Argentina: Claim for bombing of the Mutual de Gendarmería and arson of two cars

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Trying to be at our best and to continue maintaining the dignity deserved by human lives that rebel against the authority that provokes all kinds of oppression over the face of the earth in which we live, we again go on the offensive in the war declared by the lovers of freedom and their enemies.

We remember that in the prisons of the territory dominated by the Argentine State the prisoners who are there continue to be murdered and tortured. And in the streets the misery goes on increasing, the alienation of work and consumption obscures the consciences of the people who constantly go around tensioned by the contradictions of a system that is proclaimed consolidated by a government that speculates with the economic sciences, trying to hide their tyrannical condition at all costs.

Feel, victims, because nothing you have yet suffered compares with the humiliation that all of us feel, we who are threatened with the death and radical confinement which nourishes the theory of those who have the power and will to profit off of the authoritarian methods and practices of civilized society.

Our proposal is the direct attack on those responsible for the misery of this reality, now the prison guards are in the sights of all the insurgent compañerxs — or is it necessary to keep saying what points we have in common? Actions say much more than words, but it is also necessary sometimes to mention what the media constantly try to hide.

The cars that we burned at 3000 Amenabar street were parked right outside one of the properties of Sergio Berni (secretary of the Ministry of Security), under 24 hour surveillance by the Federal Police.

The little bomb we set off in the Border Guards’ Mutual (Argentine Borders Building), located at 2264 Bartolome Mitre street, on Thursday September 19, 2013 at 1:40 am, unfortunately only caused material damages; we would have liked to find out that a servant of law and order had at least been injured.

We salute the compañerxs of the Conspiracy for Revenge and all those who, without lots of questioning, go on the offensive against authority all across the world.

Long Live Anarchy!

Friends of the Earth
Informal Anarchist Federation

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