from Infoshop:
Lost in all the hype surrounding the NATO 3 and Tinley Park 5, two other anarchist prisoners are languishing in Cook County Jail in need of support. Mark Neiweem (Migs) and Sebastian Senakiewicz (Sabi) are being held on serious charges and exorbitant bail. Both were arrested before the NATO summit on bogus accusations involving explosives. Migs is charged with attempting to purchase pipe bomb ingredients form an informant, while Sabi allegedly plotted to blow up a train bridge.
General conditions in Cook County Jail are abysmal. Stabbings are common occurrences and the food often contains rat feces. Prisoners often do not see the light of day for their entire time there, as they are transferred between buildings through underground tunnels. In addition Migs and Sabi are being singled out for further abuse as political prisoners. Jail administrators are instigating other inmates to attack them. Migs was held naked in solitary for five days on a bogus suicide watch, with 24-hour lighting, freezing temperatures, and a broken toilet.
As if this weren’t enough, Migs is being dogged on the outside by unsubstantiated rumors that he is an informant. An article to this effect was posted on Anarchist News the day after his arrest, only to be taken down the next day. Apparently some Chicago anarchists are unclear about which end of an entrapment sting the snitch is on. Nonetheless, Occupy Chicago continues to support Migs and Sabi and all the Chicago prisoners. They can’t do it all themselves, though.
How you can help: Send letters, zines and money! Migs and Sabi can be reached at the addresses below. Remember to take the staples out of any zines you send, as mail with staples is sometimes rejected on the grounds that they are weapons.
Write them at:
Sebastian Senakiewicz
P.O. Box 089002
Chicago, Illinois 60608
Mark Neiweem
P.O. Box 089002
Chicago, Illinois 60608
Wire money to their commissary accounts. This is the only way they can buy things like toothpaste and better food.
Account = Inmate name – # Inmate number
To contribute to the Chicago bail fund: