Letter from Greek prisoners in solidarity with Costa, Silvia, Billy

from actforfreedomnow:

solidarity with Constantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerrini and Billy Bernasconi

On the 15 of April 2010 the anarchist revolutionaries Constantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerrini and Billy Bernasconi are arrested by Swiss cops near Zurich.

They are charged with possession of an explosive device and a communique referring to IBM’s laboratory of nanotechnology research.

Fifteen months later, after continual transfers, hunger strikes, mail censorship, and communication restrictions among them, their trial was set for the 19 of July, 2011.

The struggle against the new repressive applications of technology (nanotechnology, biotechnology) is our struggle too.

From the ashes and the debris of this world true freedom will rise.

It goes without saying that we support wholeheartedly and we stand in undivided solidarity with our comrades Costa, Silvia and Billy.

All the prison bars in the world are not enough to change our conscience and our choices. We deny this world and we will not stop the multiform struggle for total freedom.


We send our warm greetings to the anarchist revolutionary Marco Camenisch who is in the Swiss prison because of his diverse subversive action

Theofilos Mavropoulos
Giorgos Polydoros
Christos Tsakalos
Michalis Nikolopoulos
Panagiotis Argyrou
Olga Oikonomidou
Gerasimos Tsakalos
Charis Chatzimichelakis
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Damianos Bolano

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Montreal, QC: Police create GAMMA unit dedicated to surveillance of anarchists

from the press:

The creation of a Montreal police unit targeting anarchist vandals is “a declaration of war” and further proof that cops discriminate against people because of their political beliefs and lifestyles, an anarchist sympathizer says.

Alexandre Popovic, a spokesperson for the Coalition against repression and police brutality, said a Montreal police unit called Guet des activités des mouvements marginaux et anarchistes (surveillance of marginal and anarchist groups’ activities), or GAMMA, highlights police use of social stereotyping to hinder the legal expression of opposition to social and legal policies.

“It’s ridiculous,” Popovic said. “They have a stereotypical cartoon image of anarchists.”

Anarchists believe in opposing authority, he said, but they also have families, host book fairs and have intellectual discussions.

“Most of our members are peaceful and have never thrown a rock in their lives.”

A complaint about the new police unit has been filed with the Quebec Human Rights Commission, he said.

“The commission needs to remind the police that we are not in a police state. We have the right to disagree and even have thoughts they might not like.”

Jacques Robinette, an assistant Montreal police chief and head of special investigations, said GAMMA was created in January to deal with increasing vandalism and assaults on police officers during public gatherings and protests.

The unit is an adjunct of the organized crime unit. Tactics employed by investigators to monitor gangs can be used to watch anarchist leaders who infiltrate otherwise peaceful protests, he said.

Robinette refused to say how many police officers are in the unit.

In the past, police have trained video cameras on protests to identify troublemakers.

“They often have flags and sometimes the flag poles become sticks they use to break windows and hit people,” Robinette said.

About a dozen protests have turned violent in the past year, he added.

“They are using various protests – like those about (police shooting victim) Fredy Villanueva, tuition fee hikes and even St. Jean Baptiste – as a pretext to vandalize, throw projectiles and assault police officers,” Robinette said.

The unit’s work resulted in the arrests of four people on June 29, he added.

They are alleged to have been part of a group that assaulted police officers during a May Day rally. Among objects cops seized were a metal bar and a Molotov cocktail.

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Montreal, QC: attack on condo developer’s office

from anarchistnews:

On the night of Thursday, July 14, we attacked a condo developer`s office on the corner of Saint-Jaques and Bourget. We broke windows and threw paint at the building. Hopefully this action speaks for itself.


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Letter from Monica, a comrade accused in the G20 Toronto case

from Toronto Mediacoop:

An Open Letter to Friends and Allies

I write this by flickering candlelight in the Grand River watershed as sounds of fireworks penetrate the sky. It is kkkanada day. One year ago I was in a jail cell after having spent most of the day on lockdown – they were short staffed because of the holiday.

As we mark the one-year anniversary of the g20 I have wanted to write to friends and allies and this holiday – a celebration of a country founded upon genocide – seems like a fitting time. As I reflect on this day I feel great respect and admiration for the resilience of native communities who continue to persevere in the fight against colonialism. I feel I have something to learn about the strength of the human spirit, how to continue fighting in the face of intense repression. We all need to keep fighting as this monstrous machine of industrial capitalism keeps ploughing ahead, leaving barren radioactive dirt in its dust. This is a fight for the survival of the earth.

I have been reflecting lately on fear’s impact on our hearts and spirits. For the past year I have felt anxiety like never before, afraid to speak out, to have a political presence. I am slowly moving through this fear to find my inner strength. I see how this fear causes me to withdraw onto myself, narrow my focus onto my own little life, away from what this earth truly needs right now. I also see this in others, as those who were once very active have now retreated, scattered to other lands, or isolated themselves. As I see the affect of fear on my own heart I see how easy it is to let fear win, to close my heart to the world and only care about the me me me. There is a lot of money going into attempting to squash resistance in southern ontario right now, the state knows its divide and conquer techniques quite well. And there is a proposal for a huge mega quarry at the headwaters of 3 watersheds, one of which is the Grand River watershed. I also see those who are still fighting and persevering beginning to burn out and lose heart, as they need more people to step up.

So where do we find our strength to move through this fear? Where do we find our inspiration to carry on? How do we re-examine our actions to move forward with renewed insight and motivation? How do we support and care for one another as we realize that we are all feeling a blow of repression? How do we work with fear and grief so that we do not just go numb, but use it as fuel to keep our hearts open and motivate our lives? These are questions that I have been asking those close to me, as we all need to find our inner strength, to stand strong on our feet and sway the tide of this apathetic suicidal society. To remember that our fight is out of love for this earth. Love for the children, love for the polar bears up north, love for the salmon in the rivers who fight so hard to swim upstream to spawn. Love for those who have dedicated their lives to this earth who now sit in prison cells. This love demands that we go on.

I feel so much gratitude to those who work determinedly for this earth and who are supporting those encountering repression by the state. A huge thank you to all the land defenders, demo organizers, legal fund money raisers, letter writers, car drivers, house arrest visitors. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had a difficult winter, and the support of people from all over really helped me to keep my spirits up. To read letters from people from the US, the UK, and all over kkkanada – this helped so much with isolation. Thank you to all those from ontario who travelled all the way out east to visit me. Also a huge thank you to my parents, I feel so much gratitude that our relationship made it through the state attempting to turn me into a 16 year old again who couldn’t leave the house without a chaperone and a note. I have much appreciation of how strong our relationship is now. So much love to all of you who have stood by me. To friends who pledged money to act as a surety to get me back to ontario. Tough times reveal who is able to stand by you, and I feel so blessed by the deepening of many of my friendships. I am in awe of the amazing people who surround me. You inspire me.

Let us all support one another. Ask our friends what would inspire them. Dig deep into ourselves to find our inner strength and motivation. Write letters to prisoners. Attend friend’s proceedings in court. As much as we need to dig deep into ourselves to find strength to carry on in the face of repression, we also need to support one another, help each other to stand strong.

This time is also marked by a huge hunger strike in some of the worst prisons in turtle island, with a call out for it to go internationally. Let us draw inspiration from those who are able to maintain their spirits in the face of incarceration and intense repression. Let us fight for freedom for all.

I recently spent some time around the area proposed for the mega quarry. Some of the most beautiful forest I have seen. Balsam fir, Cedar, Maple, Birch, Poplar, mossy rocks, ferns, an island covered in Colts Foot. Let us keep it that way.

Love, Rage, Solidarity,


And don’t forget to Dance dance

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Mapu Lafken: CAM claims incendiary attacks in Mapuche territory

from culmine, translated by war on society:


To the national and international public opinion:

We declare, in light of the most recent acts of resistance occurring in the Mapu Lafken, now the province of Arauco, the following:

One: We claim responsibility for the total arson of a house belonging to a winka usurper in the Coihueco, lake Lleu-Lleu area.

We also claim the total arson of an encampment of the forestry brigade of Arauco Forest, Peleco area and the attack against four forestry trucks that are in the paid service of La Fortuna (Huentelolen) farm, Lanalhue area.

Two: With these actions we reaffirm our commitment of struggle and resistance against investments in forestry, mining, landowning and energy, national and transnational, in our ancestral Mapuche territory.

Three: We demand the immediate freedom of all our Mapuche Political Prisoners and the immediate restitution of our ancestral Mapuche territory.

With our heroes Leftraru, Lemun, Catrileo, Collío and others, with the dignity of our prisoners and persecuted, we advance toward Mapuche National Liberation.


Organ of Lafkenche Territorial Resistance.
Arauco Malleco
Mapuche Coordinator.

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UK: Swiss embassy attacked in solidarity with Silvia, Billy, Costa

from silvia billy costa liberi:

On the night of Monday 30th May 2011 the Swiss Embassy in London was attacked – Locks were glued and bricks were thrown at the windows.

May the damaged locks and broken glass represent our solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa.

Freedom for all!

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Prisoner Hunger Strike: Medical crisis updates, continued call for solidarity

from prisoner hunger strike solidarity:

Legal representatives made visits to Pelican Bay SHU Tuesday and interviewed a number of hunger strikers. Each prisoner explained how medical conditions of hundreds of hunger strikers in the SHU are worsening. Many prisoners are experiencing irregular heartbeats and palpitations, some are suffering from diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia. Many are also experiencing dizziness and constantly feel light-headed. Many struggle with shortness of breath and other lung and respiratory problems. Dozens of prisoners have fainted and been taken to either the infirmary and/or outside hospitals. Some prisoners also have Chrones disease, which leads to extreme loss of fluids and electrolytes and needs to be treated by adequate nutrition and hydration.

At least 200 prisoners continue the strike in solidarity with the prisoners at Pelican Bay at Calipatria State Prison, where summer heat has reached to 110 degrees F, even hotter inside the SHUs. Some people have experienced heat stroke due to severe dehydration.

Prisoners at Corcoran have also notified us that hunger strikers there are struggling with the same symptoms of severe dehydration. After mild seizures and severe diabetic shock, some people  have been taken to the infirmary.

Many doctors outside of prison, some of whom have experience working with prisoners, have explained to us that adequate hydration is paramount to preventing fatal starvation. The fact that the prisoners are showing symptoms of such extreme dehydration shows the prisoners are approaching a medical crisis.

Dr. Corey Weinstein, a private correctional medical consultant and human rights investigator with 40 years experience providing health care to CA prisoners, explains:

“The strikers’ claims of substandard and prejudicial medical care at Pelican Bay are certainly true.  As well the medical staff refuses to take on their responsibilities as health professionals to advocate for their patients in matters of daily life related to food, nutrition, exercise and mental hygiene.  Those who should be providing care act the jailer instead. Given my long history of working with California prisoners, I have grave doubts about the Department of Corrections’ ability to adequately carry out their own guidelines and protocols even during this urgent and public moment.  Reports such as prisoners with very low blood sugar levels and lack of urination for 3 days should not be coming from the prison.  These are men who require hospital care under prison protocols.  We should ask why do they remain at the prison?”

Clearly the prisoners are in dire need of adequate food and hydration. The only way to prevent people from dying right now is for the CDCR to negotiate with the prisoners with the outside mediation team the prisoner’s have approved of.

Support the Prisoners in Winning their Demands! Take Action NOW! Click here for info on how to get involved.

*If you have information you think we should know about or suggestions of how people can support the strike that will help pressure CDCR to negotiate immediately, please contact us: prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity@gmail.com

**Supporters everywhere are encouraged to coordinate and organize events, actions, and demonstrations that amplify the prisoner’s voices and will effectively urge the CDCR to negotiate immediately.

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Greece: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire claim responsibility for arson of 12 telecommunications vehicles

The communique — here in Greek — has not yet been translated. It is signed by the International Revolutionary Front – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Luciano Tortuga Core.

The main theme is revolutionary violence:

The violence with stones and Molotov cocktails by the minority who question authority practice creates the experience of conflict to a new world, an experience that under certain conditions can be transformed then into a revolutionary consciousness. The violence is to be appropriable by as many people as possible.

They salute the new network Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror who arsoned the mayor’s car in Athens.

The second generation of the Conspiracy is here and we are present.

More dangerous, unpredictable and chaotic than ever.

And they claim responsibility for the arson of 12 telecom vehicles:

So, loyal to rebel “calls” but also to ourselves, we do the obvious: the continuation of the revolutionary war. We are therefore responsible for the burning of 12 vehicles that were in OTE [Hellenic Telecommunications Organization] outdoor parking in Maroussi at the junction of Hadjiantoniou and Dionysus.

Finally, they send revolutionary greetings to the cells of the International Revolutionary Front around the world, and strength to Luciano Tortuga in Chile.

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Greece: Cops attacked in Exarchia, Athens

from actforfreedomnow:

July 12, 2011
A group of masked people attacked a patrol of five cops of the Exarchia police station, on Eressoy street.

They attacked the cops with bats, wood, stones and hammers, resulting in two of them getting injured and taken to the 401 military hospital.

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Germany: Police station firebombed in Berlin for Carlo Giuliani

from actforfreedomnow:

A police station in Berlin was hit yesterday by firebombs.

A slogan in remembrance of Carlo Giuliani was spraypainted on a wall of the police station.

The police station in a northern district of Berlin is from the Landeskriminalamt (LKA).

The two entrance doors have been hit by incendiary devices which destroyed the entrances.

On the wall of the police station was a slogan spraypainted for Carlo Giuliani.

A demonstration for the 10th anniversary of the battle of Genua and the killing of Carlo will take place in Berlin-Kreuzberg on Saturday and may cause unrest with police.


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Greece: Prisoner mutiny in Korydallos prison

from actforfreedomnow:

On June 28th and 29th a 48-hour general strike, manifestations and an attempt to blockade the parliament are realized against the voting of a new predatory law. Hundreds of women and men prisoners in Greek democracy’s towers of exile we express our solidarity by different ways with this movement and our solidarity between us, as we are oppressed people and fighting for a world of freedom, equality and solidarity. At the 1st block of Korydallos’ prisons we mutiny, refusing to enter in the cells at noon.

Capitalism is a lasting war of the bosses against earth and human beings. A dictatorship that produces the war of everybody against everybody. Terror, poverty, false dreams, uprooting.

This period, the political and economical authority deteriorates the conditions of exploitation by the pretense of economical crisis. The language of national and international economy is the bosses’ language. We, who live tyranny’s many faces, we are enemies of the political authority. It is time to stop the profit’s machine, time to stop working for the authority’s machine. Creating initiatives of resistance and auto-organisation everywhere, acting directly against authority. Let’s become the system’s crisis.

To recapture earth, overthrowing the state’s and capital’s possession, here and now. Societies can live without bosses, native or foreign, big or little and they have all reasons to do it. Breaking by the common struggle the separations that domination imposes (like national, racial or religious). Abolishing the borders, demolishing all walls, all prisons. Breaking every police and their nationalist henchmen.


Solidarity with the revolted people in North Africa and the Middle East.

Solidarity with all of earth’s revolted human beings.

For the class counterattack.

For the social revolution.

For freedom.

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San Francisco, CA: Anti-police protest shuts down three BART stations

from the press:

A group of protesters seeking to paralyze BART achieved their goal Monday by holding open train doors, climbing atop a rail car and ultimately forcing police to shut down three stations during the height of the evening commute.

Roughly 75 demonstrators gathered at the Civic Center station around 4:30 p.m. to protest the July 3 police-involved shooting death of Charles Hill and the 2009 fatal shooting of Oscar Grant III.

The demonstration quickly turned aggressive as protesters succeeded in preventing trains from leaving the station. BART police then forced them out of the trains and pulled one man off the top of a car. Transit officials subsequently closed the station to BART and Muni trains.

In response, demonstrators went aboveground and walked to the Powell Street station carrying signs and chanting phrases such as, “We are all Charles Hill. We are all Oscar Grant.”

Demonstration organizer Hannibal Shakur, 25, promised more such protests as anger builds.

“We want the BART administration to disband the police,” Shakur said. “And we wanted to demonstrate our power to cripple the system.”

At the Powell Street station, demonstrators stormed the platform around 5:30 p.m. as hundreds of commuters waited for trains.

Chanting “Oink, oink, bang, bang, every day the same old thing” and “No justice, no peace,” protesters boarded a train to the 16th Street station in the Mission district. That station was then shut down, forcing the crowd to walk back downtown along Mission Street.

Along a 2-mile route, demonstrators shadowed by dozens of San Francisco police officers took over two lanes of traffic, tipped over garbage cans and vandalized buildings with graffiti.

Protesters reassembled at Muni’s Powell Street cable car turnaround, where dozens of officers outfitted in riot gear held their ground until the demonstrators slowly dispersed.

Sgt. Michael Andraychak of the San Francisco Police Department said his agency arrested one person on suspicion of public drunkenness. BART spokesman Linton Johnson said BART police made no arrests. But Johnson did say the demonstrators had accomplished their goal.

Around 9:45 p.m. July 3, two BART officers responded to the Civic Center station following a report of a “wobbly and drunk” person on the platform. Moments later, an officer shot Hill, who died at San Francisco General Hospital. The shooting was the sixth in BART’s 40-year history that led to injury or death.

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Oakland, CA: ‘Austerity is Prison’ demonstration in solidarity with prison hunger strike

"I have kept this photo in my wallet to keep my hatred sharp."

Last night, 50 – 60 people met at Telegraph and Broadway in downtown Oakland to participate in the third Anticut action. Moving from that intersection, the crowd tried to take the street and was immediately directed back onto the curb by the police. What followed was some Tom and Jerry shit: We would move back into the street, be pushed back to the sidewalk, in a cycle of events verging, at times, on ridiculous.

Once we arrived at the Glenn Dyer detention facility, connected by a skyway to the courthouse, we blocked Clay St. at 7th to chant and make noise for the prisoners awaiting trial in the jail. People on the inside were heard yelling back. A few people read parts of the communique that was being distributed along the march. Statements were made about the hunger strike at Pelican Bay. As we left the jail chanting “we’ll be back”, a large mortar-type firework exploded a few blocks away. Coincidence, of course.

The crowd  moved back to Broadway much the way we came, in and out of the street. Tensions with the police waxed and waned along the march, but no arrests were made and the crowd did a fair job of staying solid.

Once back on Broadway, people were told over a megaphone to “stick around”. The reason behind this became clear as, ten minutes later, a handful of people appeared down 13th St. pushing a sound system towards the crowd. The sound system, always unpopular with the police, bolstered the mood of the crowd.

As the sound system began playing (Mac Dre, Don’t Snitch), the police tightened ranks around the sound system and the thirty or so people who remained. Options got a bit scarce when people realized that they weren’t being allowed to leave the kettle. After three songs and multiple “illegal assembly” warnings from the OPD, folks decided it was time to go. The police let people go a few at a time, hoping that we would disperse, and, unexpectedly, let the sound system go too.

Without the constant social upheaval present in places like Greece or Chile, social antagonists living in the United States have much to learn about how to roll in the streets. So, after the arrests made at Anticut 2, which were more or less the result of loose formation, a flier was distributed at Anticut 3 with some basic tips about how to hold oneself in the streets.

One implicit goal of the Anticut actions seems to be expanding our capacity as social antagonists. Some, still enamored with “mass movement” politics, see capacity correlated to the number of people on the streets. This is only part of the truth. Our capacity as a group is the result of our capacity as individuals. A strong handful people in the streets might have a capacity equivalent to a large mob, albeit on different terms. By participating in events such as Anticuts, we are able to develop both our capacities as individuals and as a group.  By participating, we are able to practice confidence and confrontation with the police, becoming increasingly able to stand our ground, take risks, and have each other’s backs.

As the anticut crew learns and develops their tactical abilities, so do the police. After the arrests at Anticut 2, the police seemed content to manage the march and stay on the sidelines as a threat. Their presence was heavy, but it seemed obvious they had been instructed not to arrest anyone. The police are seeking to neutralize the Anticut actions, allowing them as long as they are purely spectacular. The pitfall of this, as everyone in the Anticut crew probably already knows, is resistance that becomes a ritual. Keeping actions creative and fresh is one way to avoid recuperative tendencies. But it isn’t enough to avoid recuperation, we have to also take space for ourselves and precipitate nascent conflicts. As we act in the absence of a social movement, we are not wedded to any form particularly, except the ones that suit us. A revolt against austerity is a revolt that can, even if it hasn’t yet, become more generalized (that’s sort of the point, isn’t it?).

So, as we develop our capacity, how do we direct it? Two modest proposals: good conversation among friends and conflict with our enemies.

Tear Down the Prison State: report on Anticut 3

Anticut 3 was dedicated to making visible the links between austerity and prison and was carried out in solidarity with the hunger strikers at Pelican Bay Correctional Facility and at all the prisons across California. Arriving a bit early—around 5:15 p.m.—my friend and I were struck by the intense police presence, compared to the previous Anticuts. While we weren’t very surprised after the asymmetrical response last time, when four people were arrested, it was clear that the police had stepped up their presence in an attempt to intimidate us. They were too numerous to be counted, posted in large groups around the meeting point on the triangle at the intersection of Broadway and Telegraph—they had even pulled a big SUV onto the triangle and surrounded it with police. Cops kept asking where we were going, offering to assist us, but we didn’t respond.

Continue reading

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New York, NY: Noise demonstration at jail in solidarity with California prisoner hunger strike

from antiracistaction:

“Off the Pigs, Off the Snitches, Burn the Prisons!”

In solidarity with the thousands of comrades hunger striking behind bars in California’s maximum security prisons, over a dozen of us braved the rain and held a noise demonstration outside of the Metropolitan Correction Center in lower Manhattan. In the belly of the beast, there was a minimal visible police presence but we were aware of being surrounded by the apparatus of the State on all sides; you can’t throw a stone in that neighborhood without hitting some remnant of our common enemy – from the MCC itself, to the federal courthouse, the infamous “Tombs” holding facility and One Police Plaza – home to NYC’s killer cops.

We used our voices, whistles, and blow horns to make contact with those on the inside, chanting “you are not alone”, “off the pigs, off the snitches, burn the prisons!”, “fuego, fuego, a las prisiones!, and “Attica, Attica, Attica.” Prisoners flickered the lights in their cells on and off throughout the building, banged on windows, and we could see the shadows of many of those on the inside waving and pumping fists.

The State attempts to separate those of us on the outside as “the good citizen” from those of us on the inside as “criminals, thugs, and felons”. But in a society that has the highest incarceration rate in the world, these attempts are futile because it can easily be us next, and it will always be our friends, family, and neighbors. The “good citizen” who supports the “tough on crime” politicians, who thanks the cops who murder us, and snitches on those he knows is a traitor who works against his own interests and is as much an enemy as the cops and correction officers who serve the State.

Until all cages, walls, and prisons are burned down, we will never stop!

Solidarity with the Pelican Bay hunger strikers
and all those who resist prisons – inside and out!

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