Montreal, QC: Disturbances during student and anti-police demonstrations

“The student strike to this point has been centered around demonstrations and actions of thousands of people gathering in the streets with nothing to do but stare at itself. Now, when the police have seriously wounded a comrade, we see tensions rise as the student movement has to deal with itself and its place in society. In this situation, no longer was the issue about “the issues” (…) The issue becomes the reality of engaging against power, outside of the classroom, when the sense of ownership and entitlement of one’s struggle is challenged. The student struggle has now exited the world of liability to administration and academic probation and has begun to engage society as a whole.”
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AntiSec continues with solidarity/revenge attacks on Vatican and leak of Norton source code (communique)

from piratebay:

#anonymous #antisec #freeanons #fucksabu #fuckwhitehats

AntiSec Proudly Presents Norton AntiVirus 2006 All platforms Source Code
This Release is Dedicated to our arrested comrades worldwide

“All conflict comes from social inequality and those who use this to their advantage. Our civilization is facing a radical, imminent mass change. The alternative to the hierarchical power structure is based on mutual aid and group consensus. As hackers we can learn these systems, manipulate these systems, and shut down these systems if we need to.” ~ Jeremy Hammond (alleged hacker sup_g) Continue reading

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Peru: Claim of responsibility for various actions between Sept 2011 and Feb 2012 in Lima

WOS note: We do not know why the comrades claim solidarity with ALF prisoner Walter Bond, who has converted to Islam, in the same communique in which they claim attacks against religion. Certainly we agree with the comrades’ statements, “Against all authority, divine or earthly,” and “Death to Patriarchy, Death to God.” In this light, and since Walter now has publicly stated that he bows down before God, it is likely that word of his conversion had not reached the comrades in Peru when their statement of solidarity was written.

from liberaciontotal, translated by waronsociety: Communique:

“Solidarity is a permanent attack against the system and against the society, a practice in which there is no room for words like frame-up, innocent, guilty. Because our obligation as revolutionaries is to be considered by this system always as guilty, it is to be always dangerous and always proud of the decisions that we take. We are not persecuted for our ideas, but rather because it seemed poor to us not to turn them into deeds.” – Gerasimos Tsakalos, member of the imprisoned cell of the CCF. Continue reading

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Peru: Incendiary attack against security company advertisement in Lima

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society: communique:

Each action against the elements of power’s propagation or against the institutions of the humanization of capital, is not only the materialization of our contained rage, it is also a demonstration of solidarity and memory with the imprisoned comrades of the social war, and also a greeting all the indomitables who persist in this struggle in spite of all adversity that presents itself. Continue reading

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Peru: Communique from Group of Revolutionary Cells of Informal Organization – FAI/FRI

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


“The struggle needs commitment, dedication, discipline, the struggle for individual freedom just as much as for collective freedom. But what is bad here is that many poorly understand these practices, confuse commitment with boredom, dedication with martyrdom and discipline with authoritarianism. The struggle does not need embittered individuals disposed to die for the cause without living fighting, without living, without passion…” – Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution / Praxedis G. Guerrero. Continue reading

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AntiSec attacks Panda Labs in retaliation for LulzSec arrests

from zone h mirror:

#antisec #DeathToSnitches #OWS #EatCock #LulzSec


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Letter from comrade Hidayat (Yaya) from prison in Makassar

from hidup biasa:

Dear comrades,

From the bottom of my heart and an ardent yearning to be with you, I wanted to write this short letter in order to let all my friends know that “a fire still burns in our hearts that cannot be extinguished” Continue reading

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David Agranoff is a snitch in Green Scare case

* WOS note: It is worth mentioning that David Agranoff is believed to live in Portland, Oregon. There is a picture of him below.

from greenisthenewred:

Animal rights activist David Agranoff has agreed to cooperate with government as part of a plea agreement related to Earth Liberation Front crimes in Bloomington, Indiana, more than 10 years ago. Continue reading

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Solidarity poster, and invitation to international week in support of Luciano

from Grupo de Amigxs y amantes de Luciano Pitronello, translated by waronsociety:

If anyone is interested in making propaganda, please make it and send it. And not only with Tortuga, there are the kids of the Security Case, Mono and the other imprisoned kids of the street struggle, the kids of the 14A Bombs Case, and Diego and Gabi. Continue reading

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Breaking: Arrests target LulzSec international anarchist hacker group in conspiracy case

from the press:

Law enforcement agents on two continents swooped in on top members of the infamous computer hacking group LulzSec early this morning, and acting largely on evidence gathered by the organization’s brazen leader — who sources say has been secretly working for the government for months — arrested three and charged two more with conspiracy. Continue reading

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Argentina: Criminal Court bombed by Indomitable Nucleus for the Spread of the Fire / FAI

from culmine, translation by 325:

Ours is the conviction

Gendarmería, Local, and Buenos Aires Federal police, civilian brigades, anti-terrorist laws, biometric identification systems, thousands of cameras throughout the city, vigilant citizens ready to betray, overcrowded jails, torture, murder … this is the scenario where our struggle, in a context similar to many other cities, attacking comrades, individually or collectively, without any social consensus and without the approval of any leader, alone and with their principles and values, ​​burn like a fire. Continue reading

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Sacramento, CA: Comrade Eric “The Nazi Slayer” released

from anews:

The Nazi Slayer is OUT! Released from the concrete maze of caskets back unto his friends and loved ones arms, and sadly, also back into the acidic masquerade of existence under hegemonic power and control of exchange, capital and the bare minutia of everyday life. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Message of fire from Hidayat

Rough translation of Kokemi by 325:

“Prisons exist in any State, against the existence of the State – against the well-being of Prison. Fight For Freedom.”

“The Egoist surely hates prison.”

“Long live the People of Bima who are still fighting. Anger will not stop here. Not inside or outside prison.” Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for the attack against luxury car dealer

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


In the early hours of February 29, we directed ourselves with stealth and determination to break with a normal night for a few families. We tore their security and peace into shreds, this time in Ñuñoa [Santiago]. Continue reading

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