Chile: Actions at Macul and Grecia, USACH and the Academy before March 29

WOS note: Due to the excessive jargon of some of the communiques and that they express positions we don’t really share anyway we present excerpts and move on to other things.

excerpts from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Monday the 25th: Macul and Grecia

On the eve of a new commemoration of the “Day of the Combatant Youth”… from the former Pedagogico as well as the Juan Gómez Millas campus this Monday March 25th encapuchados went out to establish memory as a weapon of struggle and vindication… vindication of what the proletariat is expressed in the lives of the Vergara Toledo brothers and so many others we fail to mention…

Wednesday the 27th: University of Santiago

Commemoration of March 29th in the University of Santiago (USACH) yesterday Wendesday. In the action were the parents of the Vergara brothers and the family of Juan Pablo Jimenez, a unionist killed by a “supposed stray bullet.”

At 1 PM and when the recent action began a group of some 15 people from the GAP (popular action group) blockaded Alameda and attacked the squad of carabineros who are permanently outside of the university, after throwing molotov cocktails at the squad of carabineros the group dispersed and the action continued to develop. At 3 PM another group of individuals blocked traffic Ecuador and confronted the Special Forces, which after half an hour entered the campus, shooting paint balls at anyone who moved and throwing tear gas through the corridors.

In the Academy…

After an act of commemoration with batucadas, the kids grouped up and made barricades at the corner of the university. So began the molotov cocktails and the cops firing pellets like assholes. They shot more or less 4 tear gas cannisters and the students dispersed from the area.

After an hour and a half, the cops tried to enter the U, but the rector spoke with them and asked for some time so the students could leave the U.

There were less than 30 capuchas (hooded individuals) outside the U and some 20 inside.


Macul and Grecia

JGM University of Chile campus:

Juan Pablo Jiménez: We do not forget those murdered by the false democracy

With Fire and Action
We Fight in the Street
March: Subversive and Popular


The former Pedagogico:

Every day a youth combatant is born.
March: Subversive and Popular

University of Santiago Chile:

“When I go out into the street and confront with rocks and molos (molotovs) a squad of special forces who have sophisticated gasses (tear gas and paralyzing gasses), who have pistols, cars and an infinite etcetera, in short they have everything and I have nothing, when I go out into the street I am destructuring everything. Any normal planning would not be exposed because you go to loss… but we are not exposed, what’s more we seek this clash, we go to provoke this confrontation, we do not submissively resist a system of shit, we do not resign ourselves, we go out to break models of conduct.”

Honor to the compañerxs Mauricio Morales, Jonny Cariqueo, Claudia López, Alex Lemún, Matias Catrileo, the Vergara Toledo brothers and Herminia Concha.

Combatant Youth, Permanent Insurrection!
March 29 to the street!


The Academy, UAHC:

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