Chile: Second murder from the general strike

from Liberacion Total, translation from Contra Info.

On Tuesday, August 30th, the bastard cop Miguel Millacura Carcamo who shot the 16-year-old Manuel Gutiérrez Reinoso was indicted, accused of ‘homicide’. He is currently held in pre-trial detention in the barrack of Pudahuel community, a special detention centre for the protection of ex police officers. Soon it will be determined whether a civil or military court will hand down the sentence against the murderer.

The Chilean State, through its puppet government, has begun to clean up its public image by punishing ‘severely’ the cops who are directly involved in the teenager’s murder but also their superiors, thus presenting an exemplary measure to the whole society, in an effort to avoid accepting the responsibilities borne by the Ministry of the Interior.

On the night of August 24th, an 18-year-old girl had been seriously injured by police bullets while she ran to avoid being arrested. But this was still not enough. Police sought revenge for a total of 156 injured cops during August 24th-25th across the country.

On the night of Thursday, August 25th, amid violent clashes in Santiago’s district Pincoya, 18-year-old Mario Parraguéz Pinto was shot in the face and transferred to hospital. His condition deteriorated until he died on Monday, August 29th.

Mario had found himself in the line of fire between armed police and demonstrators. In an absence of a strong view of the facts regarding how the boy was injured (in contrast to what happened in Macul community with Manuel’s death), police headquarters and the corporate media promote a scenario according to which Mario was shot by a drug dealer, so that responsibility does not fall on the cops who often fire indiscriminately at people.

Also, ‘The Twilight of Fear,’ a short documentary without commentary, captures images from the education protest of August 9th, 2011, in Santiago. Its creators dedicated this testimonial from the streets of Chile to Manuel Gutiérrez Reinoso who was murdered by police. You may watch more videos by the anarchist group Sin(Α)psis – Productora de Comunicación Social here.

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The Black Seed of Our Convictions: Words from comrade Gabriela from the underground

from Hommodollars

The first round is won by a blank paper, its whiteness is intimidating and I think about recent events, over and over… I’m refreshed during the night and the letters come taking control of this small battleground that the paper has become. Still, though I have always been there out of sight, today the words fly, carrying me to you all, because today, on this day which symbolizes so many hardships, I won’t stay in the shadows like usual, like every day since August 14th, 2010.

With this text, my hope is the same thing I’ve longed for since the beginning: discussion. To avoid stagnant conversations with the mirror, to broaden our perspectives and push our own power forward, without remorse, but with a deep critical analysis, without applause, but without silence… and above all, without that easy saying that so many adore, it will not be me contributing to that empty fetish, it won’t be me, it will never be me. Here we are, one year since “operacion salamandra” and its millionaire operation that raided fourteen houses and evicted the oldest squat in the territory dominated by the Chilean state, the Centro Social Okupado y Biblioteca Sacco y Vanzetti. Proud of my story and the process to which we contribute, I don’t look fondly upon the reigning silence, nor the deficiency of the political cause, nor the disloyalty to the convictions that forged and gave life to that space, embodied in concrete, but which contributed to the growth of hundreds of people who today distance themselves and remain silent, as the grandest applause to the game of power. We lost our space of more than eight years and it is certainly no surprise, we knew it would happen. It is the logic evident in a face-to-face confrontation with power, it’s part of the idea of occupation to be a tool of struggle, it’s an ending which is more than a possibility.

The physical space is gone, certainly, but the history of struggle which stems from it is lost only when we are silent. It is lost when those who went there and nurtured its strength retain neither theoretical nor practical capacity, nor the will to cleanse its honor of the humiliations raining down from everywhere. Because certainly, to attack us has become a sport, not only for mercenary prosecutors, the press and its eternal role, but also for the grand spectrum of reformist anarchism and los amarillos who, like always, slander us from their anonymous texts on the internet. To attack “la Sacco” became carte blanche to try to shatter a diffuse spectrum of different anarchist positions, the cost of our convictions and practices prove their point culminating at 6am on August 14th, with the second entry of the force, mistitled “elite”, of investigatory police. But finally, that the world around me falls silent will not silence me, that some have forgotten part of this history will not make me accommodate such amnesia and definitely that the enemy is giant, will only make me grow to overshadow over the jailers’ faces. This tract of struggle did not end with their attacks, their humiliations and their attempts to discredit. Nothing is over and if I put my knee in the ground, it is only to feel the green of the wild natural world that melts my darkened heart, never to surrender, never to ask for compassion…those who have fallen silent, who have forgotten their prisoners of war, have delegated the imprisoned comrades to a singular and familiar realm, those whose solidarity was assimilated into silence, those who “couldn’t do any more” via the clumsy excuse of “also having a life”, ignore that life and struggle are synonyms fused by fire, I don’t live my life under the selfish logic of capital and the question the role of authority in some other realm.

Finally, for me, there is life only when there is the will to struggle against all forms of domination… those who have fallen silent and disappeared… remain silent, remain missing, after a year… will stay behind, far away on the journey and with a little of the winds from our storms, their paper armor will be torn apart, just like their shields devoid of real content and above all, their medallions of fictitious battles that they never dared to fight… without a doubt this has been a difficult time, hostile and painful, but I want to clarify that the pain has not come from the actions of the enemy. That they have attacked us in such a vulgar and agonizing way doesn’t surprise me, since the enemy is without honor and its assaults, although painful, don’t strike a chord in the heart; although they offend, ultimately only feed my convictions and divide those paths inexorably.

The real damage comes from the silence, the lack of solidarity, the lies and frozen hearts, it comes from the desolation I’ve sensed that some have had to suffer. It’s clear that the assault of power is not only the police, the courts or the media, it occupies an important moral terrain and and thus to disarm our morale is an essential component of defeating us (and the reportage of “the forgotten house” is a clear example of that). Demoralized, we won’t dare even glimpse the way out of the conditions we face. And when a silence comes so deep and dark, when it is only the comrades in prison who have anything to say, it is evident that the swamp has trapped our ideas… Not all is broken, certainly, there are those who stay in the street, running through time, will and strength constantly, those who have shouldered a position beyond the dictates of capitalist rationality, which always whispers that it is best to stay locked in our houses or reduced to an essence so tiny we don’t even cast a shadow… this is how I recognize the disgrace and the lies, and I see clearly the emergence of solidarity and these gestures, small or large, public or anonymous, they are treasures buried in the landfill of egos and false words, the poses and the labors of media… solidarity comes as the vehicle that gives continuity to the struggle, that rescues us from forgetfulness and gives us strength when we lose our breath. Real solidarity must surpass specific relationships, spreading as a potent support of those held hostage, disseminating and planting the dark seeds of our lives and positionality against all authority. When we utter the beautiful phrase “in social war, no one is alone”, we allude to a fervent desire for it to be true. But thinking those words doesn’t make them a reality. Reality is modified, changed, and subject to intervention by deeds and often those deeds are more bitter and solitary than what one desires for revolutionary fraternity. To carry on does not imply lying around basking in lamentation and agonizing over it, to the contrary, because only through identifying and understanding the mistakes and obstacles can we begin to overcome, because it is volition which overturns it. Masking the pain only serves to intensify it and to fall into the fetishism of a life of struggle, without pain or betrayal. What is certain is that, all too often, comrades are alone and slapped in the face again and again, roaming without a place to sleep and confronted with these hired demons in complete isolation. Often, these comrades have no one to talk to, no clothes to change into, no one to speak about their situation, often they are slandered without the chance to defend themselves and the silence is only interrupted by the echo of infamy. And this happens because instead of rolling up their sleeves, organizing, creating and unifying forces, some prefer to march in circles or hide in fear. Since they don’t understand the role that is played by everyone and the vital importance of concrete gestures, they maintain the amnesia that devours those comrades kidnapped, injured, who fled or escaped. While some divide these comrades into one or the other level or category, capital advances, grows, deepens.

In social war, no one is alone, this is my wish and it is toward that that I orient my real contributions… and this was the reason for the scourge of August 14th. I understand that, beyond words, the difficulty has been for the comrades held hostage by the “bombs cases” to establish a common understanding of struggle, beyond the obvious that is the requirement of freedom. Part of the nonsense of this repressive operation is the diverse spectrum of positions and those differences are not only discursive but also in the realm of everyday life. I think about how much it’s cost and their words about it seem very sincere, honest and redeemable.

You have come to a common understanding, but I am apart from it and, unable to participate in any collective discussion, so I am left to deal with my position personally. To clarify, I do not intend to disregard anyone and much less to ignore anyone’s efforts and strengths, but we have differences and I want to express them respectfully. Again, not to invalidate anyone’s labor who has remained behind those efforts these last 12 months. The “operación salamandra” and even more, the whole investigation of the “bombs cases” and the parades of prosecutors with basically a vendetta, to me is not a montaje [see translator’s note]. From my point of view, referring to the discourse of the montaje empty of revolutionary sentiment that could be our political assertion with respect to the attack of august 14th, 2010. What happened that day? Or rather, what caused that power play? A montaje is almost a random act, like a meteorite suddenly falling on you, a one in a million possibility… is that what happened? Did we just wake up one morning and suddenly the civilized world of capital hated us uncontrollably? Were we surprised by the violent entry of the tactical response units? My answer is no to all of the above.

For me there is a massive difference between a montaje which might very well happen to the grocer on the corner (a good friend) and a Dantesque operation in terms of the massive investment that amounted only to hints for years until coming to our public thrashing in the city square, because this was the “operación salamandra”, in democratic and modern terms, a beating in private and later the public display of our lives for general ridicule. The new Roman circus, a poorer and more Christian version, but the same show. The montajes exist, there’s no question about that, they have occurred and still occur in a systemic manner, carried out by squads of police or orchestrated from the offices of some prosecutor anxious for fame and power. They exist, undoubtedly, but this is not the case, not for me. The “bombs case” is an investigation whose juridico-policial edges are motivated by vengeance, persecution of the function of ideas and ways of life. This is the operación salamandra and the case in general, a judicial vengeance, executed by order of the highest spheres of the State.

Revenge leads to infamy, lies and crudeness to the extreme, including when power knows that the monster it has created is senseless, it goes on and does everything to nourish their fictitious strength, like the pathetic report on channel 7 within days of the attack. Strictly speaking, all that happened before and after August 14th couldn’t happen to just anyone, it is an attack with a root clear and defined and its origin can be found in the positions that we take in our lives, the solidarities that we express and the complicit silences we decide not to keep. If I had been lost in my own world, if I had forgotten the prisoners, the struggles of others around the world, if I had closed my eyes, covered my ears and shut my mouth, if I had joined some political party believing that with them I would help the poor out of their misery, you can be sure that none of this would ever have happened to me. But I – we – did not choose that course, we freely chose autonomy and embodied mutual aid and explained ourselves openly, each with their own way and in their own environment, aiming with every step to break the invisible chains with which capital and power tie you to their world of luxury and ecstasy and transience.

Most those involved in the force of this case (except for a certain delirious insect) at one point or another assumed a life path in which they expressed solidarity as a form of struggle. To visit the revolutionary prisoner, defend them publicly, arrange activities and antagonistic discussion around the ways of life that power posits as normal, this in itself is an act of revolt. To open a space and nurture its library, collectivize books, begin activity in solidarity with others, away from the logic of profit and accumulation, this is not a “normal” life and it will put a price on your head and a target on your back. The prosecutors use arguments of gunpowder and explosives to give them an acceptable legal standing, but what is certain and undeniable is that there are neither guns nor explosives in our occupied social centers or in our homes.

There isn’t a single photo or video that connects us to any act of explosives, nor a digital trail or any DNA evidence… there’s nothing… what there is, all the prosecutors have so zealously presented as proof is our antiauthoritarian and anarchist politics. Anarchist life unnerves them, autonomous groups, who grow and thrive on the margins and against government implements of control, they are hatefully undesirable and must be attacked, ideally in the most civically acceptable form, but ultimately swept from the country-estate that the powerful construct to their specifications. This is the investigation of the “bombs cases”, it is the gunning down of the most visible faces of a landscape that challenges the imposed order, a straightforward inquiry that focuses its efforts and ammunition at all those who under various circumstances have refused to settle into silence.

The inclusion in this roundup of the names of former political prisoners, who fought within and against the prisons, is clearly intended to demonstrate to whoever sees, what will happen if you don’t refuse to internalize power and its formations. And to defame us, affirming that they are our rulers, who we admire and follow like blind soldiers, is already a theoretical disaster, pathetic like the argument of “informal leaders”, a ridiculous attempt to lend some legitimacy to the stupidity that passes for research. To say montaje is to say between the lines that I have nothing to do with the investigation… and of course I do, but not with the bombs, only with the ideas/practices that refuse the State, its powers and organizational forms, this is what is monstrous in the long run, that power attacks us for what we have written and expressed openly.

Definitive and sharp, this case will be the best propaganda for why to be against the State, it is proof to whoever sees it, of how the laws are only an instrument with which they give an appearance of “justice” to the assaults which only serve to maintain their privileges and the society that secures them. The courts, law enforcement and the press have a defined role in this setup to maintain the vertical state of social organization, they are not independent or apart from special interests, this is the belief that has been instilled, for which people hold out hope that there will be a petition to turn to when injustice looms all around them… they pretend that they will be able to go to court, the police or at their failure the press with their role of the “watchdog”… but they are only the same lackeys in different clothes, all in the service of the same logic: power.

The press has not only targeted us and defamed us over the years, with hundreds of reports, where we go from being outcast youth to the incarnation of terror; one of the exalted journalists who for months shot off reports sparing no insult, today is a superb protected witness, paid by the state to keep vilifying (where are you hiding, Mark Frick?). No independence, no neutrality, all part of the same service of authority… I’m telling you, the operación salamandra and its tentacles are nothing more than revenge on the part of the State for being who we are and refusing to be silent, intended as an exemplary punishment and a lesson in submission. And today, one year later, I haven’t forgotten the faces I saw for the last time, the smiles, my brother’s drawings, the hugs, the conversations, the songs, the projects and activities, my feline family and the mischievous puppy, I haven’t forgotten the faces of those who, even having left, remain here with me, I haven’t forgotten any of my comrades… in these days of so much hardship and pain, my greatest gift is to tell you, comrades, brothers and sisters, that I keep fighting, full of courage and love and in open rebellion. Onward as before, onward always, nothing is over…

And like the best of fools, I take on the enemy and put no price on life.

Tortuguita, a strong embrace for you, you’re not a hero or a martyr, I echo those anonymous words, a comrade is hurt and at the police’s hands, this is motive enough to show solidarity… that your shell is rebuilt and your strength nourishes all of us who don’t leave you adrift… strength, so much strength. In memory of Rene Salfate, ex political prisoner who left this earth last July 19th, that his name is never forgotten. And while some insult that comrade’s life, manipulate and try to erase his memory, I still cry: Honor to comrade Mauricio Morales! Honor to his life and his desire for freedom!, because honor has nothing to do with military ceremonies, because I won’t give up on him or his memory, because I rise in defense of his memory and those of the values and spirit he forged in his life.

Gabriela, del Clan de la Selva Negra.

p.s. las x son para ti, so you don’t forget our conversations and our laughter…

p.p.s. have you heard my laughter in the recent education protests?? I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time, and onward we go, stronger every day…

Translator’s note: the word montaje, which literally means “assemblage” or “fabrication”, is used in this context to refer to political cases like the bombs case, and might be very roughly translated as “setup” or something similar – however, especially for the purposes of a text which directly interrogates the implications of the term, the decision was made here to leave it unaltered.

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Clackamas, OR: A.L.F. Tears Down Fencing at Commercial Elk Farm

from bite back:

On the night of August 29th, a small band of animal liberationists crept quietly onto the property of Damascus Elk Farm located at 23255 SE Highway 212 in Clackamas, OR. This farm raises dozens of Roosevelt Elk for commercial slaughter. Once we made it to the elk pens, wire cutters were used to successfully remove a large section of fencing from one of the pens. Unfortunately due to a disturbance, we had to cut our action short and we were unable to open the remaining pens. The total number of animals (if any) that got away is unknown, but the intent of our action should be made perfectly clear: to prevent directly the violence that is inherent to animal agriculture and to liberate sentient animal back into their native habitat.

Across the country there are thousands of elk and deer being held captive on farms, waiting to be liberated back into the wild. These acts of liberation are generally low risk and can directly save the lives of animals. Elk and deer farms have little to no security and the small size of the industry makes these farms particularly vulnerable to sabotage.

With this act we attempted to remove the last barrier between these wild creatures and their new, free lives. Link by link, these barriers will be dismantled in our society, to create a new ethic of freedom and accountability. Assist us in the struggle for liberation, or stand on the wrong side of history.

For all those imprisoned.

-Animal Liberation Front

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Support Justin Solondz: Green Scare Prisoner Recently Extradited

Justin Solondz is currently awaiting trial in Seatac, Washington. He has already served 3 years in China after been imprisoned on drug charges there. He is being accused of actions under the Earth Liberation Front. Briana Waters, his former comrade and friend turned informant and will be testifying against him this September. Justin is going to be facing many, many years in prison.

Write to him here:

Justin Solondz
P.O. BOX 13900

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Chile: Teenager shot dead during protests

from the press:

A Chilean teenager has died after being shot in the chest during huge protests against the president, Sebastián Piñera, in the capital.

Local media said the 16-year-old boy was shot near a security barricade as protesters fought police in Santiago on Thursday – the second day of a two-day strike against Piñera, which was marked by violent clashes and sporadic looting.

“The youth died from a bullet impact in the chest. He died in hospital,” a police spokesman said.

Local media said witnesses blamed police for firing the shots.

“The death of any citizen is a very serious situation,” Rodrigo Ubilla, an interior ministry official, said..

Led by students demanding free education, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in recent months to call for wider distribution of the income from a copper price boom in the world’s leading copper-producing country.

On Thursday, youths blocked roads, threw stones and set fire to piles of rubbish at intersections in Santiago and other cities to block traffic. Police used water cannon and tear gas to defuse the latest social unrest against conservative billionaire Piñera’s policies.

The government said more than 1,300 people had been detained since Wednesday and several police officers badly wounded – two of them shot – as violence flared. Dozens of shops and supermarkets were looted, and buses were damaged.

Organisers said around 600,000 people joined Thursday’s protests across Chile. Reuters reporters estimated the crowds in the capital alone at around 200,000 people.

Operations at some of the world’s biggest copper mines were not affected by the protests, which are also intended to pressure the government into raising wages and revamping the constitution and tax system.

While Latin America’s model economy has grown 6.6% this year and is an investor magnet thanks to prudent fiscal and monetary policies, many ordinary Chileans feel they are not sharing in the economic miracle.

Investors, long used to economic stability, are weighing risk, although markets have taken the protests in their stride.

Previous governments have faced one-day national strikes, but this was the first 48-hour stoppage since the 1973-1990 Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. A recent poll showed Piñera to be the least popular president since Pinochet’s rule.A major cabinet reshuffle last month, the second since Piñera took power in March 2010, has failed to quell unrest.

More information at La Haine.

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Chile: Looting and clashes in Santiago during second day of strike

from the press:

SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Protesters scuffled with police in the Chilean capital on Thursday, the second of a two-day strike against unpopular President Sebastian Pinera marked by sporadic looting, though the linchpin mining sector was not affected.

Youths set fire to piles of trash at some intersections in Santiago and other cities to block traffic, and police used water cannon and tear gas to defuse the latest rash of social unrest against conservative billionaire Pinera’s policies.

The government said hundreds of people had been detained since Wednesday and several police officers were badly injured — two of them shot — as violence flared overnight, when dozens of shops, supermarkets and gas station kiosks were looted and buses damaged.

The government says only a fraction of public sector workers have joined the strike, called by Chile’s main umbrella labor union CUT, which follows huge demonstrations led by students to demand free education and greater distribution of the spoils of a copper price boom in the top world producer.

“We’ve had numerous episodes of hooded protesters in small groups spreading out and damaging and looting different … shops, businesses and supermarkets,” said Rodrigo Ubilla, Interior Ministry undersecretary.

Public transportation was running, and operations at some of the world’s biggest copper mines were not affected by the protests that also seek to pressure the government into raising wages and revamping the constitution and tax system.

While Latin America’s model economy is seen expanding 6.6 percent this year and is an investor magnet thanks to prudent fiscal and monetary policies, many ordinary Chileans feel they are not sharing in Chile’s economic miracle.

Investors, long used to economic stability, are weighing risk, though markets have taken the protests in stride.

“It’s unlikely to affect direct foreign investment,” said Fernando Soto, an analyst at Banchile Inversiones. “There could be some short-term effects on investment portfolios … out of fear more than anything.”



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Chile: Protests and clashes against Piñera’s visit to Chillán Viejo

from, translated by war on society:

At around 10am on Saturday several manifestations were called for against the visit of the chief and head of the State, Piñera, who came to commemorate the birth of the first dictator of $hile (as fatherland*), Bernardo O’Higgins, in the town of Chillán Viejo, where those attending the protests, from social movements such as Andha Chile to students, who were brutally repressed by the forces of order, made themselves known by throwing stones, paint bombs and confrontations between these forces of repression and demonstrators; there were 35 arrested, of whom 18 were minors, including a 10 year old boy.

The repression reached historical levels for such a small community, compared with events on the same date in the Pinochet dictatorship, against the violence of Capital and of the State, we manifest our powerful self-defense (which the bourgeois media and the new cops–pacifists–call “violence”), there will be no peace while there is domination, while there are presidents, while there is an authority and a power, understanding it as the root of all social problems, whether of students, of workers or of housing debtors (all positions handed out by the system).

It is worth mentioning that manifestations against Piñera take place in most (but not all) of the places where he goes.

* translation note: ‘patria’, which we translate as ‘fatherland,’ might instead refer to the paternal relationship between Piñera and O’Higgins; it is unclear exactly what the author intended.

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New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Delaware: Fiber optic lines cut during Verizon strike

from the press:

The Verizon Strike, which began 6 days ago, grew further away from a compromise over the weekend as the company brought in the FBI to investigate several instances of sabotage, according to CNN.

Verizon claims that since the strike began it has recorded 90 instances of sabotage, including cut fiber optic lines, vandalism, and harassment of management.More than 45,000 union workers for the company’s wire line business–which provides landline phones as well as high-speed Internet and FiOS television–went on strike to protest a number of concessions the company has implored them to make. The concessions include eliminating two paid vacations, a pension freeze, aligning raises with job performance and getting the unions to pay $100 per employee per month for healthcare.

The cut fiber optic lines impacted Verizon’s service in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Also, a police station and a hospital lost service as a result of the sabotage. Since these are critical infrastructure, the FBI field office in New Jersey is investigating the matter.

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Philadelphia, PA: FOP office hit with brick, flaming device

from the press:

Someone threw a brick and a makeshift Molotov cocktail through a glass front door at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 headquarters early Wednesday, authorities said.

The flaming device – a lit wick or cloth in a Corona beer bottle – burned itself out after hitting the floor, FOP financial secretary Michael Trask said.

Shortly after 5 a.m., a witness saw a man in black hurl the brick and bottle, then run through the parking lot next to the building at Broad and Spring Garden Streets, authorities said.

What motivated the would-be arsonist is a mystery. “No calls. No threats,” Trask said, adding that a surveillance camera at a nearby ATM might yield some clues.

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$hile: Cops raided squats in Valparaiso and Santiago

translation from contrainfo:

On Tuesday afternoon, August 23rd, heavy police forces raided TIAO squat (Independent Arts and Crafts Workshop) located at Yungay Street in Valparaiso. TIAO squat has been a hub for autonomous and self-organized projects for the last five years.

Cops fully armed broke the metal doors and the windows and invaded the building causing extensive damages, also to part of the squat’s infrastructure. During the attack, the executioners of the Chilean State handcuffed the comrades who were inside the squat at gunpoint while the crime lab unit was screening the space. In the meantime, strong police forces with water cannons and armoured tear gas vehicles were outside, while patrol and traffic police forces had sealed the surrounding streets making it impossible for people to approach in solidarity.

The police operation lasted for over an hour; the cops invaded without presence of a prosecutor, and the address written on the investigation order didn’t correspond to the actual one. As in most places of the ‘civilized world,’ the repressive mechanisms in $hile do not bother to follow legitimate procedures when it comes to intimidating those who resist and fight against parliamentary democracy and capitalism.

On the same day another cultural squat was also raided in the university district of Santiago. As in the case of TIAO squat, the police went in search of materials used for Molotov cocktails, but in both cases did not find anything related.

These attacks on free social centers remind us of the excessive police operations and the ‘caso bombas‘ frame up one year ago. They took place just a few hours before the 48hour general strike (August 24th-25th), in an attempt to disable the radical social movement that seeks the total overthrow of the regime.

We do not forget our brothers and sisters who fight against the State and the Capital!


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Chile: Update on the health of comrade Luciano Tortuga

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

As we published a few days ago, comrade Luciano was released last weekend, now it remains to be seen how the (in)justice goes because they wanted to charge him in the same building of the trials of $hilean (in)justice. We will update as needed on the case and we send much strength to the comrade as he faces the decision on the next legal accusations, wishing him always the best. This done to turn inside out to transcend the $hilean mass means of alienation, who showed the worst images of the comrade on the day of the explosion.

Arde Moyano Records collaboration:

Arde Moyano Records Arde Moyano Records

The following notice is a combination adapted from “Information about the state of health of Tortu (Luciano Pitronello)”, written by Lola and appearing in the anarchist periodical El Surco #28, and of a notice appearing on the Viva La Anarquia website. We mix, adapt, and translate them.

Notice in El Surco; Notice on Viva La Anarquía (links in spanish)

Two months since a bomb exploded in his hands. Two months of scant information dealing with his daily life in that clinic and about his state of health. Nevertheless, and in spite of the difficulty to inform ourselves, some lines have been published.

Luciano is still in the INDISA Clinic. He has two hours daily dedicated to rehabilitation, in which he exercises his legs by walking. He has “shower therapy,” that is, as the name indicates, therapy with water by showering, this serves to facilitate the process of sanitation of his wounds and skin grafts (grafts obtained from parts of his stomach, back and arm). His right hand was completed amputated and on his left hand there remain two intact fingers (index and pinky). In the process of rehabilitation of his hand he works with a professional therapist who is responsible for healing his scars with machines and massages that will permit him greater mobility of the hand, in addition to he constantly exercises on his own.

Using his creativity (a fundamental factor for him) day by day Luciano managed to relearn tasks as everyday as brushing his teeth. He is taking medication to alleviate the pain that he feels in the place where his hand used to be. This pain due to “phantom limb syndrome.” This syndrome consists of maintaining different sensations, such as pain, although his hand no longer exists, due to the brain continuing to send nerve impulses as if he had it. Due to the intense and distressing hallucinations when he woke, he underwent a psychiatric treatment to stop this horrible episodes.

Currently he cannot see through one of his eyes (presumably due to a splinter) and through the other he makes out macro forms (he can make out parts of the body, for example, differentiate the face from the hair, but he sees eyes as dark spots) also they grafted skin on his eyelids. According to a recent eye exam, both corneas contain black powder, but are complete, so there is a possibility of undergoing various surgeries to solve the loss of vision, up to a final surgery in which a corneal transplant would be made, which would allow considerable improvement in his vision (this would be done in the coming months).

His ears also suffered consequences due to the sound of the blast, his ear drums have recovered naturally, maintaining a very slight deafness.

Emotionally, Tortu finds himself managing his emotions by means of living day to day intending to not raise expectations, to have clarity about the situation that has affected him and the uncertain situation which he is in. He feels very strong, positive in the face of life, he wants to recover and he will. Ideally he would like to be able to live in a fixed place where he can share his life together with his partner and their daughter, to his his friends and those who support him.

A warrior knows to overcome any obstacle and that is his goal.

As far as his judicial situation, according to reports from the conventional media at the service of Power, last Wednesday (August 10th) a group of the Laboratory of the Department of Crime of Carabineros of Chile (LABOCAR) extracted DNA samples from a finger of Tortuga’s left hand for testing, this after the comrade voluntarily accepted to undergo this tests.

Luciano would be released this week (August 15-21), but due to problems with the special dressing that is used to cover the burns on his body, they will not allow it. The burns cover 32% of his body.

The southern regional prosecutor, Raúl Guzmán, who is pursuing the case against Luciano, confirmed that, due to his improved health status, Luciano’s court proceeding will be in the self-named “Center of Justice of Santiago.”


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Russia: Incendiary attacks on police station and vehicle

from blackblocg:

Click to download video in FLV format (1.38MB)

August 21, 2011 at the 3 a. m. individual fighter of resistance have burned down a local police station №35 placed on Lenskaya street, 28, Moscow. Action was successful and struggle against “criminals with shoulder straps” will be continued. Greetings to all current and future guerrillas! Don’t be afraid to act alone, but be careful! No pasaran!

August 23, 2011, in the night. In a town of Khimki nearby Moscow, a group of anarchist guerrillas have burned a police car on the parking of the road police station. Khimki is a place of a hard social conflict because of the project of building a paid road through the Khimki forest. During the protests of locals and ecologists, a horrible police brutality has been shown. So we send our message to bloody police scum! It is time to continue the struggle to defend nature and justice and to abolish state and capitalism!

Anarchists of Moscow region.

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Frenso, CA: West Coast Solidarity Action – Molotovs thrown into Fresno substation parking lot

from indybay:

In Solidarity with Everyone fighting against police brutality and the police state, molotovs were thrown into the parking lot of the Fresno SW substation where police cars and pig’s personal vehicles are parked. At least 2 cars burned.

This action is done in solidarity especially with those in the East Bay standing up against the murderous BART police who most recently executed Charles Hill. BART then used fascist type methods by shutting down all cell phones in stations where they thought protestors might be showing up. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!

All police are murderers. FPD recently executed Carl Maggioroni and have a reputation for executing people of color whether they are armed or not. The time to fight back is NOW! We live in a police state, this is all “business as usual” for them. We have to come together and fight back, FUCK THESE PIGS! This is war, play time is over, join the fight.

In solidarity with Oakland, Seattle, Chile, London, Greece…everyone who is fighting back.

See you in the streets.

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Denmark: Terror charges brought against 5 comrades in arson attacks to destabilize the state

we receive and publish:

Terror charges brought against 5 comrades in Denmark: arson attacks to
destabilize the state

Today, after four months of imprisonment we finally heard the charges
against our friends and comrades in the city court. The five who were
arrested the 26th of April 2011 have been officially accused of carrying out
a number of arson attacks against two fur companies, the headquarters of
Nordea bank (the second largest bank in Denmark), the central police
station, the Greek embassy, a police school, and a number of other banks in
copenhagen. While some of these charges were expected based on previous
police statements, the worst news came when the severity of their charges
were increased from simple acts of arson to official terrorism charges under
the Danish terror laws passed in 2002. The five are being accused of
attempting to destabilize the Danish state and police through these supposed
attacks. They have also been charged with attempted arson and attacks
(which were supposedly never carried out due to their incarceration) against
the parliament building, the queen’s royal guard, the judicial building, and
a fundamentalist christian sect responsible for the eviction of the youth
house in Copenhagen in 2007. The absurdity of these final charges
emphasize the ridiculousness of the whole case and show that the police are
using the case as a political tool. Recent research by antifascist groups
in Denmark has uncovered a secret extreme right wing group which has many
ties to police, the government, nazi parties, as well as fascist hooligan
groups. The police are fabricating this ‘left terrorist’ group to distract
the public from these recent findings, and to scare them in advance of
upcoming national elections. The five continue to profess their innocence
for all of the charges, especially the most recent and ridiculous

As anarchists opposed to both prisons and the state, we support our comrades
and friends as they struggle against the state. Because we have not been
able to talk to them freely since they have been imprisoned, and they have
been kept from making public statements, we stand behind them in their
denial of responsibility for these actions, while at the same time
supporting the actions themselves as valid methods of resistance. Regardless
of their guilt or innocence in the eyes of the state, they have been forced
into this conflict with the state and are fighting for their freedom. We
are calling out for direct international solidarity with the prisoners.

After the results of the court hearing today, the prisoners will remain in
custody for at least the next month, and possibly until their trials. Their
names are being kept out of print at the request of their lawyers, but know
that they are comrades and friends of many people struggling in Copenhagen.
You can write them letters by sending email to,
and it will be printed and passed on to one of the five. Their mail is
being controlled along with their visits, so everything will be read by the
police. All of the prisoners speak good english and danish. As well, all
expressions of solidarity are welcome. No one is forgotten in the struggle
against capitalism and the state!

Some anarchists in Copenhagen

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