Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol June 9th court update

Update #4 on Amelia Nicol, Anti-Police Terror Prisoner
Denver, CO
by Denver Anarchist Black Cross

There have been some major developments within Amelia’s case. Amelia had a pretrial hearing today, on June 9. A pretrial hearing allows for a judge to hear the evidence, and decide whether there is sufficient evidence for a defendant to stand trial for the charges that have been filed. In this case, as detailed below, the judge made some pretty strong rulings in favor of Amelia.

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Olympia, WA: Attacks on newspaper headquarters and snitch-photojournalist’s home

from the bourgeois press:

An Olympian photographer’s Tumwater home and The Olympian’s building on Bethel Street were both targeted by vandals overnight Wednesday – with anarchist graffiti left spray-painted on walls, corrosive acid thrown on windows and three tires of the photographer’s pickup slashed.

Olympian photographer Tony Overman was singled out by the graffiti left on an exterior wall at The Olympian – where the words “Overman snitch” were written in dark paint. Overman said he was editing video in the living room of his Tumwater home after 1 a.m. Thursday morning when he looked out the window and noticed his pickup was sitting at a crooked angle in his driveway.

He said that when he went outside to investigate, he found the tires of his truck slashed, an anarchist symbol spray painted on his garage door and the word “snitch” spray-painted on his pickup. Additionally, a gooey substance had been left on all the windows of his truck.

At The Olympian, facilities and maintenance manager Darrell McDevitt said he arrived at work about 5:45 a.m. Thursday to find an acidic or corrosive paint-like substance had been splashed over about 13 windows at the front of the building. The words “Overman snitch” also were spray painted on an Olympian delivery truck and on the front wall of the building.

McDevitt said it is too early to say exactly how much it will cost to fix the damage, but he estimated it could cost upwards of $11,000 or $12,000.

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Russia: Gas bomb exploded near traffic police post in Moscow [VIDEO]

See also the related mainstream news article Anarchists attack parking lot in Moscow, in which the police claim the incidents are part of a series of recent crimes by an anarchist guerrilla group in Russia.

communique from blackblocg follows:

Click to download video in FLV format (5.12MB)

Early morning on [June 7th, 2011] explosive was activated nearby traffic police post in the south of Moscow. It was done by anarchists…

Why traffic police? – may someone ask. Some think, traffic police doesn’t beat and torture detained people, doesn’t invade our homes and doesn’t charge the innocent… But is it true? In Russia traffic policemen has recently beaten up a driver, who has been carrying his pregnant wife to hospital, one of them also have been SHOT DOWN a teenager, etc… So, traffic police is the one of the most odious groups of cops in Russia. And one of the most corrupted. We made for them a little vengeance through a gas balloon of 27 liters placed in a basin filled with coal and petrol, and then we set fire on it… A result you can see on a video.

None was injured (but one cop had a good chance to be while trying to fight fire). We have chosen carefully a place where none of ordinary people or a near traveling cars could take damage.

The explosion was thunder in 4:30 a. m. and then we could see a panic amongst a cops.

Let make them pay! Let create a fair world! Our oppressed sisters and brothers – join the struggle for freedom!

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Denver, CO: Banner drop for Amelia Nicol; most charges dropped in court

from Colorado Indymedia:

Today a banner was dropped over I-25 near downtown in support of Amelia Nicol (learn more about the case here:…) It was dropped at approximately 7 am, 1 and a half hours before her court date and right as morning rush hour was picking up. It was latter seen from said highway and was entirely visible and looked fabulous. Hundreds of people undoubtedly saw it. It was a red banner painted in black letters “Free Amelia Nicol! Shame on DPD.” With a circle A for the A in Amelia!
It almost seems like a prophetic act, given that today at Amelia’s court date most of the charges were dropped. She will, most indisputably not go to prison for 90 years as the prosecution would have liked her too. Indeed, even the judge said, dismayingly and shaking his head that he thought that she had been over charged. The court room was packed and filled with hushed laughter at the ludicrous testimonies given by the police officers and detective that served as witnesses.

Banner drops are easy and fun, effective in catching people’s eyes, educating people on issues that they may not know about, showing solidarity, and hopefully changing a few minds! I encourage that everyone partake in such actions and any actions that show support for those doing time and suffering in any other way from the overhanging power structures of capitalism and the police state.

Sincerely yours

Some Anarchist Banner Bandits.

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Chile: June 7th: Statement by comrades and friends of Luciano

from viva la anarquia, translated by war on society:

Faced with such a painful situation, we believe it necessary to share some developments with respect to the situation of our comrade and friend Luciano.

Due to the seriousness of his health, he has been subjected to constant medical checks and interventions, but most important is to clarify that ALL THE DECISIONS that have been taken with respect to Luciano HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY HIS FAMILY OF ORIGIN (mother, father and siblings) who without knowing our Tortu, have in the absolute taken and appropriated responsibilities with respect to:

1. His transfer from the central hospital to the bourgeois clinic INDISA where they have made various interventions on him (amputation of his right hand and part of his left hand, skin grafts on both legs for his moderate burns. Also to clarify, he did not lose his entire eyes but rather both corneas.

2. With respect to visits, the family and especially his “mother” (one of the people who Luciano saw the least) has wanted to control them, deeming to “authorize” only those who she esteems appropriate and in her presence, in addition to expressing her total displeasure with the people closest to and loved by Luciano calling them disparagingly “the anarchists.”

In these difficult times we believe it is of vital importance to accompany one’s friends and comrades more closely, we must break the fear and the barriers that stand between us, we must express ourselves our ties of solidarity with imagination and creativity.

We believe in our channels for communicating ourselves and we must face on our feet (although it may be difficult for us) this situation.

Thanks to the comrades who have given us their support and love directly and indirectly.

For a call to solidarity and to actions against that which oppresses us.


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Finland: Claim of numerous solidarity attacks

The following communique was originally published in the Finnish anarchist portal Takku

During the weekend an Islamist blogger tried to take credit for the bomb and molotov cocktails, until an anarchist communique was published in Monday.

Mainstream media news can be found here. [link fixed – wos]


Tuesday night 13.4.2011 we burned five dumpsters at Pukinmäki train station in Helsinki. We also wrote to the wall some slogans for free spaces.

During the next two nights we burned dumpsters at several places in the city of Vantaa.

Tuesday 19.4. we attacked the police by setting a fire to the street, and when police showed up, greeted them with stones and paint bombs. Police responded by attacking the nearby Social Centre Satama, which they found empty after a long siege and assault inside.

During the night 31.5.-1.6. in the district of Pukinmäki, Helsinki, we closed the Kenttätie-street, that police use a lot, by setting several dumpsters on fire.

Early friday morning 3.6. in the Helsinki district of Pasila, we set a bomb under a car of private security company Turvatiimi. Although the bomb was fully functional, we decided not to explode it, so that bystanders or workers in other companies won’t get into danger. This is why we set the bomb visibly to the side of the car, so that everyone in the courtyard could see it.

Early saturday morning 4.6. we attacked with molotov cocktails against two gas stations in the Helsinki district of Tapaninvainio.

Monday morning 6.6. we called bomb threats to following embassies:
Belarus, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Chile, United States, Germany, Greece, Italy.

We chose these countries because of the ongoing struggles there. We wanted to make the representatives of these countries to feel a bit of that fear, that our anarchist comrades have to face in their everyday struggle against the violence machine of the state.

With these attacks we want to show our solidarity to the comrades of Social Centre Satama and their struggle for free space. We also send revolutionary greetings to Roma migrants in Helsinki, who are oppressed daily by the violent apparatus of the state.

With these attacks we also express our support to every anarchist prisoner, and want to remind that struggle will continue despite the attempts to repression by the state.

The time of empty talk is over, long live anarchy!

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Greece: Solidarity actions ahead of the trial of the anarchist Aris Seirinidis on June 8th

from occupied london:

Aris Seirinidis is an anarchist who was arrested on the evening of May 3rd, 2010 in central Athens, at a police check-point set up for an irrelevant to him case. Initially he faced a misdemeanor charge but in the end the anti-terrorist unit pulled out a forgotten case related to the shooting of a police riot van in the area of Exarcheia in the summer of 2009, which became known by the media as “the case of the pistolero with the sombrero and flip flops” (due to the attire worn by the person that carried out the shooting). The main “evidence” against Aris was the matching of DNA taken from his wallet after his arrest with DNA found on one of the many surgical mask strewn around Exarcheia (due to a demo and rioting that had taken place in the summer of 2009, exactly the previous to the incident day) that was collected on the day of the shooting.

Aris’ trial will commence tomorrow, June 8th – and today has seen a series of actions across Greece in his support.

In Athens, the Council of State was blockaded by anarchists this morning. In Thessaloniki, a local radio station (fm100) was occupied and solidarity texts were read out on air. In Thessaloniki, Ioannina and Xanthi, anarchists will be setting up PA’s (mikrofoniki) and distributing texts in solidarity.

A motorcycle demonstration will commence from Athens’ Propylea today at 17.30 and a solidarity gathering will take place at the courthouse tomorrow at 9 am, at the first-degree courthouse (protodikeio) of Athens at 4, Degleri str.

See also: “about the case of Aris Seirinidis” (solidarity fund for prisoners in struggle) | Letter from the anarchist comrade Aris Seirinidis (act for freedom now)

22 734x1024 #612 | Solidarity actions across Greece ahead of the trial of the anarchist Aris Seirinidis on June 8th

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol in solitary confinement; DABC update

Update #3 on Amelia Nicole, Anti-Police Terror Prisoner
Denver, CO
by Denver Anarchist Black Cross

As Amelia’s next court date approaches, support efforts have started to solidify locally. We’ve been able to have fairly consistent telephone contact with Amelia over the last week. As it stands, Amelia has been moved to solitary confinement within the jail, caged in her cell for 23 hours each day, with one hour for phone calls, recreation, and any sort of co-mingling with other human beings.

Amelia has been receiving tons of mail from across the country, and is very appreciative of everyone who has written her. She has promised that as soon as her stamp and envelope package arrives (it was mailed by DABC over 9 days ago), she will write to every single person she has received a letter from.

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Call for International Solidarity with Luciano!

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Guelph, ON: Development billboards trashed

from anarchistnews:

On Friday June, 3 2011. we trashed a large billboard in the south end of Guelph. We used paint to obscure the messages advertising new developments in Guelph by our local business elite, Reid’s Heritage Homes. This billboard greets you every time you enter the city.

We choose Reid’s Heritage Homes because they are a predominant developer in Southern Ontario, building shitty homes, trashing the land around us and making a killing on off of other peoples labor. They are our local ruling elite.

Solidarity to the long term political prisoners in North America and Mapuche Hunger Strikers.


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New Orleans: Red Light Cameras Covered Up By Anarchists

from Nola Anarcha:

Recently some anarchists covered up some of the notorious and hated red light traffic cameras in New Orleans with black garbage bags and threw leaflets in the air nearby. They anonymously sent in the video below. We transcribed the text of the leaflet below because it is hard to read on the video. This follows an arson attack on a speed camera on Chartres St. last October, and angry comments flooding after every traffic camera story. Cameras in Jefferson Parish have already been stopped, and hopefully New Orleans will be next!
video of the action

Traffic cameras show the total contempt that the government has for people. A stack of tickets extorts payments from us. They threaten us with worse if we don’t pay. And in the end surveillance doesn’t make us any safer, it only illegalizes things that we were once capable of accomplishing with our own good judgment.
Well, we’re fucking sick of being manipulated by the incredulous gaze of surveillance, so we’re putting a bag over the watchful eye of this newest type of policing.
Against the gaze of the state! For self-determination!
-Some anarchists
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Delta, BC: South Fraser Freeway machinery smashed

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Monday, May 30, in the wee hours, in Delta, BC, Canada (Coast Salish Territories)

The windshield of a backhoe being used to destroy the edge of Burns Bog for the South Fraser Perimeter Road was smashed in.

This $2 billion freeway is a pavement atrocity that would displace indigenous burial grounds and endangered species habitats to open a massive industrial/trade corridor.

Expect resistance.

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Mexico: Claim of sabotage against Renault dealership in Veracruz

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Early on May 20th we vandalized the Renault branch located on Av. Lazaro Cardenas, whose large windows were destroyed with one of the weapons that has always been on the side of the oppressed: stones. The situation of passivity that the present situation offers us–with work and consumption, alienating our lives and the building of the power of drugs as a brutal form of totally consolidated fear and domination–demands rupture with capitalist and statist everyday life and therefore the task of the revolutionary today is to superimpose their self-esteem and individuality against the establishment in order to counter the domination and self-domination to which life finds itself subjected. Therefore the search for the denial of obligations and the taking-hold of conflict and the daily sabotage and the creation and stimulation of liberatory experiences that aim toward human, animal, and earth liberation become totally necessary within each field of our life.

Through this communique we extend support, solidarity and complicity to all comrades of the social war who have fallen into the clutches of power being incarcerated in Chile, Greece, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the rest of the world and especially to the Mexican comrades Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio, and to all the prisoners who, in opposition to the interests of capital in certain manner, have been imprisoned in Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca–especially for the living reappearance of comrade Carlos Rene, disappeared by the new Oaxacan government.

A greeting also for the comrade Luciano of Chile who finds himself in the hospital and at risk of death for the accidental detonation of an explosive device that he was going to place in a bank branch as part of the continual social war that is waged by those parties.

Finally, the situation in Mexico requires mobilization as things get worse: increasingly brutal repression, militarization, paramilitarization, growth of drugs and their culture, poverty, environmental destruction and aberrant exploitation. Anonymous warriors, intensify the struggle!!!

2 years since the death of Mauricio Morales: You live on in every attack against power!!
Compañero Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga”: Upward and Onward!!
For the destruction of all physical and mental prisons!!
For the freedom of Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Duran!!
Total fire to capitalism and every form of domination!!
Against the self-limitation of the struggle: Social war on all fronts!!
To ensure that Anarchy Lives On!!

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UK: Offices of Justice Secretary Ken Clarke attacked in Nottingham

from 325:

2 June 2011

“Direct action was taken against Ken Clarke’s constituency offices on Thursday. While doughnut eating cops were dozing near by, the Tory social club on Rectory Road, West Bridgford had its doors D-locked shut and “Tory Scum” painted on it. The offices of the Rushcliffe Conservative Association across the road were attacked with paint and the messages “Class War” and “Fuck Ken in the Head” were painted.

Why the Tories?

Because they are the political wing of the ruling class of this country.
Because they are ruthlessly exploiting the recession to dismantle public services in order to make more profits for their friends, the captains of industry. This was a small act of defiance against the class that attacks us every day. Our message to them is simple: We are everywhere. We can attack at any time.

Why Ken Clarke?
Because he is a captain of industry himself, a rich parasite who is only too happy to help the Tories in order to help himself.

Because he can make light of rape, upholding patriarchal values, whilst wielding a huge amount of power over how its victims are dealt with.

Because he is the prison governor of UK PLC, the man in charge of injustice and unfreedom. His work over the past year has involved denying legal aid to people who can’t afford to pay for a solicitor and putting more prisons into private hands, such as the recent move to privatise Birmingham Prison, to make profit out of misery. This action coincided with the national day of action to defend legal aid.

This action is dedicated to all those experiencing the extreme state repression of the UK prison system for resisting the state and capitalism. In particular we express solidarity with Edward Woolward, jailed for his part in smashing the Tory HQ in Millbank and David and Little Joe Foster, jailed for resisting the corporate state in Stokes Croft.

We also dedicate it to all of the women who have been disbelieved by the patriarchal justice system and have been convicted of making “false” rape claims. This includes Gail Sherwood, accused of lying that she was raped and “Sarah” who was convicted for retracting an accusation of rape (even though she was forced to do this by the rapist’s family).”

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