Bolivia: Banner in solidarity with Henry

5from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

May no warrior be alone!

And then we will howl together at the moon and claw at the cement until our claws bleed…

Because not only will we destroy the world that condemns us to boredom and slavery, we will live free and wild, creating every moment of life that we desire.

Because from that instinct of freedom far from the cement walls and far from civilization, we still act and remember our compañerxs. Today we want to send our words of inspiration to Henry, an unconquerable wild beast who shows the dignified face of the rebels who do not break before power.

Because along with him we also remember all the compas who stay strong in every action, in every word, in every silence.

Felicity: May yours resist with you!!!! strength compa, the shadows are our allies

Hans: Strength, warrior! Strength, compañero! We won’t let you be alone!!!!!

Luciano: Your actions, your silences continue to nourish our rebel spirits!

To Stefano and all the compas in Italy kidnapped for Operation Ardire, our strength, our accompanying greetings, our allied inspiration

To the compas of Greece, who have always reacted with dignity and battling a reality that cries out for insurrection

Because in every explosion I see your smile, Mauri, present in our hearts!

Wild and rampant cells

banner for henry

Because the struggle
is an ally that
doesn’t give up in your heart
Keep Roaring Henry


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