Chile: Communique for incendiary device placed under a car outside the 22nd Carrascal substation in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

On a full moon night Wednesday March 27 on the eve of a new anniversary of the “Combatant Youth.” We decided to go for the arson of a car in front of the entrance to the Quinta Normar police station located at Carrascal and Embajador Gómez.

Two incendiary devices were attached to the vehicle’s wheel, mocking their security and control of the neighborhood at the hand of the police bastards.

With our incendiary will we intend to emphasize the importance of individual actions, since these implacably contribute to going on the offensive against domination!

We want to emphasize that our homemade action was carried out with precarious materials, since we don’t have the knowledge to do actions of greater magnitude, being that individuals who did so at some point in history have the means and knowledge, knowledge that for personal reasons they have decided to take to the grave or abandon in lethargy, enacting a breakdown in new generations.

NOTE that we do not want to make ourselves victims, nor judge you for your inactivity in the difficult times that are happening now. Much less do we intend to be your disciples, nor you our teachers. We do this as a way of critiquing-questioning the insurgent beings who feel the same restlessness to strengthen every surprising blow with more force and more certainty, because knowledge is not something that one acquires in one moment or another, but rather a constant pursuit full of uncertainty, blunders and corrections which fuel our decisions.

We make an eternal appeal to all individuals to be curious, to probe without fear; if you fail, try again; remember that everything is learned in this life, just endeavor to be cautious. That the years do not weaken the forces and the dreams that beat in our hearts today.

We greet across the physical distance the compañerxs Diego Ríos, Felicity Ryder, the baby Fenix Lafquen and Hans N. Also our unforgettable imprisoned sister and brother Carla and Iván, and Víctor M. of the Security Case, the compañerxs of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and many others.

“Every word in every communique from a nowhere or a prison
fiercely resounds in our being with an echo”

“We are the wind that caresses the faces of the fugitives
and we are the dagger in the throat of the bastard police”

Black Cells of Fire

Although the devices did not activate this time, we want to say that the press–in the information about the “missing backpack” as they called it, which didn’t just contain a bottle with fuel, rather there were two 1.5 liter bottles of mixed benzine and paraffin with a mixture of powdered elements and a timed fuse adhered to its exterior–that they wouldn’t say it was missing and they would know very well because it was there, had their operative not generated this almost 4 hour long scandal.

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