Portland, OR: Claim for incendiary attack on a Wells Fargo bank

from grey coast anarchist news:

A large rock and subsequent molotov cocktail were tossed at a Wells Fargo window late last night (April 25) in Northeast Portland, Oregon. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Late-night tuition riots with attacks on banks and a police station

from the press:

Violence erupted in the streets of Montreal Wednesday night after talks broke down between student groups and the Quebec government, leading to 85 arrests and shattered windows. Continue reading

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Spain: New wave of incendiary attacks and sabotages by Nihilist Anarchists

from contrainfo, transl waronsociety:

March 6 – Barcelona metropolitan area
We belatedly claim responsibility for the arson of 15 trash bins as well as of 6 vehicles.
– At 2:49 AM, 3 bins were set alight on Floridablanca St.
– At 3:00 AM on Asia St, 5 bins and 3 vehicles were set alight, 2 of these belonging to the business Acsa and one luxury car.
– At 3:02 AM on Av. Marques de Santmori, 4 bins were set alight, and 2 luxury cars and a security company car.
– At 3:17 AM on the save avenue, 3 bins were burned.

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Mexico: Review of recent incendiary attacks

from vla, transl waronsociety:

In the past months there have been some arsons with characteristics like the attacks of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico, without having been claimed up to now like the one that took place in the Palacio de Hierro in Naucalpan. Here are the notices: Continue reading

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Portland, OR: US Bank in Southeast attacked

from the press:

PORTLAND, Ore. – Police are looking for two suspects after vandals broke windows and a glass door at a bank branch in Southeast Portland Monday night. The bank was previously hit by vandals in February. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Claim of responsibility for attack on Mars Hill Church

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Early in the morning of April 24th a group of angry queers smashed out the windows of Mars Hill Church in Southeast Portland. Mars Hill is notoriously anti-gay and anti-woman. Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill’s head pastor, has said that women need to be subservient to their husbands and that gay people are a cancer. His personal brand of Christianity crusades against the “feminization” of Jesus – we angry queers are not fans of Jesus, but we have a problem with anyone who has a problem with femmes. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Responsibility claim for attack on tattoo store

from pugetsoundanarchists:

In the early hours of April 23rd, 2012, we paid a visit to The Little Tattoo Shoppe owned by Matthew Mattison. Matthew was recently outed as a rapist and a sexual predator. After painting “Rapist get out of town” on the front door, we smashed every window we could. Continue reading

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Denmark: The 5 anarchists arson trial set to begin

Here’s an update to the blog from dk via actforfreedomnow. This information is from different national media…

On the 20th. of April 2012 the Justice minister of Denmark M. Boedskov (Social Democrat) approved the charge, against the five young men, to be upheld as terrorism charges.  Four was arrested the 26th. April 2011 with 30 liters of petrol and a flare outside the police academy in Brondby, outer Copenhagen. A fifth was arrested in May, also 2011.
The 5 admit to try to set fire to the police academy, but denied it should be an attempt of terrorism. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for arson attacks on luxury vehicles

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

On April 14 at 3 PM, we left an incendiary device made of gasoline and a retardant fuse that burned two luxury cars in Luis Vile and Cucha Cucha.

We continue giving fire in the city of Buenos Aires, as we said we would, after the social alarm that intends to make every citizen into a police hero “at the service of the community.” Continue reading

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Peru: Claim of responsibility for explosive attack on an ATM

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

Solidarity for anarchists is not only a written word.

In the wake of what has been happening (hunger strikes, raids on liberated spaces, persecutions, imprisonments, judicial processes) with the comrades of the whole world, this action goes out to them, as well as all of our rejection of this established order. Continue reading

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New York, NY: Report from anarchist rally in solidarity with imprisoned hunger strikers in Greece

from our brothers and sisters in NYC via contrainfo:

We were a small but lively group of about 20 Anarchists assembled outside the Greek Consulate yesterday evening (19/4).

We had two banners, and we passed fliers to bring attention to the corrupt matter of the imprisoned political Anarchist hunger strikers and the poor conditions and pre-trial detentions. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Clashes break out during Plan Nord protest

from antidev: A brief insider’s report on the April 20th Plan Nord protest

This was overall a great day of fighting, even though it wasn’t all victorious. From the very first moments, it could be felt that we were set to totally seize the day, and this was showing in black blocs serenely chanting and joking as they were dressing/gearing up. The Native spirit of the Earth was in us; harmonious, even in our drive towards disorder. Continue reading

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Indonesia: On recent arrests and police repression in Malang

UPDATED with text from 325:

On the night of Friday, April 20, 2012, four people were arrested by police when comrades are doing acts of vandalism as a form of solidarity against a variety of asymmetric struggle against the state, capital and society and solidarity to the imprisoned revolutionary combatants (Billy & Eat, Tukijo and Hidayat). The four comrades were detained and underwent a long interrogation for 17 hours without stopping before then released while still in the surveillance and investigation of the police. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Update from the trial of Eat & Billy

from negasi via 325:

We received word that the sixth trial of the comrades of Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (EAT) was held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 in the same place, the District Court of Lahore. The trial began after being delayed for two hours with the reading of the demands of the Public Prosecutor. Through its chairman Wiwik Triatmini, read the charges in the form of demand for imprisonment for 3 years with a reduced prison term. Continue reading

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