War On Society housekeeping notice

We have not updated the site for a while due to a combination of factors such as technical difficulties and the occupation movement.

We are pleased to see that This Is Our Job has been making important Spanish-to-English translations.

As usual, Act For Freedom Now! is one of your best sources for the compilation of insurrectional news on an international level, including some of the more combative actions in the North American continent.

325 has similar content with a narrower scope, and is one of the best places to follow the growth of the Informal Anarchist Federation in its words and actions.

All of the above sites also keep up-to-date information concerning state repression against comrades on trial or imprisoned.

We at War On Society continue to strive to find an effective place in a wonderful and inspiring network for the translation and dissemination of insurrectional counter-information on an international scale. May the fires of insurrection continue to spread.

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2 Responses to War On Society housekeeping notice

  1. Julia says:

    Welcome back! Good luck with the occupations and solidarity. (A)

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