from culmine, translated by war on society:
I express my total fraternal solidarity with the anarchist comrade Gustavo Rodríguez, for the continual attacks that he is receiving from the authoritarian and reformist trash.
I express also my solidarity with all the groups and individualities of action (from the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution to the Individualists Tending toward the Wild, and all other groups) and insurrectionalists of Mexico and of the World, regardless of whether they adhere to the project of the FAI/IRF or not.
I salute with pride each action of our sisters and brothers in struggle… all of them!
For a black Christmas against the consumption, capitalism and repression!
A black Christmas that recalls our incarcerated sisters and brothers of the CCF and the FAI (Indonesia), those of the so-called “bombs case,” Tortuga, and the prisoners of the Struggle in the Street in $hile, those who were murdered in San Miguel prison last December, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico, Tamara, the antifascist Jock and all the anarchist prisoners of the world.
Gabriel, December 2011