Chile: Communique for barricade in Santiago in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer and in memory of Carlo Giuliani

panfleto-hansfrom materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

We express our solidarity through barricades erected last Sunday at sunset at the intersection of General Bulnes and Balmaceda, near Parque Los Reyes. We left propaganda in the area in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer, kidnapped by the Chilean state, and before a new anniversary of compañero Carlo Giuliani, killed by the guard dogs of the state of Italy, 2001. Without ever forgetting all our dead compañeros and also those who are imprisoned, but never submissive. We do not forget the 81 compañeros of the San Miguel torture center, and Freddy, Marcelo, Juan, Carla, Ivan, Diego and many others. We break the parameters via fire, we are participants in and accomplices of destruction, we will not tire until destroying the last cage.

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