Seattle, WA: Claim for attack on Department of Corrections building

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Early in the morning we went to the west seattle community building and smashed out the windows. We also left two messages. One being a circle A, and the other being ” For Oakland”. We did this to show solidarity with our comrade Jack who is currently facing ridiculous charges and bail conditions after being arrested at a demo in oakland a few months ago. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Brief update on Pax, the comrade arrested Thursday

UPDATE 5/5 from freepax on facebook:

“We’ve paid Pax’s $4k bond! He’ll be out either very late tonight or very early tomorrow morning. More updates when we know more. (Bail was originally set at $360k, but reduced when 64 of the charges were abandoned.)”

“Pax is free!” Continue reading

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Letter from Rob Los Ricos: standing beside the comrades duped into an FBI bomb conspiracy

from Rob los Ricos (blog):

standing beside the comrades duped into an fbi bomb conspiracy

as if the job of marginalizing the anarchist movement in the u.s. was not already being championed by cowards within the occupy movement, five bold, wreckless comrades have found themselves victims of a fraudulent bombing plot which the fbi engineered. Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Round-up of May Day actions and events

from anews:

Just like other places around North America, May Day was a mixed bag in Bloomington. The police were more prepared to crack down at certain points than some organizers expected, but there was also more space for activity at other times. But there were also high points and some inspiring actions. This then is a scattered round-up reflecting what we saw or heard about around town, but doesn’t reflect what the present authors actually participated in. Continue reading

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Memphis, TN: 6 ATMs sabotaged in response to raid in Portland

from anews:

ATMs belonging to Bank of America, First Tennessee, and Wachovia Bank were smashed and glued in various locations around Memphis on Thursday night in solidarity with the [comrades impacted by the] recent police raids and arrest that took place in Portland, OR.

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Urgent: Police raid Portland squat and arrest anarchist on 72 felony charges

UPDATE: A brief statement from a comrade:
[The PPD] broke down our door and stormed our house, detained and interrogated us, and tore our house apart under writ of a warrant. This warrant was issued to collect evidence to indict my roommate Pax for 72 FELONY CHARGES of property destruction and criminal mischief, as well as determine other members of his/our immediate community who could also face prosecution for these charges. They took our phones and computers. They threatened and intimidated us. They destroyed our home. They ignored one person’s medical condition that was aggravated by the stress of detainment. They made me sit in cuffs with nothing but my underwear on. They denied our demands to speak with legal counsel. Worst of all, they took our friend and are actively trying to pin an incomprehensible amount of charges on him.” Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive device placed in police mausoleum in Temuco

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:


In the early hours of Tuesday May first at around 4 AM we left an explosive package between the wall of Carrera St and the police pantheon in the Temuco cemetery located on Balmaceda St. Continue reading

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Chile: May Day riots in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On Tuesday May 1st, the march happened from Central Station, in front of the University of Santiago, toward the Plaza los Heroes in downtown.

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Montreal, QC: Anti-prison demo in solidarity with the arrested

from the press:

The 28th of April a gathering of some 75 people to denounce political and police repression and in solidarity with detainees, marched with a banner reading “for a world without bosses, cops nor prisons” to the Tanguay detention center for women. Fireworks were fired on site before the group dispersed.

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La Ravachole (1893)

“La Ravachole” (1893), Sébastien Faure, lyrics in English below:

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Argentina: Bombing at European Union headquarters in Buenos Aires

from Liberación Total (May 1, 2012) translated by This Is Our Job:

To be sincere, we must highlight that the reason why we attacked the European Union diplomatic headquarters was principally to let the Greek comrades on hunger strike and the Italian comrades who have recently suffered raids and arrests know that we are here and that the overwhelming distance separating us will not stop us from feeling complicit in the revolutionary war. Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Claim for early May Day attack on police car

communique from coloradoindymedia:

May Day was started off right by a team of local anarchists with an attack on a police patrol car at aproxamately 1am at 13th and Speer.  Multiple windows were completely smashed.  No jusification was given for none was needed, the institution of police being inherently unjustified.  We’ve set the tone, now it’s your turn to up the ANTI and make total destroy on May Day 2012.

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Denver, CO: Claim for May 1 attacks on Starbucks and cop car

communique from coloradoindymedia:

After a day in the sun and streets of Denver and a rowdy-as-hell May Day demo, some queer anarchist demons of the nights let their hair down and gave some gentrifying fucks a much-needed makeover. These comrades are sick of seeing property prices in the formerly working-class Highlands neighborhood skyrocket, all due to yuppies, their condos, and the corporations that invade to please them. Continue reading

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New Orleans, LA: Attacks on banks during May Day march

from nolaanarcha:
It is not murder, however, of which you have convicted me… but for anarchy, so the condemnation is—that I am an anarchist! … I say to you: I despise you. I despise your order, your laws, your force-propped authority. Hang me for it!
– Louis Lingg, Haymarket Martyr, 1886

Yesterday over 100 demonstrators attended an anti-capitalist May Day march that wound its way through the Central Business District and the French Quarter. Bank windows and an ATM were damaged during the march, which had no visible police presence for most of its route. The word “REVOLT!” was also scrawled across the walls of several corporate businesses and banks. No one was arrested and no one was hurt. Continue reading

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