Letter from Carla, 22 months since the slaughter at San Miguel Prison, Chile

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Letter from the compañera Carla Verdugo from San Miguel Prison to the group ’81 Reasons to Fight.’

22 months since the San Miguel slaughter

For family, friends and compañeros

In addition to sending my sincere respect and fraternal greetings I should tell you that since Tuesday September 25 I have resided in Tower 5 of the San Miguel Prison that today functions as a women’s detention center. The 160 women who live here spend long months in privation of freedom.

In particular I have been highly disturbed by this change, since on April 16 I was held in the Special High Security Section of the Women’s Penitentiary Center of Santiago; but I understand that the dynamics of the prison include the volubility of our imprisonment conditions. At the moment I find myself in good health and spirits, as always loved and accompanied, untiring in the daily struggle within this damned space that locks up our bodies. But not so our dreams and expectations.

Even more disturbing than the change of confinement space or of routine has been to recognize the suffering and death in such an obvious form; “the prison is a place of control, punishment, oppression and death” seems to be written on every wall, on each bar.

The violence becomes more acute in memory, I never want to forget that 81 men lost their lives here; that 81 histories ended abruptly, consumed behind the same bars that I can touch and that are responsible for confining me.

In memory they are and in memory they will remain, those 81 and so many others killed and tortured in the prisons of the State. Their names are my name, their brothers and sisters are also my brothers and sisters and their mothers are my mother.

Among so much, and defending my happiness, I recently celebrated my 32 years and I felt every sign of care, even from the most acute distances or the most succinct closeness that the visitations allow.

That my love may travel by the wind to my children, to my brothers and sisters, to my companion and my mother.

Peace and Strength in these times.




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