Italy: Statement of solidarity with Mattia and Fede

During the night between 14 and 15 June, two anarchist comrades were arrested in Milan, at Lambrate train station, accused of possession of explosive material. They are presently being held in the prison of San Vittore.

The two were in the station but they fled the view of some officials, attracting the attention of police who were then stopped them. Checks determined the two were undocumented and already known to police for numerous precedents. One of them was believed by the cops as belonging to the eco-anarchist scene and the police have ordered a search of his apartment, which has led them to discover “pyrotechnic” and “arsonist” material, all homemade, a fuel tank, ski mask and wig.

from informa-azione:

16/06/2011 – we receive and impart:


“The bicycle is a vehicle of human muscular propulsion, consisting of a frame on which are placed two aligned wheels, one behind and the other in front, and equipped with a mechanical system for transmitting power to the drive wheel”

Who knows what other power our two comrades had in their bodies, who on the night of June 15 and 14 were arrested in Milan in the Lambrate area.

Surely that of the individual in revolt.

Mattia and Fede, anarchists, found their road blocked by a patrol of the Railway Police as they were giving free rein to the propulsion developed by their legs on the pedals of their bicycles.

Having no ID documents on them they are brought to police headquarters for questioning and, during the search, the guards come across some Diavolin firelighter in Matthia’s backpack, with matches and a cigarette assembled.

From here, a house search at the home of Matthias where certainly not illegal objects are found.

Beyond the use that one or both comrades had wanted to make of that nice assemblage, our solidarity goes to them and to all those who daily put themselves in play fighting against the State, its harmful effects, against all hierarchy and for human and animal liberation. Instead, our disgust at those who, like the organs of the Press, describe the two cyclists as common thugs.

At times like this, where dozens of comrades are locked up, and just as many are subjected to restrictive measures or are under investigation, it is important to take action to make our solidarity felt.

To each the choice of how to use this weapon.

Anarcho-cyclist solidarity
June 16, 2011

Addresses to write to the comrades:

Matthias Petit
Federico Buono

Piazza Filangieri, 2
20123 Milan

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Peru: Arson of church in solidarity with comrades of the social war Marie Mason and Eric McDavid

Communique from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

This past 11th of June a fire was started on the side of a church which was under construction; we climbed the wall with mats in order to reach the entire wooden frame, instead of climbing the wall and going inside, we proceeded to leave plastic bottles filled with gasoline on which a sticker was placed, (alluding to the comrade fallen in combat, Mauricio Morales); and an additional amount [of gasoline] was splashed across the fence. Moments before climbing the walls again, we set fire and showered leaflets in solidarity to the eco-anarchist comrades Marie Mason and Eric McDavid; it was the same place where days before we painted slogans, while we were making an inspection of the area.

By way of this action we express solidarity with those who, like many other prisoners of the social war in the world, do not give up in this struggle; through this form we also show that our solidarity continues and will continue to be a weapon against the whole system of domination, and that those on the inside are not alone.

We do not surrender, we continue onward, we know that with intentions we do not change anything, but only with actions. Seek to live anarchy!

For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!

Against the prisons of capital!

Freedom to the accused of the “Bombs Case”!


Circle of Iconoclastic Action / Informal Anarchist Federation



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Denver, CO: Statement from Amelia Nicol and from Anarchist Black Cross

from Denver ABC:

Statement from Amelia Nicol:

The court hearing on June 9th was a great victory for everyone who has been involved in this case, and I have been released on bond thanks to all of the hard work from all of the people who have been supporting this case; especially the people at Denver ABC who have put in an enormous amount of time and effort to see that not only this case, but other cases like it are seen, heard, and therefore part of a growing movement for true freedom for everyone who is standing up against the daily injustice that we all face in the existence of police forces.

I feel privileged to be able to be a part of a movement that has been building for centuries; one that is in constant continuation in all of us who choose to stand up together against capitalism and the rule of government that has been instigated over us. Thank you for your continued support in this case and I encourage you to write to me (I loved all of your letters) at

I am fortunate to call you comrades.

Amelia Nicol


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Italy: Eco-anarchists arrested for possession of explosives

from the press via culmine, translated by war on society:

Milan, June 15, 2011 – Two Italian boys aged 26 and 35 were arrested last night at about 3:30 at the Lambrate train station with homemade incendiary shells in backpacks. They were then arrested for possession of explosive material.

The two were in the station but they fled the view of some officials, attracting the attention of police who were then able to stop them. Checks determined the two were undocumented and already known to police for numerous precedents. One of them was found to belong to the eco-anarchist scene and the police have ordered a search of his apartment, which has led them to discover pyrotechnic and arsonist material, all homemade, a fuel tank, ski mask and wig.

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Greece: Claim of responisibility for arson attack on PASOK (ruling party) offices

from actforfreedomnow:

June 15

In the view of the permanent pillage of the capital against the workers, the official syndicalistic gang of GSEE (National Workers’ Union of Greece) calls for general strike. Thus the workers are called “to demonstrate peacefully” against the violent charge of the state and capital.

Only that in Democracy, for the smooth imposition of dominating structures, the peaceful response is not simply acceptable, but legitimate. We ought to redefine our choices, collectivize our resistances and give daily answers.

Against the capitalistic savagery to affix the multiform class struggle with demonstrations, strikes, occupations, conflicts, attacks… continuing the war to the war of the state and capital.

This is why we take the responsibility for the arson of the local organization of PASOK on Ditikis Makedonias street in Thessaloniki in the early hours of Thursday 16-6-2011 factually declaring our solidarity to the 15 arrested in the strike mobilizations as well as to those who choose the rupture with authority and its structures.

No peace

Laws are abolished at the barricades.

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Santa Cruz, CA: Miguel Balderos sentenced to 10.5 years for prosecutor office arson

Reposted from the bourgeois press and Surf City Revolt:

SANTA CRUZ – A 53-year-old man was sentenced Tuesday to more than 10 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to setting fire to the Santa Cruz city attorney’s office.

Miguel William Balderos started a fire at the city attorney’s office on the 300 block of Church Street on July 2, 2010, and he told police that he was an anarchist protesting the city’s camping ban.

No one was hurt in the fire — which began in a recycling bin — but the blaze caused about $50,000 in damage and sent smoke through the office. The fire was started about 4:15 a.m. at the office of Atchison, Barisone, Condotti and Kovacevich, a private law firm that is contracted to work for the city.

Balderos has been imprisoned at least four times for convictions that include residential burglary and robbery, District Attorney Bob Lee said in a statement. Balderos pleaded guilty in April to three felony counts including arson and threatening a public official in the recent case, Lee said.

Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of 12 years and eight months in state prison. Tuesday, Judge Paul Marigonda sentenced Balderos to 10 years and 8 months prison.

“The community will not tolerate Mr. Balderos’ outrageous and threatening conduct,” prosecutor Nicole Ellen Jones said in a statement.

According to the Santa Cruz County Inmate Locator Balderos is still in custody in the downtown Santa Cruz jail.

Send him letters and reading material at:

Miguel Balderos, S# 126145
Santa Cruz Main Jail
259 Water Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Here are the guidelines for mail.

Solidarity means attack, and also prisoner support.

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Eastern Townships, QC: ELF/FAI communique for anti-development actions

from Anti-dev (blog):

A subversive attack was carried today, in the early hours of the morning against the tourist/real estate industry right in the middle of the Eastern Townships, Qc.

The Mount Orford Park has become over the past few years one of the main cornerstones for the invasive suburban developments in the region. A tourist attraction for the rich, the Sherbrooke-based “Orford Express” train -a tourist train/attraction- was the target of “unthinkable” graffiti, painted on the concrete walls of the new railroad pass right under highway 10, which is symbolically the main entry route for motorists in the region.

The Orford Express quickly became a well-respected and valuable asset for the region’s tourist industry.

Now the hundreds of bourgeois/suburban consumers who were having a posh dinner in the luxurious, old-style train/restaurant were forced to witness barbaric graffiti, directly aimed at them… words like (in French) “Orford: Suburbia” and “the Earth is not for Sale!” (in reference to the many “Land for Sale” panels still mostly left unspoiled everywhere in the region), along with a circled “A” sign, and a frightening, pitch black Jolly Roger. We can only hope it’ll last for the weekend, if not longer…

This action was made amongst an ongoing string of small “defacing” actions carried out in the Eastern Townships by different people. Especially as the busiest period of the tourist season begins, its is very likely to be followed by more attacks of the same nature as it is open season for us green & black insurgents.

We believe that the “face value” is the most sensitive part in this industry, as the more the investors and the invaders will feel compromised, the lesser they’ll be drawn to here and the easier it’ll be to force development to a standstill. That is our long term battle strategy, and this same logic can be applied wherever the same kind of capitalism-driven development spreads

As long as tourism is a vehicle for more invasion and destruction of life, it’s got to be subverted, disrupted or destroyed, by any way we find.

Savagery is the only answer to the hypocrisy of civilization.

In solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, the fighting Native people and with all the anarchist prisoners of the Western imperialist wars, here and abroad, who stood up for their love of life and freedom.

– the Appalachian Hydra
member of the E.L.F./I.A.F.

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Trial date set for Swiss eco-anarchists Costa, Silvia, and Billy

from 325:

On 15 April 2010, Costantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerin and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi were arrested in Switzerland after a control by police. The State accuses them of planning to attack an IBM nanotechnology laboratory. Costa, Silvia and Billy are fellow anarchists who have been active in fighting for things like radical ecology and animal liberation, fighting against health hazards such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and nuclear technology and supporting and standing in solidarity with prisoners. IBM is a notorious devastator of the entire world, a corporate giant which profits from and maintains the hierarchy of the rich. Solidarity with those who fight against industrial capitalism and the new sciences of control and manipulation.

On the 19, 20 and 22 of July in Bellinzona, Switzerland, the trial will be held for the eco-anarchists Silvia Guerin, Costantino Rugusa and Luca ‘Billy’ Berlusconi. It is over a year since our comrades have been held by the Swiss authorities, whilst the investigation into the ‘crime’ for which they are accused was carried out. The charges are: planning an incendiary attack against an IBM nanotechnology research centre under construction outside Zurich, transportation and possession of explosives without jurisdiction.

It has been a year of not only isolation against Silvia, Costa and Billy, but the attempted repression and increased monitoring of a growing movement of solidarity and resistance which cannot be put out, but only spreads under the rake of repression. Marco Camenisch, fellow eco-anarchist imprisoned by the Swiss authorities joined the accused during one of their hunger-strikes, and there has been many actions of revolutionary solidarity directed towards all them, if the authorities thought that they could turn the investigation and trial of our comrades into anything other than an inflammation of our anger and attack against the existent, they were wrong. The Earth is waking up and taking revenge, in every action of earth and animal liberation which pushes forward the vision of total liberation for all living beings.

None will be taken from us, as only a wall separates, and everyday takes us towards the destruction of this world of cages and prisons.

Freedom for Costa, Billy and Silvia
Freedom for Marco Camenisch
Freedom for the Earth

More info:

Statement of anarchists (On Swiss IMC)

Soli-Website for Silvia, Billy and Costas

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Cambridge, UK: Bank action in solidarity with eco-anarchist prisoners

from 325:

17 June 2011

“Early Friday morning, 17 June, we brought disorder to Chesterton Road, Cambridge. The HSBC bank was graffitied, its locks glued, its cashpoint trashed using glue and spraypaint. The offices of Seetech, a ‘back to work’ training company, was graffitied with the words FUCK WORK and circled As, a bike lock was used to chain the front doors and the locks were glued. We then visited the Chesterton Road JobCentre and graffitied the front saying FUCK WORK B4 IT FUCKS U and so on. We then sabotaged the cashpoints of the Lloyds TSB and the Barclays banks nearby, also graffiting both offices and gluing locks. A few other nearby businesses had their locks glued and were graffitied, including the slogan SMASH AUTHORITY, FUCK THE POLICE.

This goes out to other marginalised people, those who cannot and/or will not integrate into this sick society.

International solidarity to imprisoned fighters, including American eco-anarchist prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, also not forgetting another long term caged freedom lover Ted Kaczynski (aka FC or ‘Unabomber’).

We will not forget or give in, subversive complicities are our strength! Until all cages are destroyed…

Anonymous Autonomous

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Guelph, ON: Development office attacked in solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners

from anarchistnews:

In the early hours of June 11, 2011 We went out to Terra View Homes Head Office and broke half a dozen windows as an act of solidarity with Long term anarchist prisoners in North America.

Terra View Homes is a local subdivision developer who specialize in selling people guilt free consciouses. They develop “green” homes, a new market coming in with the yuppies from Toronto, but we see the clear sham in calling any kind of sprawl and capital expansion as green.

the land is fragil, but the developers are not. Eco-capital is a sham


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Fresno, CA: Police Memorial in front of Police HQ vandalized

from indybay:

Johannes Mehserle walked free after serving less than a year in jail after he murdered Oscar Grant in cold blood. Mehserle is free, Oscar Grants daughters still have no father, his parents have no son, he is still dead and his executioner walks free. This is bullshit and in response the pig memorial in front of FPD HQ had paint thrown on it with the message “Oscar Grant was here, Rest In Power Brother”. These pigs can’t keep getting away with killing our people.

Angelo Fernandez was recently shot in the back by FPD, he was unarmed. This problem of killer pigs is not only in Oakland but also in Fresno and pretty much every city. We will not sit idly by while this happens. The time to fight back is now, choose targets, cover your tracks, plan your actions out and strike. No Justice, No Peace, Fuck the Police!

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San Francisco, CA: Chilean consulate building attacked in solidarity with Tortuga and A14 defendants

from anarchistnews:

In solidarity with our comrades in Chile, in particular Tortuga and the defendants of the so-called ‘Bombs Case’, we attacked the building housing the Chilean consulate in San Francisco. The locks to several doors were glued shut and the windows were permanently etched. No damage could compare to the pain inflicted on our fellow anarchists struggling in Chile: the stolen moments, flesh, freedom. But we wanted to express our total solidarity with their struggle. Our solidarity is only meaningful insofar as we see their efforts as reflected in our own activity. The struggle against prison society and capital is global.


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Finland: Railways sabotaged in solidarity action

from infoshop news (links added by war on society):

Communiqué, June 13th.

With this communiqué we claim responsibility for the railway sabotage directed at a rail security electronics installation at Rekola in Vantaa. For this action we only needed a crowbar, some toilet paper, a few canisters of gasoline and a light. We broke in through the door and used toilet paper soaked in lighter fluid as a fuse, so we could flee the scene in peace before the arrival of the police and the fire department.

The decision to take action again was aided by the mass media’s response to the communiqué that was sent to the site on June 6th, claiming numerous instances of sabotage over the last few months. The media’s outrageous accusations toward the comrades in Social Center Satama and the mixing up of the Roma migrants to these actions only displays what kind of scum we are dealing with. You can blame yourselves for the latest action.

The representatives of the media left the anarchist prisoners all over the world (and especially in the nine states we phoned in bomb threats to on June 6th), for whom the actions were also carried out in solidarity to – as well as to the Roma people and Social Center Satama, completely uncovered. As long as the situation of our comrades is not brought to light, we will strike against targets that are relevant to capital and the state.

Attacks on the railway network are as old as the anarchist movement itself. We are proud to continue the legacy of rebellious anarchy in our localities and we do so with confidence and a readiness to confront the possible consequences.

We once again send our subversive greetings to our comrades in Social Center Satama, the Roma migrants in Helsinki and anarchist prisoners all over the world. You are not alone!

We send warm greetings to our chilean comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger, who was seriously injured when a bomb prematurely exploded outside a bank in Santiago de Chile. We also send greetings to the United States to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Grant Barnes and the other ecoanarchist prisoners on the international day of solidarity of June 11th.

Fire to the prisons!

To spread the rebellion everywhere – direct action and solidarity!

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Green Scare Prisoner Takes Cooperating Plea Deal

Today, we received the devastating news that in Tacoma, WA at the Federal Courthouse, Briana Waters, former non-cooperating Green Scare prisoner imprisoned for participation in the September 2001 arson of the Litchfield Wild Burro and Horse Corrals in Susanville, California and 2001 University of Washington Horticulture Building arson, took a cooperating plea deal. She had been released earlier this last year due to a mistrial. Therefore she was set to be tried again, today was the pretrial hearing. At the hearing she accepted a cooperating deal where if she is able to give substantial information against her co-defendants she could potentially serve no more prison time, either way her sentence is expected to be reduced. She is set to be sentenced in September. Her cooperating plea deal makes it so she is now informing and expected to testify against Justin Solondz, who was caught while on the run in China and is serving a drug-related sentence there until his extradition back to the U.S. where he will face trial for the ELF related actions.

Due to the media and governments portrayal of Justin as the “alleged leader” and due to the other cooperating defendants including now, Briana Waters, Justin is looking at a difficult time upon being forced back to the U.S.

Briana Waters has made it clear which side she is on. She has willingly cooperated with the State. Her decision will likely help put others in prison for an extended period of time. At this point, all support for Briana Waters should be revoked as she is now a snitch.

Her decision comes at a time when anarchists and radical environmentalists across the country and somewhat internationally have shown widespread support and solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid this past June 11th. Marie Mason and Eric McDavid are both serving 20 plus year sentences. In the wake of Briana Waters decision it is important to remember that there are others with true strength and convictions in their ideas. Let us remember those who continue the struggle inside prison and never flip on their friends or comrades.

Total freedom for NON-COOPERATING Green Scare prisoners!
Solidarity with Sadie, Justin, Marie, Eric, Exile, Grant, Michael, Daniel, Scott, and non-cooperating ALF and anarchist prisoners!
Strength to those still free and on the run!

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