Chile: Solidarity bonds and support table for the March 28 prisoners in Temuco

Propa bono 28mfrom vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Compañeros and compañeras:

In the framework of the various initiatives that are developing in support of the imprisoned and persecuted compañeras in Temuco, we will have a support Table at the 2nd Anarchist Book and Propaganda Fair in Santiago, which is happening April 13 and 14. At it informative material will be handed out and help will be received for the compañeras which will be directly given to their families and friends in Temuco.

Among the various solidarity actions in which this support table is involved we especially mention the sale of solidarity bonds, whose value is 1000 pesos ($2 US).

The various individuals interested in the topic and those who have created printed materials concerning it are invited to collaborate with the table.

A strong embrace,

28M Support Table, 2nd Anarchist Book Fair


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