Italy: Two more attacks on Equitalia tax agency

from the regime press, translated by war on society:

ROMA – A bitter beginning of the year for Equitalia, again the subject of attacks on the night of New Years Eve on its offices. A rudimentary explosive device was set off in Foggia on V.Portogallo, while an incendiary attacked has affected the agency’s headquarters in Modena.

With respect to the incident in Foggia, the explosion destroyed the gates of the location which houses the local office of Equitalia and has severely damaged the furniture that was located at the entrance. An intervention of the scientific police agents has taken place. Investigations are in course to identify those responsible for the attack.

In Modena unknown persons set fire to the windows of the location that occupies the first floor of a commercial gallery on V.Emilia Ovest. We tried to find out if there were traces of explosive or if it was a simple arson, but the police seem convinced of the incendiary origin. Cameras are installed in the gallery that could have captured images that will be useful for the investigation. The damages are minor, mostly limited to blackening of the two windows.

These attacks come only a few hours after the words of the police chief Antonio Manganelli, who yesterday visited the operation room where the Chief of Naples had spoken of a “leap forward of the anarcho-insurrectionalist area.” “We see a development of of a new phenomenon,” Manganelli had said: “from the spontaneity of the individual within the anarchist association into a true organization, a sort of international network with an exchange of favors and actions related to acts of violence.” The police chief has expressed optimism in the outcome of the investigation into the mailing of package bombs against institutions and collections agencies: “We believe we have identified the authors and matrices of these acts. But a single package bomb,” he observed, “remains a difficult act to prevent, we must remain vigilant.” Words confirmed by the new attacks on New Year’s Eve.

* wos note: Equitalia is a tax collection agency which has been the target of other recent attacks in Italy.

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