Montreal, QC: Anti-police banner

from sabotage media:

No State ‘Justice’
Rage is our best weapon.


“In Montreal, a banner against police was dropped from a highway above rue Atwater in the early morning. Two thousand fliers were thrown and the banner stayed up for over 30 hours on a main artery into downtown. We did this over a month after pigs murdered Mario Hamel and Patrick Limoges on June 7, which was followed by a small riot on the night of June 8 targeting police and the world of capital and domination that they defend.”

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Chile: Disturbances around the student marches in various parts of Chile

from liberacion total (more info at sabotagemedia…)

Photos from Valparaíso…

Photos from Santiago…

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Sweden: Excavator rendered harmless

from bite back:





We have come to the conclusion that to save life that is oppressed A GOOD WAY is to disarm the oppressor, in any way nessesary. No more shit talk.

We made some napalm bombs and used them to destroy the yellow death machine beside the forest, a machine used to help tearing nature apart.

Before that we modulated the vehicle as much as possible, by cutting cables, and taking things away, and also wrote ELF messages on the last sight of the hellmachine -just in case some rotten nut would get the sick idea to try restoring it!

This is a statement to the life-friends worldwide that you better militant-ise your agenda and to the forest-destroying industries; that if you come closer to our territory terror will come, in the way you understand it, Economic catastrophy. For the gain of you own future, stay away.



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San Francisco, CA: Notes Concerning Recent Actions against the Police



from Indybay:

On Tuesday July 19th, hundreds of people took to the streets of San Francisco in order to demonstrate their rage against the recent murders of Charles Hill and Kenneth Harding in the city by BART police and SFPD respectively. We marched behind a banner reading “they can’t shoot us all; fuck the police” as an expression of our intention that police murder will be met with resistance and retaliation every time they rear their ugly heads in our city.


The march began at Dolores Park where nearly 200 of us departed and began moving towards the Castro. The route followed MUNI rail lines, obstructing the functioning of the rail system as it proceeded. Upon reaching the Castro MUNI station, all hell broke loose. While approaching the intersection (home to the underground MUNI station as well as the crossing of several MUNI rail lines) a significant portion of the march had donned masks and hoods.

What had now become a mob moved effortlessly past the bewildered cops and descended into the station. Down below on the mezzanine level, trash was set alight and thrown down onto the tracks below, followed by advertisements and signs. The ticket machines, the fare checkpoints and the agent booth were all smashed with hammers and flags – totally ruined. Smokebombs and fireworks were thrown throughout the station, adding to the chaos as the group resurfaced. The march then moved back through the Castro, hurling bricks over the heads of riot police and through the windows of Bank of America before heading into the Mission.

Those at the front of the march, made the spontaneous decision to continue onwards to the Mission police station on Valencia street. As the march approached, the pigs moved into formation to protect their sty. This didn’t stop us from throwing flares, a paint bomb, and a hammer at the façade of the building and at its defenders. The crowd, now swelled to almost 300, stayed in front of the police station for a while, screaming in the faces of the scum that patrols our streets and kills and imprisons the people we love. After making it abundantly clear that we wanted them the fuck out of our neighborhood, we continued through the Mission . At this point, the march dwindled slightly but continued down Mission St. Things escalated again when CBS news began harassing the crowd. People grabbed the big ass camera and smashed it on the ground. Police moved to make an arrest, but were repelled by the stick-wielding crowd.

After leaving the Mission, the crowd took Market St. and began moving through downtown toward Civic Center Station (the site of Charles Hill’s murder) and then onto Powell Station. At this point the number swelled again to more than they had been at any point, as countless onlookers joined the anti-cop demonstration. The crowd was big enough to block both sides of Market (a rare occurrence). The police began issuing dispersal orders from their sound truck tailing the march. Not giving a fuck, however, hundreds of us drowned out their orders screaming “SHUT THE FUCK UP” over and over. As the march turned up Powell (where we had intended to disperse) riot cops were able to surround and kettle about 30 people. As they filled in to enforce their kettle, hundreds of people pushed against them, hurling projectiles and screaming at them to let them go (and die). Skirmishes broke out as a handful of friends were unarrested and several more attempts were made to free those trapped inside police lines.

When it became clear that it would be impossible to free the 30 or so friends caught by the police, the strategy shifted to outright fighting. As the police began moving the vans containing the arrested, our crews and others did everything we could to stop them. The vans were chased and blockades attempted. The police and their vehicles were pelted with rocks, bottles, D-batteries and whatever else could be thrown against them. All-out brawls broke out leading to police injuries and a handful of arrests. Several police motorcycles were knocked over and stomped on. The night ended with a tense standoff against police. At this point, hundreds of people from the surrounding area had flooded the scene, screaming at the police or just looking on in awe. More shit got thrown at them and eventually people left, as we had word that several of the arrested were already being released.

It is the humble opinion of these participants that this last round of events was marked by some of the most wild physical fights with police at a demo in a long time. By the end of the night, all but one of the arrested had been released with misdemeanors (for disobeying orders and/or battery). One person remains in jail, being charged with Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Felony Vandalism. (Updates soon)


Yesterday’s attacks come in the context of a growing campaign of diffuse attacks against the MUNI system in retaliation for the murder of Kenneth Harding. On Saturday, within moments of his murder, people on scene began attacking the police with bottles and trying to disrupt the T-train. In the subsequent days various crews of people in and around Bayview have spontaneously and diffusely taken up a campaign against the MUNI system: blocking tracks, breaking the windows on trains and busses, attacking agents, fighting with the police. Most of this resistance, of course, has gone unreported by the scum media. At a press-conference held in Bayview on Monday, many family-members of police victims and other angry people gathered to denounce the most recent murders, share stories about how much they fucking hate the pigs, and articulate a strategy of resistance.

The message at the conference and in people’s actions is clear: “We want pigs off the MUNI system and we want the system to be free, or there will not be a system at all.” People vowed to continue their attacks and blockades against the trains and buses operated by MUNI until they are fare-free and cop-free. As austerity takes its toll on poor people in the Bay Area, it is becoming increasingly clear that the only solution is attack, and that these attacks are the clearest way to demonstrate our solidarity.

It is in following the lead of those struggling for freedom in Bayview that we decided to trash the MUNI station in the Castro. This is only one contribution in what is mounting up to be a wave of chaos against a system that values a 2$ fare over our lives.


Last week, over 100 of us disrupted the BART system by blockading trains and vandalizing stations. This activity resulted in 3 hours of solid obstruction and delays through the BART system caused by several station closures. This was called for in response to the killing of Charles Hill on the Civic Center platform by BART police. Once again, we disrupted the transit system in an act of vengeance against the slaughter at the hands of the armed enforcers of fares. Last night, in addition to putting the Castro MUNI station out of commission, we blocked tracks, buses, and trains. Police went on to close at least three BART stations for fear of the destruction at the Castro station being brought on other stations throughout the system. Through our actions and the response of the police, we brought the transit system in the heart of the financial capitol of the West Coast to a grinding halt for the second time in as many weeks.

It should be noted that obstructing these systems and destroying their apparatuses takes very little effort. System disruption is a valuable tool, and should be considered for use as a response every time the pigs murder someone in our towns. The economic damage and the disruption to networks of control caused by these actions is deeper and wider than a brick through a window (however lovely the act may be).


Fearing full on rebellion, SFPD and their servants in the media have gone into full spin mode. Each day they make new justifications for their killings. They say Charles Hill had a knife. They say Kenneth Harding shot at them. They talk about Harding’s previous convictions and allude to his connection to the murder of a pregnant woman in Washington State. In each of these cases, it is important for the enemies of the police to not be tricked by these diversions.

The issue has never been the character of Kenneth Harding or what type of weapons the victims of police violence may or may not have been carrying. The issue is that the armed enforcers of Capital and the State have enforced a death sentence on the poor in this city; made themselves the judge, jury and executioner of anyone who cannot afford a fare, is homeless, or breaks their meaningless laws in order to survive. We don’t care if Kenneth Harding had a gun. In fact, we wish he had shot the men who went on to shoot him ten times in the back and throat. Any justification for his murder misses the point that the situation should never have happened in the first place. We shouldn’t have to pay for their trains and the cops shouldn’t exist to enforce fares (or anything at all). To blame Kenneth Harding or Charles Hill or any victim of police violence for the atrocities enacted upon them by the police is to side with the State, always. Kenneth Harding is dead for one reason: because officers shot him ten times in the back and throat and watched as he bled to death on the street.

It is also worth noting that the mythology of black male violence against women is consistently used by the police and other armed white people as a pretense for racist murder, whether at the hands of a lynch mob or by the bullets of a cop’s gun. To counter this narrative, and the entirely false idea that police exist to protect women, a feminist contingent within the march prepared a statement and distributed it, denouncing the police.


When the police kill in our cities, we need to respond immediately and to continue and escalate that resistance. This has been the case so far in the response to the recent murders in San Francisco. People throughout the city – victims, family members, angry kids, anarchists, communists, hooligans – didn’t wait for the Left or any Non-Profit groups to begin. We acted without hesitation and constraint, in doing so setting the narrative of the struggle against the police. It is important that we not fall into the traps set out by the State. The struggle cannot be limited to one neighborhood or one “Legitimate” series of concerns or any one part of the population. We need to fight against SFPD throughout the city, against BART Police throughout the Bay, and against policing on a global scale. This weeks events have already demonstrated that angry people are willing to act against the police and the system they enforce in their neighborhoods, and to join the struggles of others and act in solidarity through attack. The struggle that began with the Oscar Grant rebellion is just beginning to emerge from hibernation. People here are just beginning – collectively and diffusely – to resist police terror in our streets. This is just a taste.

In sadness and in rage.

JULY 20, 2011

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Seattle, WA: Disruption and Banner Drop for Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers

from pugetsoundanarchists:

On Wednesday, July 20th, we hung a banner that read “SOLIDARITY WITH CALI PRISONER HUNGER STRIKE (A) DESTROY ALL PRISONS” off the sixth floor of the parking garage on 3rd and Pine in Downtown Seattle. Below the banner, a smoke bomb was set off in the intersection, sending enormous plumes of orange smoke into the air. Those who hung the banner tossed thousands of fliers into the concrete canyon below the parking garage. The fliers rained down on the dozens of people waiting for the bus, grabbing lunch, shopping, or simply loitering. We later saw many people on the street reading and discussing the fliers.

This action was in solidarity with the Pelican Bay Hunger Strike which, as of the time of this writing, has spread to several other prisons in California. The thousands on hunger strike have been starving themselves for 20 days, some of them losing 25 to 30 pounds and suffering from such ailments as organ failure, loss of consciousness, and severe dehydration.

The action took place in one of the most heavily policed areas in Seattle. It is also one of the few public places in which many people still gather. On a normal day, the SPD and the King County Sherriffs patrol the streets on foot and on bike, locking up dozens of people for vagrancy, public intoxication, drinking, smoking weed, or any other reason they can think of. When they are not doing this, they are taking pictures with tourists at Pike Place Market, mock-arresting them and putting them in the back of their vintage cops cars, and parading around on their shit-dispensing horses. Despite this heavy police presence, the action was completely succesful.




– anarchists

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San Francisco, CA: Initial reports on the anti-police march

from a non-participant:

Gathering from various news sources, a hasty report on the anti-police march in San Francisco today (Tuesday July 19):

  • Rocks were thrown at the police.
  • A Bank of America branch had its window(s) smashed.
  • Various MUNI and BART transit lines and stations were closed/re-routed by police due to the march, disrupting transit.
  • MUNI ticket machines were sabotaged (or at least attempted) and smoke bombs tossed into the MUNI station.
  • SFPD police station was paint-bombed. A hammer was thrown at it (or the cops outside it) without causing damage.
  • A CBS camera operator was assaulted and their camera damaged.
  • 35 or more arrests were made.

photographs of the demonstration:

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Kitchener, ON: Noise demo in solidarity with Pelican Bay and Nyki Kish

from Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity (blog):

On the evening of July 9th, to express solidarity with the hunger strike at Pelican Bay and across California, 30 folks from Southern Ontario gathered in Kitchener for a noise demo at Grand Valley Institution for Women (GVI), a federal women’s prison. We marched with banners, chants, and balloons flapping in the winds to an area near GVI where we could see and communicate directly with folks imprisoned, many of whom were in the yard when we arrived.

Balloons with flyers about the situation in Pelican Bay were released over the grounds. Fireworks were set off, silencing the screws that approached. The screws attempted to try and calm down the excited prisoners in plain view on the grounds. As chants and speeches were yelled, the chain link barbed wire fence separating the two groups became much less significant, as the isolation was broken for a few minutes. Prisoners yelled and whooped along with the chants that included: NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE, FUCK THE POLICE… SCREWS, PIGS, MURDERERS…FUCK ALL PRISONS, SMASH THE STATE, ALL THESE WALLS ARE GONNA BREAK and…NO PRISONS, NO BORDERS, FUCK LAW AND ORDER. After many fireworks, speeches, and chants the group decided to depart, but only after the folks inside proclaimed that they were on lock down and 5 cruisers arrived.

The demands of the prisoners at the Pelican Bay SHU were read, after which the prisoners at GVI responded with cheers. A part of the solidarity statement by Corcoran prisoners was read. A statement was read in support of Nyki Kish, a woman locked up at GVI. “FREE NYKI KISH” was chanted.

Nyki is an artist, musician and community activist from Hamilton who was recently convicted of 2nd degree murder and sentenced to 12 years in prison. In 2007 a street altercation in Toronto left one person stabbed to death. The State politicized the case, using the violence as a justification for further crackdowns on poor people. Nyki maintains her innocence, and was convicted on March 1, 2011, with no evidence other than that she was there and she was stabbed. She is currently in the max unit at GVI, awaiting the appeal process.

Solidarity and love to Nyki Kish, prisoners on strike at Pelican Bay, and prisoners in struggle for dignity everywhere!

more info:

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Greece: Severe sentences in the first Conspiracy of Cells of Fire trial

from actforfreedomnow:

July 19, 2011

The verdicts and sentences were announced today in the first Fire Cells Conspiracy trial (the so-called “Halandri case”), and the end results are not good. The three-member tribunal imposed even longer sentences than those requested by the prosecutor. The breakdown is as follows:

Haris Hatzimichelakis: Guilty of forming a terrorist organization, manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and causing explosions at the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace, the home of former Interior Vice-Minister Panayiotis Hinofotis, and the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 25 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 77 years.

Panayiotis Argyrou: Guilty of forming a terrorist organization, manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and causing explosions at the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace, the home of former Interior Vice-Minister Panayiotis Hinofotis, and the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 25 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 77 years.

Giorgos Karagiannidis: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 20 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 32 years.

Panayiotis Masouras: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Submitted an application for a suspended sentence.

Alexandros Mitrousias: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Chose not to submit an application for a suspended sentence.

Konstantina Karakatsani: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Submitted an application for a suspended sentence.

Manolis Yiospas: Guilty of three misdemeanors including robbery and fraud. Sentenced to 2 years and 9 months in prison. The prosecutor initially requested that Yiospas be acquitted, and after the prison sentence was announced the prosecutor then proposed a three-year suspended sentence, which the court accepted.

Nikos Vogiatzakis: Acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence.

Errikos Rallis: Acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence.

Friends and relatives of the accused, but also the defence, commented on the severity in the imposition of sentences considering that for the majority of those sentenced, the court judged that their participation in the organization was of only a few months.

The state, its court and its other dogs have shown once more what happens to decent people who live for freedom.

As anarchist revolutionaries in solidarity, we from ACTFORFREEDOMNOW!-BOUBOURAS, send to our proud and dignified comrades, members and not of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire, a big flaming hug!


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Further updates about the situation of Luciano Tortuga

From Liberación Total, translated by war on society:

We have seen the necessity of saying a little about the situation of the comrade Tortuga, since for over a month now comrades outside of $hile have not had information written by those close to Tortuga.

cuando pasado ya más de un mes, compas fuera de $hile no han tenido informacion redactada por cercanxs a Tortuga.

Certainly there is not much information, but it is necessary for those who still think that the comrade lost both hands and was blinded, we have made this brief summary of his health on the basis of what we could gather and have received by mail. It also clarifies some things said by the press.

Since late on June 1st, Tortuga has been in the Clínica Indisa where during the first week grafts of his own skin were made in the areas of his body that were most damaged.

The comrade suffered the amputation of his right hand up to the wrist and on his left hand he lost his thumb, index finger and half of the middle finger. The wounds to his eyes did not leave him blind, but also he can distinguish light contrasts and his vision could improve, it is not know if there will be operations on his eyes.

On the other hand, the press in their initial reports said that the device that Tortuga had used had a mixed activation system, similar to the one a veteran saboteur had recommended after the death of comrade Mauricio Morales, but then this same source reported that the explosive device DID NOT have two systems of activation, it only had one–with a watch, a 9-volt battery and a car bulb–which was detailed in the press with a descriptive graph.

On June 9th the daily La Tercera reported that Luciano had said that he did not have anything to do with the actions of early June 1st, which es a complete LIE, equal to many other things published by this mouthpiece of the prosecutors. The comrade has not said anything and spends most of the time in sedation caused by painkillers.

Only his siblings, father, mother and his partner can visit him. Agents (uniformed and civilian) monitor the floor where he is.

The prosecutor of the case, Héctor Barros, had intended to formalize the charges against the comrade, but he is not able to do this because it requires the approval of the doctor in charge and this is decided on the basis of Luciano’s health status.

We issue a call to his close comrades to report on the comrade’s situation, because there are many people interested in knowing how he is and because it is essential to have communication between comrades.

For the continuation of solidarity with our comrade.
Strength to Tortuga!

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Philadelphia, PA: Banner Drop in Solidarity with the Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

from infoshop news:

This morning, July 18, 2011, two banners were dropped in Philadelphia in solidarity with the courageous actions of the Pelican Bay hunger strikers and the 6600-plus prisoners throughout the state of California who have joined the strike.

The banners read “Philly Supports the Pelican Bay Prison Strike” and “From CA to PA: Stop Prison Abuse.”

We hope this action will join the large and growing voice calling on CA Governor Jerry Brown and the CDCR to meet ALL the demands of the hunger strikers.  We also hope that the inspiring actions of the hunger strikers in California will generate increased resistance to solitary confinement and torture in Pennsylvania’s prisons both inside and outside of prison walls.

Here in Pennsylvania like California, conditions in solitary confinement units have been abysmal. Prisoners placed in “the hole” experience brutal and dehumanizing conditions designed to break them psychologically and spiritually.

Prisoners in solitary confinement regularly experience:

• 23-hour lockdown behind a solid steel door
• isolation from human interaction
• frequent threat and occurrence of physical torture via prolonged placement in punitive restraint devices
• assault, often with chemical weapons
• mental torture via sensory deprivation and disorienting temperature and light fluctuations, along with rampant psychological neglect
• sexual intimidation and assault.

For more information about the Pelican Bay hunger strike, check out

No more prisons!

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Denver, CO: Queen City Antifa statement on July 9 anti-police demo

from infoshop news:

They could not, and will never, take us all.

Fists and hearts burn in the streets as Denver marks the one year anniversary of the murder of Marvin Booker.

Saturday, July 9th marked the year anniversary of the murder of Marvin Booker, a homeless street preacher booked on minor charges and killed by Denver Sheriff’s Deputies for attempting to retrieve his shoes. A fifth round of demonstrations was called for by West Denver CopWatch to mark the anniversary amidst a backdrop of local repression against the burgeoning anti-police movement.

In May, a demonstration ended with the flashing and banging of a firework during the rowdy crowd’s dispersal. Police arrested a twenty year old woman and charged her with two counts of attempted murder of a police officer and a slew of other charges. The Denver Anarchist Black Cross, a revolutionary legal support organization operating in the area for a few years now, mobilized court support and other actions demanding her release without charges. The attempted murder charges and most others were dropped, but she is still fighting felony possession of an explosive and misdemeanor resisting arrest charges.

With this in mind, more than 150 demonstrators converged around the Denver skate park shortly before noon on the 9th. Like many recent mobilizations against the police, cops were waiting to flank participants and keep a tight reign on the event. An officer approaching the crowd was rebuked by several people when he condescendingly offered “help.” After a short speech by a member of West Denver CopWatch, the march took Little Raven St. to make its way to the Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center where Booker was killed. Ideally, the march was to swell a rally held by the ACLU and Marvin Booker’s family set to take place once the demonstration arrived.

Fleets of police on bicycles as well as two squad cars and two police vans trailed the march from its onset. Loudly chanting slogans that have quickly become standards for the roaming crowds confronting cops over the last year, some officers reacted to “Oink, oink, bang, bang, every day’s the same old thing” with smiles while others were visibly upset by “from Denver to Greece, fuck the police!” and spirited cries of Marvin Booker’s name.

As has been the precedent for the last three demonstrations, protesters hung stickers of Marvin’s likeness and gave out fliers to passerby. Approaching a pedestrian bridge that leads to the commercial center of the city and the arena of many other confrontations with law enforcement, cops were en masse picking up their bikes and hustling up the stairs. Smart people in the crowd took advantage of this and rerouted the march towards 15th Street, while the demonstration loudly began laughing at the police waiting at the top of the bridge.

15th Street was quickly shut down by the crowd, who used an overpass to amplify chants, drums and general shouts and taunts towards the police in tow. Stickers hit construction equipment and a few people began throwing construction barrels into the road to block police. Hanging a left towards the 1100 block of 16th, the march made its way towards the gawking shoppers on the 16th Street Mall, the commercial center of downtown Denver. Greeted with raised fists and applause towards protesters, many police officers were looking overheated and demoralized.

As the demonstration approached Lawrence St., two cops jumped off of their bikes and tackled a demonstrator to the ground after chasing him through the crowd. A scuffle broke out as folks from the march moved in to attempt to unarrest the comrade. Shoving, punching, and pushing erupted as police hurried to defend the officers making the arrest.

More police quickly arrived to back them up and seal off the irate protesters responding to the arrest. Another scuffle broke out, and shortly thereafter, black clad march participants linked arms and began berating the cops. Screams and challenges to fistfights met the police, as did debris thrown towards the line of police. One cop was observed taking his gun (not taser) out of its holster and the crowd grew visibly angrier, chanting “let him go!” and screaming about the officer with a gun. As the police led the arrested protester back to the van in handcuffs, the police attempted to regroup themselves as a tactical decision was made by he crowd to keep marching.









Within minutes of the initial confrontation a sticker was plastered on the windshield of an unoccupied police motorcycle and the police attempted to grab a demonstrator they accused of the action. March participants rushed to the defense of the comrade. Another masked demonstrator wrapped their arms around the protester and police surrounded the duo. Fistfights and shoving matches between officers and other demonstrators broke out, and in the end of the fracas two more protesters were in handcuffs and a few police were observed limping and wiping blood from their lips. Many police were wielding pepperspray and tasers, ready to attempt to subdue the scuffling protesters, though these weapons were not used.

After the two arrestees were led to the van, the march continued up 16th Street. After realizing that the police have criminalized the act of putting up stickers to justify a violent crackdown on the march, aggressive protesters looking to defy the arrests and the authority of the police continued slapping the stickers on every surface that was available. Several hundred fliers were passed out, and dozens of stickers littered the downtown area.

The march weaved its way to the jail, as Marvin Booker’s name echoed off the walls of the jail. The marching crowd was warmly welcomed by the waiting rally participants. Several speeches were made and police brutality victim Alex Landau, who was just awarded more than $700,000 in settlement money, performed an anti-police rap to the crowd. Many participants at the rally were in the streets to march and confront the cops and the rally is pegged at up to 300 people by media estimates.

Members of Marvin Booker’s family spoke and red, black, and green balloons were released into the air to commemorate the anniversary. The family also contributed to the growing bail fund for the recently arrested protesters, as did several members of the ACLU.

Thanks to the legal support infrastructure of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross, it was learned that the first person arrested was a minor and released with a citation for defacing property with a sticker. The two other arrestees spent eight hours in custody before nearly $700 was raised for their release. Both were released before the night was over. Both face defacement of private or public property and will be arraigned on August 9th. Court support is being organized by DABC. For legal updates, please check Updates on these three arrests and Amelia Nicol’s case, will be posted as they become available.

Once again, and not surprisingly, the media was mute on this action. Other than the local entertainment weekly Westword, which took pictures and featured a small write up, a CBS affiliate that had a small report on the rally, and the Colorado Independent, which reported on the rally, media blacked this demonstration out just as they have the last three marches.

The local anti-police movement is undeterred by the arrests of its comrades and the heavy handed tactics of the police. Despite the three arrests, the movement has shown that it can defend itself in the streets and in the courtroom. There would have been many more arrests if the crowd hadn’t fought back the way it did, and the arrests that were made did not come easy to the police. With the city’s case closed on Marvin Booker’s death, the slogan has moved from “Justice for Marvin Booker” to “Avenge Marvin Booker.” The movement in Denver is making good on the promise of ‘No Justice, No Peace,’ and it is unlikely that repression will stop these demonstrations or similar anti-police activity.



News, info, and updates: (coming soon!)

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San Francisco, CA: War on the Police

from Indybay:

Yesterday, hundreds of enraged people took to the streets of San Francisco in response to the murder of a 19 year old by SFPD in the Bayview neighborhood. He was killed for running from the police after not paying his MUNI fare. Immediately people in Bayview responded – confronting the police, screaming at the murderers and throwing bottles. At Midnight, another group called for a last minute march against the police. About 100 marchers took the street and attacked ATMs, banks and a cop car.

Whether we like it or not, this city is a fucking war-zone. For the second time in as many weeks, police officers have murdered someone in cold blood. Yesterday, they murdered a 19 year old in the Bayview district. For the crime of not paying his $2 bus fare, he was executed by SFPD; shot ten times in front of a crowd. On July 3rd, BART police responding to a report of a man too drunk to stand, arrived at Civic Center Station and shot Charles Hill within a minute of their arrival, killing him as well. His crime: being broke and homeless in a city that fucking despises us.

And so, within a few hours of hearing word of SFPD’s latest atrocity, we called for a march against the police in the Mission District. About 100 of us gathered, donned masks, and marched down Valencia St. toward the Mission Police Station. We attacked the first pig car that approached. We attacked ATMs and a Wells Fargo as well. We upturned newspaper boxes and trash bins, throwing them into the streets at the encroaching riot cops. We screamed in the pigs faces and confronted them at their front door. By 1AM we had dispersed without arrest.

This march comes on the heels of Monday’s attack on the BART system in response to the murder of Charles Hill. Again, over 100 of us clogged the BART system, blocking trains, vandalizing machines and bringing the rail system to a grinding halt. For over three hours BART suffered system-wide delays and the BART police were forced to close several stations throughout the city. After being forced out of the system, we took the streets in an impromptu march. Causing havoc and avoiding two attempts by the police to kettle us. The march ended in a heated stand-off with SFPD in front of hundreds of tourists at the Powell St. plaza.

In reporting this we hope to make it obvious: we will no longer allow the police (regardless of what badge they wear) to murder us in the streets. When they kill, we will respond with force. These two marches along with the burgeoning revolt in Bayview are only a beginning. We do not care about their attempts at justifying themselves. In each of these killings they claim that their lives were in danger. We say they lie, but honestly don’t care either way. As the State has removed any illusion that it exists to serve or protect people, we can see clearly that it exists only to push us into prisons and to shoot us in cold blood. Two single dollars are worth more to them than our lives. The very existence of the police clearly endangers all of us, and we won’t be safe until they are destroyed.


Stay tuned,

some anarchists in the Bay Area

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Germany: Riot in Berlin on anniversary of Carlo Giuliani’s death

from the press:

Berlin – Police have made arrests after anti-capitalist demonstrations in Berlin left several injured, an official said early Sunday.

Clashes broke out after demonstrators reportedly threw stones and bottles against police cars, and set off various incendiary devices.

A police spokesman confirmed there had been injuries and arrests, but did not provide any figures.

The protest, estimated at 800 people by witnesses and 400 by police, was apparently held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of another anti-capitalist activist.

Carlo Giulani, 23, was killed in July 2001 during clashes at the Group of Eight summit in Genoa, Italy. A judge ruled that the policeman who shot him was acting in self defence as Giulani approached his vehicle holding a fire extinguisher in the air.

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Greece: Responsibility claim for four police cars torched in Athens

from actforfreedomnow:


A PLAN Saturday 2nd of July, just before 2am and while Athens stays up under the non stop beats of the clubs and parties, we chose for once more to place our own opinions for must hits of the summertime. The target this time, dear and not least, the dogs of democracy, commonly known as cop pigs. In the war that we experience the only images of jubilation are the aggressive practices against so much the enemy as much as its materials means. We do not need to enter into logics of dilemmas, what is needed is ammunition, imagination and a specific plan of attack. We took therefore our incendiary devices and headed towards the Thicket of Nea Smirni. There were “waiting” for us, 4 parked municipal cop cars. The only problematic of our relatively easy mission was the wooden lodge with the security guards/well wishing snitches. Fortunately for them the god of luck (and not only) smiled to them and all during the mission they did not turn their eyes to the window that looked directly towards the targets, forcing thus our ready commandos (knuckle dusters, batons, insulating tape), that were next to the doors and windows, into inaction.

A THREAT Attention however, maybe next time we won’t choose to pass by every potential snitch, but go over him and this is not a warning but a threat. And something else for all you secondary little pricks (municipal cops, security guards, guardians), because we are in a good mood we give you 3 keywords that perhaps you will find useful in the future, if you find yourselves in a similar situation with your colleague, ignore – forget – chill. In any case, its better you resign before you choose which of the 3 you will act on.

A SUGGESTION In this part we would like to introduce ourselves more extensively than the previous time. We are the Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror and we belong to the Network of the New Conspiracy. We are one more group of the urban guerrilla and we consist of cells and work groups that put in practice plans that aim at hurting targets of the enemy, whether for the decomposition of their infrastructures or for the improvement of our infrastructures. Our enemy is anything that hurts freedom and the enemy is everywhere. From the sovereign civilization, society, the state, relations of economy and authority, to all the disgusting passive receivers of all the above. Thus therefore we intend to expose the well hidden lines of the enemy that are diffuse in the social mesh. Thus, with frequent hits of a small or big range we create a problem in the interior of the country and spoil its image abroad. Particularly in the present time situation we consider that the frequent hits on the enemy are very useful.

A PROPOSAL We call all comrades and revolutionary organizations to make a strong round of guerrilla hits at everything and everyone accountable of the emptiness of life. To show that we LIVE and we are FREE in the TODAY. We are not waiting for nothing and no one.

Postponements are now an unknown meaning to us. No more. WE WILL BURN IT ALL! “WE SWALLOW THOSE WHO SUBJUGATE US”

P.S.1 the ashes of the cop cars should be considered a dedication to Theofilos Mavropoulos

P.S.2 We raise our fists to the hostage proud members of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire of the 1st period, and we notify them that we walk next to them on the path of refusal and attack. As well as next to anyone (hostage or not), that chooses to walk against this world taking their life in their hands.

International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Cell of Incendiary Destructions

translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow!

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