Chile: Barricades in San Miguel for the A14 imprisoned comrades

from hommodolars, translated by war on society.

*The following communique was sent by mail; although there are not photos, a witness who was in the area testified to the action.

On the night of Thursday April 14, we took advantage of the darkness, some gallons of gasoline, debris and a pile of tires to form out of these a barricade in the intersection of Av. Santa Rosa and Av. Departamental, in solidarity with the prisoners of the politico-judicial “bombs case” farce, who find themselves now on hunger strike since February 21. This action was completed in no more than one minute, and everyone disappeared from the place instantaneously, leaving behind the raging fire and leaflets that call for the return of the comrades to the street. For the multiplication of solidarity actions in all places and in all forms.

Political prisoners on hunger strike, sequestered in the prisons of capital, to the street!!

– Combatants of Hate and Hopelessness

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Italy: Bologna, April 16 – We are all Fuoriluogo!

from culmine:

Media coverage of the 4/6/11 march against military action in Libya and in solidarity with the arrested comrades of Fuoriluogo:

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Spain: Explosive attack at the Social Security Treasury in Madrid

from viva la anarquia, translated by war on society:

On the night of April 13-14 April the Social Security Treasury of Barrio del Pilar was attacked with an improvised explosive device.

In the current situation that we find ourselves which is nothing more than a further tightening of the screws of this system, we believe we have an obligation to take part and become aware in the reality in which we live.

The capitalist and democratic system with its crisis, its inherent crisis, has made ​​huge strides in recent years against the working class, but especially in recent months with the labor reform and cuts to social services. Despite all these attacks against all that our comrades fought for in the past and against which we are fighting now, it seems that here nothing happens, nothing changes and nothing moves. All of Europe is rising up fighting and creating revolts while here we resign ourselves and hope to pass the downpour.

We have taken action because if we do not do it ourselves, nobody is going to do it for us.

We attacked the Social Security Treasury as a clear symbol of the state which robs us, workers and nonworkers alike. Because it is a symbol of the capital and the oppression to which we are subjected every day.

We aim to encourage everyone to get organized and take the initiative to destroy everything that oppresses us and to create alternatives.

We also want to remember our Chilean comrades who find themselves kidnapped for the “Bombs Case.”


Madrid, April 2011


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Chile: Communique from the Renzo Novatore Informal Circle for attack on police station

Correction: Our original translation was misleading; on second reading it appears the device was made to look like an explosive device but was not intended to be operational. The translation has been corrected slightly. Apologies. – war on society.

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Thus begins the week of agitation and propaganda for freedom of the accused in the “bombs case“…

Today April 14, about 11:40 a.m. we approached the police station located in the Baquedano metro and installed a supposed explosive device in a bag, with a note inside: “You have minutes to live, prisoners on hunger strike to the street, (A), Renzo Novatore Informal Circle”

Two empty cans of air freshener, a Chinese alarm clock, wires and some tape were enough to disfigure the face of the policeman on duty who found the package, cold sweat and a clumsy police deployment for an action that seeks to instill fear in those who daily use their authority as a method of control.

How many times have we seen the fear in the face of a student persecuted by the police or the sobs of an immigrant beaten in a police station while bursting in morbid laughs… Today I hit them while some (the always irreducible) burst out howling in complicit laughter

Not a minute of silence, a lifetime of combat. Prisoners to the street

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May 12-15: A Call for Common Actions in Solidarity with Belarusian Anarchists

It’s been 7 months now since the “case of arsons” was started in Belarus.
All this time our friends and comrades have been held behind the bars. Having started with random detentions of activists of radically different political views in September last year, the case is finally coming to an end – it is being brought to trial. At the moment 7 people targeted in the investigation of “the anarchists’ case” are staying under arrest.

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New Green Scare Indictment-Decade Old Sabotoge in Michigan

From earth first news:

A recent indictment order by Federal prosecutors in Grand Rapids Michigan
has charged Jesse Waters, a Detroit area man, with damaging logging
equipment and a flatbed trailer near Mesick, MI more than 10 years ago
during an environmental campaign to halt deforestation.

The indictment further states that others painted the message “log in
hell!” at the site of the incident.

Environmental activist, musician, and mother of 2, Marie Mason was also
charged and convicted for her alleged role in the Mesick sabotage. She is
currently serving 22 years in prison.

Update from greenfieldreporter: The charges are conspiracy and arson. Jesse Waters appeared in Grand Rapids federal court on Monday.

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Indianapolis: Nazi sympathizer’s speaking tour event location attacked (US)


“On April 8th, the night before holocaust denier and nazi sympathizer David Irving’s Indianapolis speaking event, we paid the hosting restaurant an early visit. Three Bricks written with “Shut David Irving Down” and “No Nazis” were launched through the windows to harass the MCL Cafeteria and to prevent Irving from speaking there. The MCL Cafeteria regularly hosts racist gatherings of Hoosier Nation, Council of Conservative Citizens(CCC) and American Third Position meetings led by Indianapolis-based racists Matt Parrott and Jaenelle Antas (who are organizing to support Indiana’s anti-immigrant bill SB590). Attacking Irving on the first function of the midwest portion of his 2011 speaking tour sets the tone for things to intensify: not only for Irving and his assistant Jaenelle, not only for those who attend and host his events, but for every holocaust denier and every white nationalist. We wish them to be a target of war every minute and every second of there lives and in those moments in which they seem unchallenged, let them wither in fear of retribution and drown in the paranoia caused by the panopticon-like gaze that is antifa.

The list of cities Irving plans to visit on the rest of his tour.

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Chile: Barricades and demonstration for anarchists on hunger strike

April 12th: After 12 pm, a group of about 50 masked individuals came from the Universidad de Chile to block traffic on Av. Grecia, in a further show of strength and solidarity in the war against authority and those who are off the street … either by judicial kidnapping or direct killing … as a result of taking an active role against domination.

“Neither persecution, torture or imprisonment can stop those who have determined to be free and to free their brothers and sisters,” read a pamphlet displayed on site.

(Click the link for more excellent photos at ourwar. See also this communique, in Spanish)

Solidarity Demo attacked by police… again

Solidarity Demo attacked by police… again

April 8th: A new demo supporting the hunger strikers was again attacked by police. Around 12 detentions were made and tortures were applied against anybody that shows solidarity with our comrades. The strike is now almost 50 days long, and the state is asking between 10 years to life prison as the investigation is over. If you really don’t know what’s happening here, please check santiasko anarquista @, and remember… to know is only the first step of action..

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Madrid, Spain: Attack on nuclear energy company

from Viva la Anarquia, translated by war on society:

This morning the nuclear energy company ENUSA ( was attacked with stones; the emergence of a security guard, who stood dumbfounded to see what was happening, prevented us from doing further damage. The slogan “No nuclear!” was left.

For the destruction of civilization!

Neither nuclear nor wind nor solar!

To Billy, Silvia, Marco Costa, to the eco-anarchist prisoners held by the Mexican state. To those who fight against all domination.

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Police station attacked in Berlin

from actforfreedomnow:

In the morning hours of April 11, 2011 a police station got attacked with molotovs, stones and paint in the Berlin district Friedrichshain. This station is responsible for the eviction of the Liebig14 two month ago.

The press and the cops want to distort the facts and claim that one person in the lobby of the station was almost hurt, but was saved at the last moment. The attorney general started an investigation for attempted murder. In a few weeks the first of may will take place, traditionally there are clashes with cops in well known district Kreuzberg.

pictures: 1 and 2.

update: click “read more” to see the full translation of the communique (from actforfreedomnow with minor edits).

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Update on the case of the Asheville 11

from Asheville 11 support:

There have been some major developments in the case of those arrested last May in downtown Asheville. Five of the defendants were slated for trial this coming Monday April 11th. As of right now, their trials as well as all other jury trials in Asheville have been suspended. They will not resume until a complete audit of the Asheville Police Department’s (APD) evidence room and its evidence handling procedures has been concluded.

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Mitie van torched in Bristol (UK)

from 325:

“Let us be clear on something: we are not demanding anything. The libertarian world that we desire is here, in our beating hearts and clenched fists, not to be found through the concessions of our enemies, allegiance to this or that party/union/’social movement’. We have no dialogue to be made with the world we have discovered ourselves to be at war with, as it is at war with us. And we are not alone. Across the world the attacks multiply – some claimed clearly by comrades in the perspective of the struggle against State, Capital and Hierarchy in whatever forms, many, as always, a mute expression of the rage of stolen lives, broken hearts, trampled desires. Also made beautiful in their rebellion.

We are losing the fear cast over our lives by the powers that be and widespread social conformity and blind tranquility of the Western consumer world – the thin veneer that sugar-coats the exploitation and control that is our existence. More and more as we find the courage to pull back the veil, we realise that the system’s tools that mediate our slavery are all around us and within reach of our carefully aimed anger. Just one example of this is Mitie, merely one of many parasite companies that profit endlessly from the recession and misery of modern Britain – so just one of many blows to come we made last night in Staple Hill, Bristol, when we burned an unattended Mitie van.

To our unknown friends made prisoners in their path as social fighters – Luca Bernasconi, Silvia Guerini, Costa Ragusa, Giannis Dimitrakis, Alexei Gaskarov, Maxim Solopov; for those targetted in the police crackdown on the anti-authoritarians in Italy; for the Indonesian insurrectionists.”

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Attacks on Infrastructure in Nottingham (UK)

from 325:

“In the early hours of this morning individuals who choose to be nameless attacked two points of this society’s infrastructure, we used different methods each time, but maintained the same quality of love and hate throughout. In both Bulwell and West Bridgford T3 mobile masts where set on fire. We used car tires we had left nearby days earlier, bundles of rags coated in petrol and disposable lighter. A little later we took our knives, our paint stripper and our expanding foam to work on two e-on vehicles and a G4 van. We choose these methods due the close proximity of the vehicles drivers and surveillance. The knives took on the tires, the paint stripper the bodies of the vehicles and the expanding foam destroyed the exhaust pipes.

These action was carried out because we know that in order to be free the infrastructure of dominant society must be destroyed, we recognise that this infrastructure is cultural and social as well as physical, and that in order for us to survive all aspects must be challenged. However, these actions were also carried out because we can not always wait, because we are hungry and impatient in our search for freedom, and each time we act against the totality of this society with our force we find a little bit more freedom from the social prison we find ourselves in. Basically they were a FUCK YOU to every aspect of oppression. Fuck you we are getting read. Fuck you we are becoming less afraid by the day. Fuck you our lives will be our own.

For us these actions live side by side with all actions where individuals decide that they wish to take their lives into their own hands. We believe that those actions can take the form of occupying banks, they can take the form of informal education collectives, they can take the form of banner drops and peoples kitchens. They can take the form of all kinds of things, and they need to be if we are to destroy all forms of domination.

But we choose these actions because they represent us, they are a manifestation of our fury and our disgust, they are a physical representation of our refusal to obey the joyless status quo.

We dedicate these actions to the friends we know who still feel caged. These actions are in solidarity with our friends in Bologna Martino Trevisan, Robert Ferro, Nicusor Roman, Stefania Carolei, and Pistolesi Anna Maria, who have been imprisoned due their dedication to a liberated anarchist world. This action is for all comrades fighting for a way out of societies jaws.”

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April 14-21 Week of INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY to the A14 Anarchist Comrades in Chile!

Freedom for the comrades imprisoned since August 14th!

This April 14th to the 21st has been chosen as a week of agitation and propaganda for the immediate freedom of the 14 Chilean anarchists arrested on August 14th 2010. The arrests were a culmination of raids under what is being called the “Bombs Case”. The arrestees are accused of placing or being implicit in dozen of bombs set off in the greater Santiago area for the past couple years. They are being charged under the dictatorship era Anti-Terrorist Law. They are charged with “illicit association” as well.

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