched two Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) vans parked in the city of Gerakas, just north of Athens. The arson was a display of solidarity with the five comrades arrested the previous day and charged with membership in the Fire Cells Conspiracy.

During the afternoon of March 18, a gazaki exploded on the doorstep of Health Minister Andreas Loverdos’ office in downtown Athens. In the accompanying communiqué signed by Revolutionary Liberatory Action, the arson was dedicated to Aris Seirinidis, Christos Politis, and the six prisoners being charged with membership in Revolutionary Struggle (three of whom deny the charges). The communiqué also made reference to Loverdos’ vile career as Labor and then Health Minister, the recently ended hunger strike by 300 illegal immigrants in Athens and Thessaloniki, and the revolts sweeping through the Arab world.

Additionally, there have been a number of solidarity protests in front of prisons. On March 13, 100 comrades demonstrated in front of Grevena Prison (photos), where Christos Politis has been locked up since his December 4, 2010 arrest during an Antiterrorist Unit operation. And on March 19, there was a demonstration in Ioannina in support of Rami Syrianos, who is imprisoned there (photos).

Apart from the above, there have been several anarchist “invasions” of Athens metro stations, during which ticket validation machines were destroyed (last month, the price of a trip on public transportation rose from 1 to 1.40 euros). There have also been a number of semi-organized stone and Molotov attacks on riot police in Exarcheia, as well as a few clashes with Nazis. In addition, the Keratea residents’ struggle against the construction of a local garbage dump continues in full swing, with support from a large portion of the anarchist milieu. Finally, several luxury cars have been torched in immediate response to the arrests of certain comrades, and there have been numerous protests and demonstrations in solidarity with anarchist prisoners Aris Seirinidis and Simos Seisidis, whose trials are both currently underway.

From: http://thisisourjob.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/roundup-of-recent-actions-in-greece/

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Police patrol car pelted with stones in Berlin

Berlin — A police car was hit with stoned late Saturday in Friedrichshain by several unknown individuals. The cops were on a patrol through the Riga Strip street as several people from the roof of a house threw paving stones onto the car.

Riot police checked the area by using the police helicopter but could not find anyone.


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Chile: Riots in Commemoration on the Day of the Youth Combatant

The Day of the Young Combatant in Santiago kicked off in the early morning hours of March 29th.

Activity in Villa Francia:

In Villa Francia in the community of Central Station, an event with music and videos occurred in honor of all our fallen comrades who have died in combat, also Luisa Toledo and Manuel Veragara (mother and father of Eduardo and Rafael) talked about death of their children and that this date (March 29) is in remembrance of all the youth who died fighting for freedom and how important it is to support comrades in prison.

After more than 200 people marched screaming the names of fallen comrades (Eduardo and Rafael Veragara, Paul Vergara, Aracely Romo, Claudia Lopez, Jonny Cariqueo, Matias Catrileo, Mauricio Morales, etc.) Moving down the street April 5, after a few blocks, to the street October 7, the first clashes occurred when police used tear gas to try to disperse people but were met with stones and Molotov cocktails, barricades were also erected. The press tried to hide behind the police but they were also attacked. After fighting continued in Villa Francia. (More photos at the end).

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