Volver a la Tierra #4, Temuco, Nov-Dec 2014

portfrom volveralatierra:


A new issue of Volver a la Tierra [Returning to the Earth], an anarchist publication edited in Wallmapu, is now out.

This time, Volver a la Tierra includes:

  • War on the Latifundio
  • Gesto”, first poem published by Manuel Rojas
  • Campaign against the violence of obstetrics and gynecology
  • What a nice business the AFP’s are!
  • On the Self-Management of Health, an interview with Eneko Landaburu
  • When the lies are shouted and the truth is silent: A brief chronicle of the Frame-up in Temuco.
  • Diversity as potency (an anarchist discussion)
  • Rinoceronte Blanco in danger.

You can download it (Spanish) here:

Volver a la Tierra issue 4, November-December 2014



Volver a la Tierra anarchist group, Temuco


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