Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva transferred again

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Not only are they keeping the compañero in FIES-5*, they are denying him visitors and hindering his communication… it seems for them nothing is enough, and now they have taken him even farther from Galicia**, transferring him from Soto del Real to Villena, Alicante.

They punish the prisoner and his entire family and affinity with measures of arbitrary and injustified dispersion, showing once again the true intention of this caste of villains who assign themselves control over our lives. He who sows tempests…

The comrade’s new address:

Centro Penitenciario Alicante II,
Ctra. N-330, km. 66,
03400 Villena (Alicante).

Southern-Mediterranean Anarchist Black Cross

Translator’s notes:
* FIES are the super-high security modules of the prisons of the Spanish State.** Galicia is Gabriel’s home.
*** An expression akin to “You reap what you sow…”

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One Response to Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva transferred again

  1. Anonymous says:

    … reaps hurricanes

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