Spain: Bomb threat to Swiss Consulate in solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa

from indymedia, translated by war on society:

Wednesday July 20th, 11:30am bomb threat to the Swiss Consulate of Barcelona in solidarity with Billy, Costa and Silvia imprisoned by the Swiss State

Since April of 2010, Silvia, Costa and Billy have been incarcerated in the Swiss prisons, accused of planning to attack with explosives an IBM laboratory for nanotechnology research.

On Wednesday July 20th, 2011 they were condemned to more than three and a half years of prison, having already completed 15 months in preventive detention.

At 11:30 of the same day we wanted to give a small nod to our comrades in struggle by calling the Swiss consulate in Barcelona, communicating the presence of an explosive device inside. We don’t know what measures were taken by the Consulate, but we hope it was a huge bother!

Against the system of exploitation and domination, and the multinationals of hypertechnological control…

Freedom for Billy Costa and Silvia.


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Chile: Tortuga’s Clinical Situation

from culmine, translated by war on society:

A little to update about what’s happening with comrade Luciano (Tortuga) clinically speaking, we communicate that they have made–from the beginning of his hospitalization–numerous surgical interventions dealing with his burns, which were most serious in the areas of his legs, thighs and buttocks, grafting these parts with skin that was taken from his back and stomach; At first, these brought some complications of infection, but finally they are recovering. Also they have done skin grafts for his eyelids. For the burns on his face–which cover the eyes to the forehead–it was not necessary to do skin grafts, because they were first-degree burns (except for the eyelids).

At this time there are no existing complications with this part, because he has healed quite well, and the only burns on his face were some black specks that are the cause of the black powder of the bomb. Concerning his hands (the greatest physical loss), the right hand was amputated to the wrist, from the left hand were amputated the fingers except the index finger, the pinky, and half of the ring finger. Although it is not well known how the issue of his eyesight is going, Tortuga has been transferred this week to the
Pasteur Clinic (since the INDISA Clinic does not have the necessary technology) to undergo exams to finally tell the status of his eyes. Likewise, Tortu can open his eyes partway and can see through his left eye a little blurrily.

A couple of weeks ago, he started to stand up and walk a little, also he has been able to do basic things like wash himself (with full assistance) and use the bathroom.

Our brother, companion, friend, partner and lover is in trouble, because like everyone, he longs for total autonomy. Therefore we should not forget his situation, supporting through the many forms that each individual decides.

All of the solidarity actions and gestures of love from all over the world are appreciated, as we also make a call for the propagation and multiplication of solidarity actions.

Comrades and lovers of Tortuga.

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Words from Mónika Caballero in solidarity with the comrades of the CCF and with Billy, Silvia and Costa

from angry news via culmine:


In anticipation of the start of the political-judicial-policial media spectacle known as the “bombs case”, I am breaking the silence of house arrest to send a fraternal greeting to the comrades the R.O.-C.C.F. [Revolutionary Organization – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire] who yesterday saw the conclusion of their first trial. The exemplary vindictive measures of the powerful have shown themselves in the territory denominated the Greek State.

It may seem a poor strategy on the part of one risking a sentence of 20 years’ prison (accused of participation in a non-existent illicit terrorist association and the placing of explosives) to show solidarity with people who declare themselves guilty, but I am not interested in entering the rationale of the oppressors and observing implacably as they imprison the warriors who collide with this society and who, attacking, passed to action with conviction. Solidarity to those who have passed to the offensive has always been criticized by the pseudo-revolutionaries who see anti-authoritarian practices as youth fashion, and when the war carries high costs they take a distance and become mere spectators of a battle which they have neither the ovaries nor the balls to continue, nor is it to make a group sacrifice or deliver oneself easily to the enemy.

But what would happen if you did not make acts of solidarity toward those who have been struck by capital? Is it less dangerous to support those that are legally innocent? I am an anarchist and I am not interested in the laws of society. Solidarity is not just a high-sounding word of communiques, it is material and concrete practice.

Wherever they are, an imprisoned anti-authoritarian cannot feel alone. Tomorrow could already be too late…

For you prisoners of the “Halandri case”:

I read your communiques and declarations, I have made many of your words my own and cherish them like a beautiful treasure, without ever having had the opportunity to exchange a word with you I call you comrades and I feel your heavy sentences in my bones.

The hegemony of power uses (will use) the same strategies, the trial that is being carried out in this part of the world is a bad copy of other trials, your trial will be a model to be followed for many governments, it will be “the great antiterrorist victory”. But all this happens where there is the most beautiful disobedience. Ideas cannot be defeated, indeed they reinforce themselves in others that hold them carved in their chest. I imagine the pleasure on the faces of the guards at seeing the bodies of such worthy people behind bars, anger and disgust inebriate me at a mere attempt to be in their place. Prison, death and escape are in the DNA of the unyielding, they are the cost for having bitten the chains.

Walls and borders separate us, ideas unite us.

A tiny gesture… I hope it will give you a smile in these hard times.

I would like to take this opportunity to send a hug of solidarity to Silvia, Costa and Billy

I give you a poem by Sandra Trafilaf, political prisoner of Pinochet’s military dictatorship, written around 1984.

“Fences and metal doors
surround this underworld
trying imprison our joy of living
and loving
the letters of my comrades
are fluttering
in this improvised writing desk
cries and voices from afar
mingle with their words
confused, dark memories
of murderous volleys
and all the same I
fill up again with struggles
and victories.
I am not alone.”

Mónika Caballero
An anarchist awaiting trial

Ps: I would like to thank each individual and/or collective that spreads each release and makes possible interaction between comrades.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Incendiary attacks on patrol car and luxury cars

from viva la anarquia:

Friends of the Earth is an anarchist group that does not only struggle for liberation by means of the destruction of automobiles, but due to the circumstances of life we have seen it necessary to claim responsibility for these acts of rebellion in order to determine ourselves in an aspect of the social war against authority which erects itself in the barrios of the most important city in this region that they call a nation. We are not environmentalists, although we are interested in “greenness,” we are anarchists at heart, and we do not accept those who say they are anarchists and never do anything to live in they way that they talk so much about, nor those who say that freedom can be achieved through work or the control of the means of production, nor the self-management of misery, nor the autonomy of this system, we are for the destruction of any society that restricts individual freedom and the free development of the natural world. Nor are we pure, but we try to be as consistent as possible, not to prove something to others, but to prove to ourselves that we can do more.

We claim the following incendiary attacks to automobiles. A luxury car at Joaquin V. Gonzalez and Pedro Moran in the middle of Villa Devoto, a luxury car at Obispo San Alberto and La Blanqueada in Villa Pueyrredon. And finally a patrol car of the Argentina Federal Police, commissioner 47.

Friends of the Earth.

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Greece: Letter from Theofilos Mavropoulos

From Culmine (July 22, 2011), translated by This Is Our Job:

Theofilos Mavropoulos was arrested two months ago after being wounded during an armed confrontation with two police officers (who also got their share) in northern Athens. He spent several weeks at Red Cross Hospital before being transferred to a prison hospital and then to A Wing at Korydallos Prison. Below is his first full-length open letter.

The rebel is a kamikaze—someone who simply won’t accept the fate the machine has dealt her. That’s how you seek a life worth living. Those who completely reject this society have already faced the risk of death head-on. The struggle against the existent is an armed farewell. War or suicide.

—People Collaborating to Achieve Negation (Toward the Outside)*

On May 18, 2011, a comrade and I accidentally bumped into a mobile police unit in the Pefki neighborhood. They wanted to stop us and we tried to run, but we got fouled up (a police officer pounced on my colleague and immobilized him while he was trying to escape). Thus, wanting to extricate ourselves, I made the choice—the political choice—of armed confrontation. Wanting to flee from democracy’s armed mercenaries, since we couldn’t allow ourselves to surrender without a fight, I myself decided to take that risk, giving my comrade—who was unarmed—a chance to escape. He did so successfully, using the police patrol car itself, but I was unable to because of my wounds.

The reason why my comrade and I didn’t stop for a police ID check was because we had consciously chosen revolutionary clandestinity—the final, obligatory choice of those who refuse to allow the “Law” to imprison them.

Being underground means living on the edge of a knife, making complicated choices, and assuming a high level of risk. “Legality” is therefore of obvious use to a revolutionary entity.

Nevertheless, for revolutionaries who reach the dilemma of “whether to surrender or not,” how easy or difficult it is to “sell your own skin” depends on your previous experience with disobedience. Like the case of the “robbers in black,” who just a few years ago chose freedom underground over arrest and imprisonment, and especially Simos Seisidis, who refused to stop for a random ID check and lost his leg to police gunfire. Examples like theirs, among others, fill all our hearts with pride and strength.

Right now, I define myself as yet another revolutionary anarchist political prisoner in the hands of the State. A State that, in view of the gestating possibility of social unrest, is tightening its hold on its subjects and directly or indirectly abolishing many of its democratic pretexts (doing away with telephone anonymity, requiring that citizenship papers be carried, putting prices on certain peoples’ heads, releasing photos of those in struggle and imprisoning some of them on the basis of completely insubstantial evidence, making it illegal to mask up, etc.)

However, these measures are incapable of intimidating the generalized war of conscience that is underway. A polymorphic war, here and now, continually developing toward the goal of demolishing the existent. A revolutionary war. Without a beginning, middle, or end, but with many fronts. From open public assemblies to fiercely combative marches, from armed guerrilla attacks to the little everyday occurrences that make us evolve on an individual and collective level.

But for the anarchist/antiauthoritarian movement to be effective against the methodical maneuvering of the enemy, is must not be divided. False friendships, personality conflicts, maliciousness, and especially tolerance and acceptance of such behaviors and attitudes have to be replaced by unity and continual rejuvenation within the anarchist/antiauthoritarian milieu. At the moment, of course taking into account attempts at an organized internationalization of subversive action from Latin America to Europe, that urgency is more necessary than ever.

Additionally, the fact that the number of political prisoners has quickly increased as of late leads us to several conclusions. Apart from the matter of our solidarity, which has depth and substance when it is interactive and attacking, we must stress the need for revolutionary forces to always be one step ahead of the enemy. Winning a war doesn’t just require will and certain essential abilities. It also requires strategy. When your adversary is moving her pawns, you should be moving yours as well.

The way each one decides to fight is an individual choice and responsibility. Accordingly, starting from the individual, it’s enough to simply collectivize the common desire to fight Power. Political stability certainly has its part, but it’s also important to attempt to subvert that stability in order to reach something better.

The spread of anarchist/antiauthoritarian ideas plays a key role. Intensifying it quantitatively as well as qualitatively is essential. Also, in war, losses are a statistical certainty. However, potential revolutionaries aren’t solely motivated by their undesirable origins in the lower social strata. The complex of capitalist relationships and perspectives so dominates everyone’s life that the “worst off” can be found within every social and economic class. When human life has become just another product on the shelves of the market and its marketing, what’s the point of talking about cheap or expensive products when anything and everything has its price? Among the impoverished and exploited classes, there will doubtless be sound revolutionaries, but there will also be submissives, plenty of submissives.

All of you watching your children happily enjoying themselves in playgrounds and schoolyards today shouldn’t be surprised when you see them forming revolutionary alliances or taking part in armed attacks on Capital and the State tomorrow.

Thus, with coherence and persistence, as well as inexhaustible fighting spirit, you can achieve many things. Degrees of reconciliation may be different, but the goal remains the same, whether it sprouts up at assemblies in university auditoriums or comes blasting from the barrel of a gun: REVOLUTION FIRST AND FOREVER.

My fingerprints were found at the apartment in Kallithea and the apartment in Nea Ionia in Volos. I can’t take historical and political responsibility for belonging to the Fire Cells Conspiracy revolutionary organization because we never created that organization’s political discourse together. I also had certain disagreements with that discourse. Therefore, I am very clearly stating that I was never a member of the Fire Cells Conspiracy revolutionary organization.

But in no instance did those disagreements obstruct the path we walked together. I and my comrades in the Fire Cells Conspiracy evolved side-by-side, learning from one another and then—now stronger—taking action from a revolutionary perspective for the cause of freedom.

For those reasons, I proudly declare that I was PRESENT at the apartments in Kallithea and Volos, and I was also present in the lives of the members of the Fire Cells Conspiracy.

Recognizing their revolutionary activity, I stand in solidarity with all the imprisoned members of the organization, and I send them my comradely greetings.

May the pamphlet The Sun Still Rises be the prelude to a new, more relentless, more destructive, and more unyielding cycle of attacks. Comrades, whatever the cost, we will keep our heads high.




—Theofilos Mavropoulos; July 18, 2011; A Wing; Korydallos Prison

*Translators’ Note: This quote comes from a pamphlet published by four of our Thessaloniki comrades (Sokratis Tzifkas, Dimitris Dimitsiadis, Haralambos Stylianidis, and Dimitris Fessas) during their brief period underground (October 2010–January 2011) before being arrested for the arson of several Public Power Corporation (DEI) vehicles.

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Greece: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire claim responsibility for arson of 12 telecommunications vehicles (full communique)

from actforfreedomnow:

Responsibility claim for the arson of 12 cars of the Greek telecommunications organization (OTE) Athens

“How does the light begin from a star and pours into black eternity and walks immortal? The star dies, but its light never does, such is the cry for freedom.”
(N. Kazantzakis)

Now, now that the ground is fertile for the fruit of havoc to flourish. The intensification of revolutionary violence against the autocrat of our lives should be the first priority in the plans of the revolutionary forces. Its in our hands to attempt to take over the present conditions and waterproof the airtight valves which combined with laziness, the fear of repression and the arbitrary aphorism of violence repeats inactivity sinking in a swamp of mean interests. With as a spearhead revolutionary conscience, continuous war for the construction of our autonomous existential-value code and the destruction of sovereign social relations and the authority that invades every aspect of our everyday life.

The debt of the anarchist/revolutionary movement is enormous in the current condition since more and more people radicalize towards both ends. The anarchist/revolutionary movement should not in any case be limited to being socially agreeable and acceptable from all since it is now obvious that it will be met with indifference and resignation. The danger of this failure lies in the pollution of the movement from the parasite of inactivity which will also impoverish the movement in all its expressions.

We could say therefore that we are surrounded by invisible enemies but also possible comrades. The continuous development of the multiform revolutionary action should become the tool that will make the masks drop. When we are positioned behind the dividing lines there will be no more excuses, the ignition of social polarization as a fundamental objective inside the revolutionary strategies is necessary.Let it be placed therefore as an objective the radicalization of the anarchist/revolutionary movement towards the strategy of urban guerrilla. An anarchist should be organized and act away from the eyes and ears of cops in the clear darkness of conspiracy. In order to clarify that this prompt is not out of arbitrarity and fetishism but taking into consideration the promotion of multiform revolutionary action and the strategies of struggle.

As fans therefore of the multiform revolutionary action we consider the field of the street and more specifically that of demonstrations a field on which we can work, evolve and spread our perception. Demonstrations initially constitute points of counter-information, distributions of texts, flyers, spraypainting of slogans and stencils, interrupt the orderly operation of the city and propagate the messages of war. At the same time demonstrations function as a field of spreading revolutionary violence. A violence that in first degree at least does not clash militarily with the mechanisms of repression neither transports the conflict to the utopian sphere of the “final battle”. The violence that is applied with stones and molotov from the minorities that factually dispute the authority create the experience of conflict in a new world, an experience which under conditions can be transubstantiated afterwards into revolutionary conscience. The violence that is practiced aims at becoming adopted by as many people as possible. Far from fetishisms such as ‘whoever smashes stuff is one of us’, the experience of conflict in the street as a first stage of awareness of the participant is important. Reversing the cliche ‘demonstrations are for the cops to win’ we believe that in the demonstrations what wins is the experience and vagabondage.

We stress therefore that we will not attack somewhere and sometimes when the skies rain conscience and the world floods of revolution. We will choose action now and we will force it to a continuous aggressive and simultaneously evolutionary move in time. We prefer a possible abomination of society from becoming a piece of the misery and postponement. As revolutionaries we owe via the step that is offered by well aimed revolutionary action to spread our revolutionary conscience and the practices that “accompany” it, to all those who have their eyes and ears open in order for them to see and hear, far from material epicurisms, psychological dead ends, tv-narcosis and submission.Agreeing with the proposal of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire of the 1st period we decided to factually promote and support its continuation. More dangerous, unpredictable and chaotic than ever. Guerrilla methodologies, infrastructures and battle tactics are already in the “laboratory” of revolutionary development.

And now a clear personal message to the bastards that are on the list of the “immediately interested”: You will not get rid of the Conspiracy this easy you motherfuckers, not today, and not as long as there are decisive revolutionaries ready to crush your bones.

With great joy we greet the network of soldiers from the Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror who decided to include their precious services in the organization with the vandalism of a bank and the arson of municipal-cop cars and the mayors car. We respond warmly and we reply, lets go again this time STRONGER.

The 2nd generation of the Conspiracy is here and we are present. Napoleon said that the worse thing that a nation can suffer is the transformation of its land into a theatre of war. Precisely this raging civil revolutionary war in the interior of the country is what we must intensify to the limits. Intensification with every one of our weapons and not with prayers, we face the enemy. From the stone to the pistol and from posters to the expropriations of food from the shelves of supermarkets. The machine of extermination of political opponents of the state is in full force. We should do whatever we can in order to become the sand in its cogwheels. We should be a permanent cost to the captivities of revolutionaries with continuous strikes on social peace and the public life of the country.
Every day that passes, contradictions collide, combine, mature, speak. Our desires for a life that will chase everything free against the ugliness of dominating relations that underestimate everyone of our creative aspects, against materialistic lust, a result of the feigned consuming dreams that are projected by the “advertisers” of capitalism but also the need of the morbid majority to gag its sentimental voids.

Negativism is drowned in the passivity of the universe, it looks for ways out, expressions, aims to bloom, get educated, attack. Its composition-collectivization in the fragmentary events reactions of the total of its life gives strength, free moments, self-realization but does not suffice. These representations are defused before you even begin to express yourself. They finish before you even begin to live them.

Popular moodswing, without making any particular deepening in the feelings that are being born by its long-lasting oppression, gives its position of partially factual, spasmodic “indignation” to the sun of the beaches. Revolutionary prospect requires continuity, duration and the logics of postponement for the “next season” do not concern our case.

Faithful therefore to the revolutionary “call outs” but also to ourselves, we do the obvious: the continuation of revolutionary war. We take therefore the responsibility for the arson of 12 vehicles of O.T.E. (greek telecommunications organization) that were in the outdoor parking lot in Maroussi on the cross of Hatziantoniou and Dionyssis street.

International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Luciano Tortuga Core

P.S. And if one word is the one that should be heard to the corners of this of rotten world, is non other than this, REVOLUTION, REVOLUTION, REVOLUTION, and if a fist should break the face of social rot, and if a knife should plunge deep in its gut. The time is now. Nothing is gained without struggle. Hard, merciless and subversive fight.
(The absolute destruction that we left behind us indicative our intentions and cordially dedicated to the wolf Theofilos Mavropoulos.)

P.S. 2 A deep greeting to the comrades of the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Only with war our lives lives and desires walk together. Hold Strong Luciano!

translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow!
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Switzerland: Silvia, Billy and Costa sentenced

from the press (July 21 and 22, 2011), translated by this is our job:

On Friday, July 22, anarchists Costa Ragusa, Billy Bernasconi, and Silvia Guerini were sentenced at the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona on charges of “conspiracy to commit arson” and “illegal trafficking of explosives” stemming from a thwarted attack on an IBM nanotechnology lab in Rüschlikon.

The charge of “illegal transport of explosives” fell apart since there was no solid evidence to corroborate any smuggling from Italy. Nevertheless, our comrades were sentenced to longer prison terms than those requested by the prosecutor.

Ragusa, 34 and a founder of the Italian anarchist group Il Silvestre, was sentenced to three years and eight months in prison. He was accused of masterminding the lab attack.

Bernasconi, 26 and a resident of Italy, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison, plus 22 days from a prior sentence.

Guerini, 29, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison.

Each of the three sentences will be reduced by one year and three months, which is the amount of time our comrades have spent in pretrial detention.

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Santa Cruz, CA: Solidarity with Seattle anarchists

from surfcityrevolt:

Hey Seattle,

We dropped off this 18 foot banner for you before the morning commute. Hope it brightens your day. Glad you’re out!

Special thanks to the SCPD for donating materials.

Solidarity with prisoners everywhere,

some santa cruz anarchists

From Santa Cruz to Seattle

There is something deeply troubling about the events in Seattle over the past couple of days. 26 comrades, anarchists of all kinds, were arrested. The first night was in what seems to be a coordinated attack by the police during a social gathering at a private residence. The second in a solidarity noise demonstration in which friends and comrades of those arrested the night before stood strong outside of the jail their friends were stuck in, making noise to show that those locked behind bars were not alone.

These two nights of arrests may seem insignificant in the larger picture of contemporary policing, the brutality of prisons and the omnipresent exploitation of capital and the state upon the entire global population. However the contrary is true: this crack down on anarchists illuminates the basic reality of policing in an age of austerity. Capital is crumbling, showing its contradictions, its inability to continue effectively reproducing its own relations. For this reason any sign of resistance, especially in the United States, is taken very seriously by the state apparatus. Those who are deemed subversives or in any way exist antagonistically toward capital and the state find themselves literally and metaphorically under the gun (this includes not only anarchists but also excluded and surplus populations, inmates, those who pose any threat to the production of value). Recent events speak to this.

There is a connection between the tragic police murders in San Francisco of Kenneth Harding and Charles Hill, the hunger strike spread across California prisons and the arrest of comrades in Seattle. A general intensification of police activity is spreading to deal with the tumultuous consequences of a debilitating and ever more cruel capitalism. Prisons themselves are becoming overcrowded due to this debilitation: more and more of the surplus population must be housed in prisons and kept away from the labor market, there by making conditions within said prisons even more brutal than before. For this reason prisoners have begun (and those at Pelican Bay have won modest demands from) a hunger strike posing a threat to the legitimacy of prison from within. Others who show resistance, as comrades in Seattle (and the greater Puget Sound area) have continuously and bravely done, to capital and the state find themselves brutally suppressed (as history teaches this repression increases as the power and effectiveness of revolutionary activity increases). The general state of things, of capital itself, has produced new collectivities of resistance and new forms of repression. This is the ground upon which we walk, we talk and we act.

It is important throughout such unsettling and yet exciting times to critically consider what solidarity means. How we will lend support and simultaneously expand conflictual activity with the state and capital. For solidarity is not a narrow activity but the act of listening, of reacting, of conversing, of pushing forward, of picking up the pieces others have put in place. We must take care of one another through these difficult times however we can, however our resources and immediate situations allow. We must also realize our common project: the dismantling of the state, of capital, of prisons, of the police, of this entire society as is. Looking to each other and the enormity of this project can inspire solidarity in ways we never thought possible. We must pick each other up and never stop pushing forward.

until the last prison burns
and every inmate sees the sun.
war on the police and capital,
for anarchy and communism.

stay strong comrades, you’re not alone.

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Seattle, WA: Solidarity Noise Demonstration Ends in at least 15 Arrests

from surfcityrevolt (update — everyone has been released):

Tonight (Sunday July 23rd) at about 10:45, between 30 and 40 anarchists gathered outside the downtown jail for a noise demonstration in solidarity with the six still in jail from last night’s arrests. (One of the seven arrested has been released.)

The noise demonstration proceeded around the jail for about 15 minutes, banging pots and pans, banging on road signs and walls with sticks, throwing fireworks, writing anti-cop slogans on walls, and blockading the streets around the jail.

At this point, cop cars came from all directions, including undercover cars and canine units. The demonstration attempted to disperse, but many people were chased down. At least fifteen people were arrested, and five more were detained and released.

This is a call for all kinds of solidarity acts–including an appeal for funds. Those who are not currently in jail need help to bail out and provide further legal support for their friends and comrades.


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Seattle, WA: Banner drop in solidarity with jailed comrades

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Pigs attacked and arrested several people friday night.

The banner was positioned so that locked up comrades in the east and south wing of king county jail could see it.

Banner reads:

Pigs, your cowardly act will not go unrequited.


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Greensboro, NC: Noise Demo in Solidarity with California Prisoners on Strike

from Trianarchy:

Sunday afternoon on July 24th, around forty people gathered in front of the jail in Greensboro, NC to show our solidarity with the thousands of hunger striking prisoners across California as well as our anger with the actions of the pigs against friends and comrades on the West Coast. People chanted, held banners, banged on pots and pans, and played drums within view of the hundreds of locked cages of the Guilford County Jail. Several people visiting loved ones inside stopped to watch, one of whom joined in playing drums and screaming.

At one point a group of cops and guards walked by on the opposite sidewalk, and the noise spontaneously stopped. One person shouted, “Hey yall, what does ACAB stand for?” The whole crowd screamed, “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS!”

After about an hour in front of the jail, we marched several blocks to a new jail still under construction, which will also house hundreds of state prisoners from the NC DOC. Under its shadow we regrouped and shared updates about both the hunger strike in California as well as other anti-police struggles, and talked about future plans. We also passed the hat for bail money for comrades in Seattle, recently beaten and arrested on a variety of charges.

We hope that this small action can help break down some of the isolation and fear one experiences while in jail, and can help raise the spirits of prisoners still on hunger strike throughout California. While the prisoners of Pelican Bay are no longer on strike, we recognize their struggle will continue and wanted to heed their call for continued actions.

We also send our love to all the prisoners rebelling against their conditions all over the country, to the friends and family of Charles Hill and Kenneth Harding and all the people in the bay area unwilling to accept their murders, to all of our friends and comrades in Seattle, to the Asheville 11, and to all of the comrades and revolutionary prisoners in North Carolina with whom we remain committed to long-term organizing and making the prison ungovernable.

Because it was so well worded, we will end this brief update with a paragraph stolen from a statement written by comrades in St. Louis after their own similar demonstration:

“In the solidarity demonstrations which are occurring throughout the country, we can see an embryonic version of the links between struggles which are a necessary precondition for the eruption of a truly uncontrollable storm. The very fact of a movement on the outside which can quickly respond to and act in solidarity with rebellions on the inside is a factor which previous prisoner revolts may have benefited from. The tactical forms of this solidarity will undoubtedly change as struggles continue to appear in various intensities, yet it is essential that it remains a constant.”


-some NC anarchists against prisons, and the world that creates them

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Olympia, WA: Intersection Disruption in Solidarity with Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Yesterday at around 5:30 pm the intersection of 4th ave and capitol way was disrupted in downtown Olympia. A giant smoke flare was set off, covering the entire intersection in orange smoke and hundreds of fliers were thrown towards the sky. A banner reading “DESTROY ALL PRISONS! (A) SOLIDARITY WITH CALI HUNGER STRIKERS” was in process of being hung across 4th ave but some motherfucker decided to drive right through it tearing the banner. Aside from this, many heads turned to look at the commotion that was appearing in the intersection and several people were seen reading the flyer.

Text of the flyer below

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St. Louis, MO: Noise Demonstration in Solidarity with Prisoner Hunger Strike

from anews:

On Thursday July 21st, 30 people gathered in downtown St. Louis to hold a noise demonstration outside the main city jail. This action was in solidarity with the prisoners in California, and elsewhere, engaged in an indefinite hunger strike since July 1st.

As we approached the “Justice Center,” a cacophony of sound filled the air: pots and pans clanged, air horns blared, drums banged, whistles rang out and a sound system blasted tracks against the imposing walls of this city’s seats of power. A statement was read over the sound system, quite literally amplifying the demands of the struggling prisoners in California, in an attempt to communicate with those locked up inside. Leaflets, which contained the striking prisoners’ demands as well as a brief tract on the isolating role of prisons and the struggle against them, were handed out to passing motorists and pedestrians. Several banners were present expressing solidarity with the prison rebels in California.

The event lasted for nearly an hour and the police were all but absent. Participants left with a sense of confidence in our capacity to respond to events and link up with others.

. . .

Within prison, control over the body is paramount. The entire system, from the walls and razor wire to the privileges and classifications, is designed to regulate and manage the prisoner’s body. This means that a struggle in which prisoners assert control over their own bodies (in this case through refusing food) directly threatens the power upon which the prison is maintained.

While the hunger strike may be a limited form of struggle, in that it does not immediately and directly attack the prison itself, it is a powerful weapon in the toolbox of the anti-prison struggle. Alongside the work stoppage, the refusal to move from one’s cell, and the riot (not to mention the mass escape and the prison takeover), the hunger strike is a recurring theme throughout the history of prison rebellions. And it is precisely because the hunger strike is a part of this lineage, as an expression of the prisoners’ capacity to collectively organize, that it is feared by prison administrations everywhere.

Inside prisons, we find simultaneously a fertile ground for the spread of rebellious attitudes and the most inhospitable terrain for their expression in collective activity. Secure Housing Units, Control Management Units, Administrative Segregation, “the hole” – all prisons within the prison designed specifically to limit movement and communication between prisoners, preemptively cutting off even the possibility of collective thought and activity. Even the penitentiary itself functions to separate insubordinate prisoners from each other. In the wake of prison rebellions the collectives formed during their course are broken up through transfers and additional punishments. And yet struggles on the inside appear again and again, recently taking on increasingly massive and diffuse forms.

Prison is perhaps one of the last arenas of struggle in which the liberal, recuperative Left holds little to no sway. There is no political party, no official union within the prison through which the rage of prisoners can be channeled and stifled. Which is not to say that there is nothing to critique, especially amongst the ranks of those who would, from the outside, artificially impose their preferred tactics and a moral penchant for non-violence.

In some ways, the ubiquity of repressive violence and gang/racial tensions within prisons makes recuperation unnecessary. Yet, more and more, these measures are incapable of restraining and stifling a simmering discontent among the prison population.

From the isolated fires and riots of years past to Georgia’s statewide work stoppage in December, the hunger strike which began in California and reverberated through prisons in Ohio and Ontario places us amidst a renewed wave of collective struggle within prisons. Whether or not this rising swell can overcome the heights of the prison walls and spill out into the broader society remains to be seen.

In the solidarity demonstrations which are occurring throughout the country, we can see an embryonic version of the links between struggles which are a necessary precondition for the eruption of a truly uncontrollable storm. The very fact of a movement on the outside which can quickly respond to and act in solidarity with rebellions on the inside is a factor which previous prisoner revolts may have benefited from. The tactical forms of this solidarity will undoubtedly change as struggles continue to appear in various intensities, yet it is essential that it remains a constant.

By engaging with the struggles of prisoners we not only express solidarity with their revolt, but also, we begin to attack the idea of imprisonment. The fear of prison is in part based on the concept that life (collectivity, conflict with the social order) ends once one passes through the gates of a prison. By acting in concert with prisoners we can begin to create continuity between the anti-state, anti-capitalist struggle and the anti-prison struggle, thus ensuring that when comrades inevitably find themselves behind bars they are not so alone, not so immobilized and defeated.

The task of razing the prison walls is a large one; perhaps too large to even comprehend from this vantage point. And yet we continue to find meaning and joy in the struggle against prisons and the society which creates them. For if we did not engage in this struggle, if we refused to see ourselves in the rebels on both sides of the prison walls, we would not be complete, we would not be true to ourselves. And it is for this reason that, despite all of history’s setbacks and failures, we continue to search for openings through which another world might emerge.

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New York, NY: March and Intersection Takeover in Solidarity with the Hunger Strike in California

from anews:

On the night of July 20, 2011, we took action in solidarity with the hunger strike started at Pelican Bay, which has spread to many other prisons in California. We marched down 9th St. on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City tossing flyers, expressing solidarity with the hunger strike as we moved. Upon reaching 2nd Ave and 9th St, we seized the intersection and stopped traffic while chanting “PELICAN BAY!” and “FROM THE PRISONS TO THE STREETS, FUCK THE POLICE!”. We pulled trash cans and other sidewalk debris into the street and littered the road with flyers.

We took this action to communicate our total unconditional solidarity to the hunger strikers and all prisoners who resist the suffocating and despicable conditions of their lives. We also took this action to extend the prisoners’ struggle to New York in a small way, to make their struggle present in a place striving to be absent of any kind of disruption.

People should not be allowed to live their lives without knowing about the struggle of these prisoners and understanding that we and many others stand in solidarity with them. We particularly send our most heartfelt and passionate revolutionary solidarity to those hunger strikers on the brink of death. Insurgent comrades, you have inspired so many and your willingness to walk toward death rather than spend another normal day inside prison walls is a testament to the unbreakable human spirit against submission.

The prison system is a counterinsurgency strategy of social control and must be annihilated as quickly as possible. It cannot coexist with any kind of livable social environment fit for human life.



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