Argentina: Attack in Solidarity with Eco Prisoners

We sealed the locks and stained the walls of one of the torture and murder centers of animals, the Veterinary Medicine Society, which kills animals and teaches others to do the same. We will not give them peace, as this war began a long time ago…

We send our warmest greetings to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Silvia Costa, Marco and Billy, and towards all the other comrades kidnapped and fallen in war.

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Olympia, WA: Logging equipment sabotaged

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Sometime in the morning hours of June 11th a piece of logging equipment somewhere around Olympia Washington was sabotaged. All that was needed was quickset cement, a bottle of saltwater, and a large pipe. This piece of machinery was being used to clear-cut a piece of land to make way for a small development, and will not be running anytime soon unless thousands of dollars are put into repairing the machine. This action was done in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason and all non-cooperating green scare prisoners. Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners!

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Olympia, WA: Triway Enterprises Targetted

from pugetsoundanarchists:

On Saturday June 11th the development company Triway Enterprises, located in Olympia Washington, had its door and façade covered in paint and corrosive material splattered on its windows. This was done because Triway, like nearly every other development company, attempts to pass of their destruction of the land as “green” and “sustainable”. As has been said before “eco-mansions” are not sustainable and never will be, and development companies will always be met with resistance. This act goes out to Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, two long-term, non-cooperating, green scare, anarchist prisoners.

Some anarchists.

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Tacoma, WA: Visits to development office and bank in solidarity with eco-anarchists

from pugetsoundanarchists:

In the early hours of June 11, an architecture office (once responsible for the design of the now defunt Point Ruston yuppie development) had paint thrown all over its sign and anti-development slogan written on the wall. A bank nearby had windows covered in paint. These are small gestures of solidarity with those eco-anarchists still locked up in prisons across the country as well as those who are still facing trials and those who are currently on the run. Against all prisons and the prison society that keeps humanity and the earth in chains.

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Seattle, WA: SUV attacked in solidarity with eco-anarchist prisoners

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Last night in honor of June 11, a luxury SUV parked in a rich area of Seattle had the majority of its windows ruined and the words “Yuppie Scum” spraypainted on the exterior. This was done in the tradition of struggle in the Northwest against all those who wish to destory the earth. In solidarity with Sadie, Exile, Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Grant Barnes, and all other eco prisoners including those who live semi-free in clandestiny. Dedicated to the memory of Avalon!

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Russia: Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network claim series of attacks in Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid & Long-term Anarchist Prisoners

325 received the following communique from Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action & Solidarity, about a series of attacks in conjunction with the 11th June International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. Strength and force to all those imprisoned for their ideas, words and actions of resistance – We will never forget our prisoners of war. For a global insurrectional network based on revolutionary solidarity, direct action and subversion:

Solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid – ELF actions in Moscow region of Russia

“For me solidarity is a constant proposal to struggle, is the continuation and the development of the revolutionary action for which the comrade was captured” – Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

01.06 we torched electrical measuring and control devices in 2 underground service booths of a water communication system that brings hot water to a military intelligence site in Butovskiy forest. To add to the fact that this infrastructure serves military personnel, more than 800 trees were cut during earthworks for this water supply line to even appear in the forest. To hamper service brigades further, we also spiked the road they use for maintaining the system.

05.06 we torched an excavator at a highway construction site west of Moscow (Volokolamsk direction).

06.06 and 10.06 we expropriated some construction equipment and destroyed geologists’ measurement posts in the glades of Butovskiy forest.

11.06 we broke into yet another underground service booth and put to fire all the digital and analog devices and tools inside.

We dedicate these attacks to Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. We don’t have the honour of personal acquaintance with them, but their dedication to protecting our Planet and conscious choices they’ve made not only to act, but also to stand their ground in the wake of state repressions, inspire us and help us to continue on our path.

For Earth Liberation! For Human Liberation!

ELF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action and Solidarity

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Concepción, Chile: Carabineros precinct torched

from the bourgeois press:

At around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, unknown perpetrators started a fire at the Carabineros Fourth Precinct in Curanilahue, Concepción, seriously damaging a number of buildings.

Several people tried to quell the flames with fire extinguishers, while two companies of firefighters converged on the scene in an attempt to get the fire under control. A police officer in charge confirmed that the fire affected buildings that housed police archives, and that valuable police and institutional records were lost to the flames.

LABOCAR personnel arrived on the scene to investigate the cause of the fire, and the Concepción military prosecutor is making inquiries into the case.

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China: Government building bombed out of ‘revenge against society’

from the bourgeois press:

BEIJING – TWO people were injured in a suspected revenge bombing at a government building in China, state media said on Saturday, the second such attack attributed to disgruntled locals in recent weeks.

The detained suspect, a man surnamed Liu, allegedly set off the explosion in the northern city of Tianjin on Friday out of ‘revenge against society,’ Xinhua news agency reported.

Two people were slightly injured in the incident at a municipal government building in the Hexi district of Tianjin, a major city about 100km (60 miles) southwest of Beijing, the report said.

Calls to the Hexi district government offices went unanswered on Saturday.

China sees thousands of protests and other public disturbances each year, often linked to anger over official corruption, government abuses and the illegal seizure of land for development.

Bomb attacks have been increasingly frequent in recent years and are typically carried out by individuals angry over perceived injustices, business disputes or other pressures associated with China’s rapid modernisation. — AFP

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Athens, Greece: June 11th banners for Marie Mason and Eric McDavid

from indybay:

We found these photos of two banners at two different universities in Athens, Greece. Supporting Prisoners, but more specifically prisoners Marie Mason and Eric Mcdavid. It is June 11th!

640_polytech.jpg original image ( 960x720)

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Statements by Jeff ‘Free’ Luers and June 11th Crew


Statement from Jeff ‘Free’ Luers

Today is a sad day for me because I continue a legacy that started with me, but sadly does not end there. June 11th 2001 was the day I was sentenced to 22yrs and 8 months in prison. It is a day that both forever changed my life and the life of this struggle.

But, rather than collapse under the weight of the states repression we rose. It took time. It took years actually but in 2004, after 4 years in prison, my support group and I organized the first annual international day of solidarity with myself, Jeffrey Luers. It always feels weird to say that.

48 cities in a dozen countries spread across 4 continents held solidarity events and actions demanding my release. And those numbers held true the next and the year after that.

In 2006, the hammer really fell and what started with the arrests of Critter and me spread to radical communities across the nation. To this day the FBI is actively hunting down eco-saboteurs and activist both underground and above. We have numerous of our people in prison today: Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Daniel McGowan, Nathan Exile Block, Joyanna Sadie Zacher, Grant Barnes, Michael Skyes, and Steve Murphy, with Briana Waters fate still unknown.

This June 11th marks the first international day of Solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason, and all our long-term anarchist political prisoners. We are here to honor them, support them, remind them that they are not forgotten, and most importantly to demand their release.

June 11th is a reminder to us that though we spend our days outside of a prison many of our friends and allies spend theirs behind bars having sacrificed what little freedom they had to fight for something greater than themselves. We have a responsibility to them and to ourselves to struggle and fight until all are free.

I may no longer be imprisoned, but I cannot and will not rest until my friends are back home with their families and our struggle for Earth, Animal, and Human liberation is successful.

We must free our political prisoners and prisoners of war.

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Calgary: RBC bank attacked in solidarity with Montreal comrades

from anarchistnews:

On the night of June 8th we found out about our comrades in Montreal. The pigs shot two more people. This fueled our rage for the police and the world they maintain.

So an RBC in the northwest of Calgary had thick goopy paint poured all over the ATMs and the words “Fuck the police” and “Solidarity” written on the walls.

Fuck the police!
Solidarity with Montreal!

-some anarchists

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Seattle, WA: City council forum disrupted

from pugetsoundanarchists:

After discovering that our favorite paper The Stranger was giving power-hungry ding-dongs another free opportunity to interface with the public they want to manage, we decided to pay the event a little visit.

At The Havanna Club in Capitol Hill we found ourselves assaulted by democracy-fanatics, imploring us to register to vote (so that we can vote in the city council). The earnestness and sincerity with which these democratic-insurgents tried to push their religion was utterly astounding and it took some time, once getting past them and entering the bar, to fully make out what was happening.

The hippest of democracy-lovers were drinking and occasionally fielding some questions to the candidates for the Seattle City Council. The candidates were hamming it up as usual, putting on their most disgusting grins and feigning the deepest concern. We know full well, after they are elected, these bozos will further criminalize the homeless, redesign and gentrify what is left of the nasty Seattle streets we love, and make the city a green, social-democratic paradise, all the while making over 100,000 dollars a year. We have no interest in government, and so, as anarchists, we proceeded to disrupt the event.

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Montreal, QC: Anti-police riot after police kill two


from the capitalist press (june 8, 2011):

Anti-police demonstrators in Montreal marched to the site of a tragic shooting Wednesday night where two people, including an innocent bystander, were killed by officers’ bullets.

Then they began smashing windows.

Members of the crowd picked up materials from a construction site and hurled them as projectiles.

They pelted bricks and chunks of broken concrete at about a dozen commercial windows, including restaurants and coffee shops. Several of the windows shattered.

An outdoor portable toilet was overturned and tossed into the street. Buildings, streets and at least one onlooker were splattered with pink paint tossed by demonstrators.

Many of the 200 protesters were dressed head to toe in black or wore black bandannas to conceal their faces, garb commonly worn at rowdy protests.

They chanted slogans and held signs denouncing police violence. One giant banner said, “Never again.”

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Chile: Luciano wakes from induced coma; action at the hospital

Translations have appeared by other comrades concerning Luciano’s health (he awoke from the medically-induced coma) and the solidarity action that occurred. Both translations follow:

from culmine, translation by santiasko anarchista:

At noon on Thursday (June 9th) we went to the Indisa Clinic with a banner and dropped leaflets in front of the building, where Luciano is imprisoned, the leaflets read:


The press in its faithful work to maintain the dominate system enjoyed displaying images and testimonies of what happened on June 1 and have defamed Luciano and his close comrades, but none of this surprises us, the press just plays its role.

We need to break the isolation that power tries to impose on us during these difficult times of a fellow anarchist. Outside of the judgments of “guilty “or “innocent” we must categorically reject the parameters of morality and social values​​.

Never leave a comrade alone.
We are not frightened by the links that the police invents to divide and stop us.
Regards to those loved ones and comrades of Tortuga, especially his partner and daughter.


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