Letter from Doug Wright on the start of his hunger strike in solitary confinement (July 7)

from cleveland5justice:

On July 11th the support group received a message from Doug stating that he began a hunger strike on Saturday (7.7.12). The transcribed message is below.

The Fascist Pigs here at Trumbull County Jail have thrown me in solitary confinement for some completely bullshit “charges”, including “having 2 or more books”. I never heard that rule, and I’ve asked for an inmate handbook on several occasions. Also, “hoarding Personal Hygiene”. I didn’t know you could have too much soap, too much being more than one bar. WTF??! I have sent a letter telling my lawyer of this and I want people to call him a lot till this injustice is righted! I’ve also let him know that I’m going to refuse my food until this is made right! When I refuse food they will take away phone calls and ability to write letters, someone thats been in here a while told me this before. So, this might be my letter for a while, until this is fixed.

Freedom or Death.
Down with the Fascist Pigs.

Doug Wright

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One Response to Letter from Doug Wright on the start of his hunger strike in solitary confinement (July 7)

  1. Contra Info says:


    According to this update, Douglas is now out of solitary confinement and has ended his hunger strike.

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