On the recent arrests in Chile from the Network in Support of Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

from freddymarcelojuan, transl waronsociety:

On Monday morning, sad news came to us. The comrades Carla Verdugo and Ivan Silva had been detained during the early hours by carabineros in Chile, who found explosive materials while searching their belongings. All this happened the same day that new hearings began against our comrades Juan Aliste, Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel. Continue reading

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Letter from Earth Liberation Prisoners Support about new information about informants and indictments in Midwest US

from ecoprisoners:

On April 9th, 2012, Frank Ambrose was resentenced to 70 months in prison. This is a significant reduction in his sentence, which was originally 108 months. Ambrose’s projected release date is now December 2013. This reduction in sentence is NOT the result of an appeal. Rather, the reason for this unusual reduction in sentence midstream is Ambrose’s continued “substantial assistance” to the government in “investigating or prosecuting another person.” While we don’t have any documented evidence of exactly who Ambrose has been snitching on, we do know the context in which his resentencing has occurred. Continue reading

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Kingston, ON: Roger Clement denied day parole

from guelphabc:

Roger Clement, the only person convicted for  participation in the 2010 firebombing of a Royal Bank Branch in Ottawa, has been denied day parole. He was hoping to be released into a half-way house in Ottawa in early April. It is now likely that he will be released in early 2013. Continue reading

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About what happened a few days ago, and an update on Tortuga’s situation

from negratortuguitalakalle, transl waronsociety:

What happened on April 12, 2012 came to us as a slap to our commitment to keep informed about the situation of our brother, friend and lover, and with this we do not intend to judge nor much less to detract from the intention of the comrades from El Sol Ácrata, for keeping informed about Tortu’s situation, as we said before it is a call to attention for us (with the blog), but also we consider it necessary to critique our comrades to be more cautious with the information that they send out. Continue reading

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Chile: Update from the “bombs case” political trial, March 26 to April 13

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Testimonies from witnesses who spoke about the alleged financing, as well as of the infiltration into public events of the Sacco and Vanzetti social center. Continue reading

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Invitation to contribute to the book Poems of Love and War

WOS note: Below is an invitation for contributions to a book of poems that will be dedicated to combatants who have fallen or been locked away by the State. If you wish to contribute to the book, send your poems to our email address and we will get them to the editorial group as well as helping in the translation.

Invitation to contribute to the book
Poems of Love and War

“The momentary return of Lxs Niñxs Salvajes Editorial is temporally situated in the critical struggles lived over the past year (2011) around the world. Coincidences do not exist. Movements of struggle live, between reformist methodologies and revolutionary radicals. Continue reading

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Text from Liberacion Total on the arrest of Carla and Ivan and raids in Chile

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

At 3:30 AM on April 16, Carla Verdugo Salinas and Ivan Silva Meneses were arrested on Lo Ovalle Avenue near Pasaje Membrillar in La Granja neighborhood with a backpack that contained material for fabricating a bomb. Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive device goes off in Banco de Chile branch (updated with communique)

communique from vla transl waronsociety:

Against the State and Capital that torture, cage, murder and destroy all of nature. Take control of your life, confront your fears, free yourself and attack Power.

Prisoners of the world in Social War to the street! Continue reading

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ParoleArmate – The roar of armed words is back

from parolearmate:

In these last weeks we have been a little busy, this is unquestionable. Committed to reorder the mess that the repression has sought to leave behind leaving our homes, our lives and those of people around us. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: ‘May Day’ vandalism to downtown bank and other businesses

from the press:

Bank of America customers who wanted to withdraw money Monday morning from a downtown Seattle branch were greeted by an ATM coated with lime-green spray paint. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Various attacks on government offices and metro system

several media stories via grevemontreal.
from the press, April 18:

MONTREAL – Montreal’s métro system was the target of another coordinated disruption on Wednesday morning when a smoke bomb was tossed into a tunnel along the Green line. Continue reading

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UK: Attack against Communications Infrastructure by ELF

from 325, 11 April 2012:

We take responsibility for the attack on the communications mast on Dundry hill on 11th April, that took out five communication services and took off air BBC Radio Bristol and Jack FM for more than 16 hours, as well as disrupting Avon and Somerset Police radio communications it seems (although they are refusing to comment on this). Continue reading

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April 19: Call for Solidarity Demo at Greek Embassy in New York

from anews:

Solidarity Is Praxis Not Just Words

Over the course of the past two weeks, eight imprisoned Greek comrades have declared a hunger strike that has spawned a growing wave of resistance throughout Greece. The prisoners’ diverse statements express demands for dignity, improved conditions, an end to political pre-trial detentions and extralegal punishment. Continue reading

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U$A: New vindictive prison measures against Sadie and Exile

from 325 (April 13, 2012):

New prison measures vindictively applied against eco-anarchist comrades Sadie & Exile, unrepentant members of the Earth Liberation Front. Letters of solidarity are appreciated by the two wild ones… nothing forgotten, nothing forgiven… Continue reading

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