Chile, Santiago: We found out that anarchy lives!

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety:

In the early hours of Friday the 23rd of May, at approximately 12:30 am, we carried out a traffic blockade on the South Access, the highway that connects the city of Santiago with the south section of Chile. We brought 8 tires, 8 boards with nails, around 7 liters of gasoline, and pamphlets which remember a compañero fallen in the fight against state and capital: Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri. With these we succeeded in cutting off the entire freeway to later be able to escape.

Today we summon a particular situation, to make the memory of a fighter who took flight 5 years ago come alive. Consequently, we can never let power and its selective apparatus of memory be submerged in the oblivion of the compañerxs who chose action and have lost their lives as a disastrous result of their positions of war, we will arise as many times as necessary with a clear conviction and a declaration of war against authority, demonstrating that the weapon of memory has been loaded and we will not hesitate to fire it against the forgetfulness which the State/Capital want to impose on us.

We are not interested in making an icon out of the compañero, much less so in making him a saint of anarchy, but we believe it is necessary to remember those anonymous who turned to the offensive, understanding that social war is not a game but an irreconcilable confrontation to the death, without faltering before the enemy. We do not aim to seek adherents to our cause, much less so to create a homogenous way of thinking in this society, but we seek a theoretical result through our practices which allow us to take the offensive in this reality.

As a group we consider ourselves as a part of a conglomeration of individuals who have common sensibilities, those of which manifest in different shared discussions, which have transformed into constant and visible action against the established logic of the Bourgeoisie Sate and the suffocating and disgusting capitalist system which grinds us down materially and symbolically day by day.

In this way, we have positioned ourselves in the same trench as Mauricio Morales, but we believe it is necessary to reflect and be much more critical in turn of the image that has been generated of a compañero who, just like each one of us, had ideas, approaches, successes, and mistakes.

We think that many ideas, phrases, and writings of Maurisio Morales have been converted little by little into slogans and maxims of an anti-authoritarian struggle which should consider itself much more than this.

To position oneself in conflict with this order should be the result of a profound and acute questioning, a reflection that aims to identify and attack the logic of domination. Our fight is much more than repeating and reproducing a discourse and aesthetics, in fact, it should be the exact opposite.

We think that in the moment of utilizing certain discourses, of a book, of an ideology, of an individual, etc. it is fundamental to always take into account the repercussions of this, being cautious of how only certain dimensions of anti-authoritarian practices are extolled, fetishizing them, making an empty practice out of struggle, through which mistakes or perceptions can infiltrate and naturalize little by little and have terrible consequences.

We believe in the multiformity with which the attack and propaganda can take place, as we also believe that we have the collective responsibility to take the time to act and construct ideas, when our fight makes itself visible. Every one should be responsible for this, being critical before all, intelligent and reflective with our environment, our action, and above all ones projection, positioning ourselves to create honest and attuned relationships with those we desire to plot our revolt with.

Some time ago we would have thought it unnecessary to say this, as we thought the depth of the fight was obvious as those that carry out actions put their security and life at risk. Nevertheless, the same slogans have been repeated so many times that it is necessary to make a note of it and remember that sometimes things happen that are problematic and whose result led us to reflect on what we are saying.

When we come upon discourses which do not deepen the convictions of our compañerxs, which do not reflect the surroundings of revolutionary activity, nor much less posit a theoretical/practical proposal in the face of reality, we think the discourse/communique/essay/etc. empty of meaning, repeating and reproducing slogans without real conviction. It is our understanding that this could create situations that  could considerably affect those which we understood to be at war against this society; not going in depth or reflecting on the consequences of struggling has generated historical examples of those who repent their actions or worse have accused compañerxs who confront the State/Capital face to face.

It is necessary that we take responsibility for our mistakes and ask the pertinent questions despite the consequences this may generate in the anti-authoritarian environment, as we have already seen that individuals exist that call themselves compañerxs and end up serving and collaborating with the henchmen of power, mocking practically all of those who have lost their lives fighting or who sit in prison for their revolutionary action.

No creemos que tengamos la razón por sobre lxs demás, pero sí creemos que es necesario problematizar en torno a lo que, paso a paso, vamos construyendo. Hemos escuchado a varixs compañerxs hablar sobre el tema y dar diversas opiniones acerca del Mauri, y bueno, esto es lo que nosotrxs pensamos al respecto. Mauricio Morales fue un compañero como muchxs otrxs que se posicionan contra esta realidad y por ello lo recordamos con cariño y fuego, pero llamando a cada individuo a la propia reflexión y cuestionamiento.

We do not think we have the answer for everyone else, but we do believe it is necessary to analyze in turn that which, bit by bit, we are building. We have heard different compañerxs talk about this and give diverse opinions surrounding Mauri, and well, this is what we think about that. Mauricio Morales was a compañero like many others who positioned himself against this reality and we remember him with care and fire, but urge each individual to make their own reflections and questions.

The criticisms and reflections we are making are not related to punki Mauri as an individual, but are better directed at all those who position ourselves in the trench of anti-authoritarian combat and have nothing to do with the direct criticism of a compañero,  but more with the way in which we continue to collectively construct our ideas, discrouses, and actions.

Claudia López, Mauricio Morales y Sebastián Oversluij
Present in the anarchist struggle!!!

Hans Niemeyer, Hermes Gonzales, Alfonso
Alvial, Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar y Tamara Sol Vergara
To The Street!!!

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