from blackblocg (follow link to view or download video of the action):
In the night February 19/20 we attacked local police station in the village Povedniki (Moscow region). It was settled in non-residential building – so we felt free to act strongly. It is likely, that a good portion of incendiary has completely destroyed the contents of this enemy’s nest (we had no possibility to watch fire up to end).
Dear comrades! We see authorities unqualified, organized badly and act blindly. So it is time to concentrate on radical struggle and then you can damage the system stronger and go free longer. Join us!
Victory will be ours!
Black Blocg collective.
Любовь зарождается в человеке, но никогда не кончается в нем. И даже если есть все: и человек, и любовь, и счастье, и жизнь, – то по какому-то страшному закону этого всегда мало, и чем больше все это кажется, тем меньше оно на самом деле.
(c)Эрих Мария Ремарк