from refractario, transl. waronsociety:
In recent days we received news that compañero Abraham Cortés was given a new sentence in the tribunal from October 2, 2013. Let’s remember that Abraham is the only person which is still imprisoned for acts occurring on that day.
Abraham is facing a charge of attempted homicide for supposedly throwing molotov cocktails at lines of riot police, in addition to other charges of attacks on the public peace in a gang. For these charges he had been sentenced to 13 years and 4 days; however, in the past few days a new sentence was given due to a successful appeal.
The new sentence for the compañero, is 5 years 9 months for the charge of attacking the public peace in a gang, and the attempted homicide charge has been discarded.
Without a doubt this is good news, but it does not mean that we recognize in it a just action by the mexican judicial-prison system. We know perfectly well that this system will never give us justive and if for now the leash is loosened a little bit we do not forget that our compañero is still imprisoned and while he and thousands of others who actually populate the prisons stay behind those walls, we will continue fighting…
For the freedom of all!
Down with the prison walls!
Anarchist Black Cross México