International Call for Solidarity Actions for those facing the repression of the grand jury in the Northwest!

from anews:

This an international call out for solidarity actions on behalf of all those facing the repression of the grand juries, fbi, and joint-terrorism task force in the Pacific Northwest.* All of these incidents are related to the Grand Jury that will Occur in Seattle on August 2nd. We have reason to believe that the Grand Jury is related to the attack on the Federal Courthouse in Seattle on May Day. So far, four have been served subpoenaes and another person has a subpeonae out for them but has yet to be served.

Our solidarity must be the continuation of the struggle that triggered the repression. We have been in touch with some of those receiving the subpoenas and while some of them will chose to do different things, some of those who have been subpoenaed have vowed to remain totally non-cooperating through out this whole procedure, no matter what.

Any acts of solidarity are welcome as long as they do not seek to appeal to power. Examples of this would be affirming the notion of rights and pushing the innocent-activist theme. Things which some of those who have been subpoenaed stand firmly against!

Their actions are meant to spread fear, let them spread strength instead!

Solidarity with Anarchists Facing Repression World-Wide!
Fire To the Prisons and Those That Maintain Them!
Long Live Anarchy!

* URGENT: FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas against anarchists in Northwest United States
* August 2nd: Call for demo in solidarity with comrades subpoenaed to grand jury in Seattle

* WOS note for the international anarchist space: The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is the investigative federal police of the US. A grand jury is a legal body that is involved in the investigation of a crime and the gathering of evidence, not in bringing or judging an accusation. It is one of the main tools used against anarchists in the US today. The subpoena is the document that calls someone to testify to the grand jury.

At a grand jury hearing, the individuals who have been called are questioned for information regarding their associations with other anarchists, who will often then be called to testify and give other names, as well as other information, and so on until the grand jury decides who to charge with a crime (in this case, probably the attack on the federal courthouse in Seattle on May 1, 2012). When someone refuses to testify against their friends and comrades, they are usually held in jail for “contempt of court,” usually for several months and sometimes for two years or more.

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