Greece: Responsibility Claim for arson attack on Polihni Town hall – Thessaloniki

from actforfreedomnow:

In the early hours of monday 11/4 with 2 homemade incendiary devices, we attacked the former Town hall of Polihni. We perceive the attack on the infrastructures of the enemy as an essential piece of the multiform revolutionary field.

The choice of the date 2 days before the examination of the imprisonment of revolutionary Giannis Skouloudis is in order to remind his persecutors that for each loss will be new attacks.

The action is dedicated to anarchist revolutionaries D.Fessas, Ch.Tsilianidis, D.Dimtsiadis, S.Tzifkas, the denier of work Rami Sirianos as well as to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy Cells of Fire.

Everything continues…

P.S. Although even the cops realize this, obviously the recent arrested from the raids in houses of comrades have nothing to do with this attack. When however the state finds a reason to attack because of guerrilla attacks, our answer should be even more intense.

Informal Anarchist Federation / Cell of Aggressive Conscience

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Chile: Barricades in solidarity to the “caso bombas” prisoners

A burning barricade and banner blocked the street at A. Vespucio and Av. El descanzo, in the maipu community, in solidarity with the comrades kidnapped in the “Caso Bombas” at 6 am on Wednesday the 20th of April.


(the banner says “prisoners of the bombs case to the street!”)
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New Communique from the compañer@s on Hunger Strike

Hunger strike against the Anti-Terrorist Law:
Background, Objectives, and Needs

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Guelph, ON: Weight loss business attacked

In the early hours of Wednesday, April 20th 2011, an attack took place on the Herbal Magic Weight Loss Clinic on Wellington Avenue in Guelph, Ontario. All of the storefront’s windows were smashed, and paint was applied to the inside.

Capitalism attempts to hold control over all of our instincts for freedom, including our attempts to love our bodies. Herbal Magic, and other enterprises which sell us “health” and “wellness” at the expense of our self-esteem, hijack our relationships to our bodies. In a culture where “health” is synonymous with beauty, and beauty is equated with thinness, the weightloss industry turns our self-hate into billions of dollars every year. This has to stop.

Like most people in this culture, the perpetrators of the attack on Herbal Magic experience the effects of the system’s ongoing attack on our self-conception and self-esteem. Although we struggle daily with the social construction of beauty and with weightloss industry’s role in perpetuating it, we have chosen to turn our frustration into action.

“Beauty must be defined as what we are, otherwise the concept itself is our enemy.”

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Belgium: Fire bombs explode at building of bosses’ organization

BRUSSELS – In Auderghem, two fire bombs exploded in front of the building of Comeos, a trade bosses’ organisation, at about 3:30 am. Police say the explosion was heard from far away and caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage.

19/04/2011 / / Suie & Cendres

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Letter from Martino from the Dezza prison (Italy)

from informa-azione, translated by war on society:

The real terrorist is the one who incarcerates and drops bombs, not those who fight against them!

My name is Martin, I am one of the anarchists arrested in Bologna on April 6 a result of another wave of repression orchestrated by the state: an operation that led to the arrest of five comrades, the expulsion of another 7, a large number of searches (carried out simultaneously in different cities) and even the sequestration of the ​​documentation space Fuoriluogo (which goes from being a home where radical critical texts are distributed and that organizes weekly public events, to being an impregnable fortress of the terrorists), in an investigation on which the prosecutor had worked for a long time and which, after some anonymous attacks occurred in the city in one week against IBM, ENI, Emilbanca and Northern League, they decided it was time to pursue (although in the summary of papers that was delivered at the time of our arrest, there is no reference to these facts, with good peace for the reactionary journalists).

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UK: G4S van set on fire in Nottingham

In the early hours of this morning a G4S vehicle was set on fire in North Nottingham. A container of petrol was poured on the bonnet and a match was tossed. As we fled the scene we remembered our friends who have been detained, deported, tortured and murdered by Group 4.

This was not an act of bravery, nor was it enough to avenge all those who have who have been tormented by the prison machine. It was however a sign of our intent. A sign that we will not accept this society as the way things have to be.

The struggle against social control is something we must participate in, and to do that we must attack those that participate in the maintenance of society. Whether these attacks are large or small they are what we must do to stay true to ourselves and our desire for a society without domination.

G4S have profited, and will continue to profit from the a prison society which is an attack on the marginalised, the working class, the “non-white”, in fact on all of us who are not part of the elite. So Fuck G4S, fuck all those who seek to, or profit from the imprisonment of our friends, the oppression of our families and the attempt to control us. We will not be controlled, we will attack again and again, because we are filled with love, compassion and pure unadulterated rage.

This action was in solidarity with the 14 Chiliean Anarchists who were arrested on the 14th of August last year, because solidarity is our weapon.

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Letter from Camilo Pérez: The Passion for Freedom is Stronger than Any Cage

Words from comrade Camilo Pérez, from libertadalos14a & translated by War on Society:

The Passion for Freedom is Stronger than Any Cage

“(…) it’s about that spirit of combativeness
without which even anarchists are left tame
and will drop off, by one route or another, to the swamp of legalism…
It is foolish, for the sake of saving a life, to destroy
the reasons to live”
-Errico Malatesta, “L’Agitacione,” 1901

In this “bombs case” that seeks to annihilate us, what is being persecuted is not a philosophy that is petrified in history, because ideas without practice are not dangerous; what power intends to judge is a way of facing life, and without seeming pretentious, today as in centuries past what the State intends to judge is the potential threat of Anarchy; this is one of the inevitable clashes between two opposing forces.

This letter is a call to combat the lethargy of words, to not sink into the decidedness of the devoted and obedient sheep; this is a call to heed instinct, for the resurgence of convictions in immense forms, that every blow may strengthen the temper of rage and the undying rebellious will of which flesh and fire are made.

The gestures of solidarity crack the walls and saw through the bars, the anonymous cries made heard as resounding thunder.

In this “Week of Agitation and Propaganda” (April 14 to 21), I wish to send my respects to all the prisoners of war* of the world, to those who realize that the cages are not caves for revolutionary hibernation, but rather another place of confrontation against authority.

For all the irreducible enemies of power, mark my little wink of complicity.

May the brothers and sisters who fly free know that they are not forgotten, may their wings carry them far from their cages. Courage, Comrades!

Strength to all.

For Living Anarchy, onward I cry, “Long Live Anarchy!”

Crazy Old Man, Anarchic Rebel on Hunger Strike.
From the Indomitable Roots of South America.
13th of April, 2011

* translator’s note: “lax presxs en guerra,” means more literally “prisoners at war,” and thus conveys Camilo’s idea of the struggle within prison more effectively than the common English term “prisoners of war,” which we chose for its familiarity.
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Chile: Radicalization of the Hunger Strike by the 14A comrades

from Santiasko Anarquista with some modifications:

Today the 19th of April, the prisoners of the political “Bombs Case” frame-up, on the 58th day of the mobilization have decided to RADICALIZE their HUNGER STRIKE, excluding all types of liquids and hydrating solutions from their diet except water, towards the prompt meeting of their demands:


Inside the same they have specified and demanded:


At the same time they demand the immediate presence of the Archbishop of Santiago Ricardo Ezzati in the prisons in which they have been sequestered, the confirmation of a work group for the modification of the Anti-Terrorist Law with results by April 27; the day on which they will start a DRY HUNGER STRIKE if an agreement has not been reached.


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Greece: Anarchists destroy all machines in two Athens metro stations

from Occupied London:

On the evening of April 19th, small groups of anarchists entered the metro stations of Sygrou-Fix and Halandri, in Athens. As corporate media report, they destroyed all vending and validation machines in both stations – the damages are estimated in “the hundreds of thousands, possibly up to 1m euros”, as the media report.

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Greece: Incendiary attack on politicians’ offices

Update: responsibility claim appeared around 4/26/11, posted below from actforfreedomnow…

Minor material damage was made by the explosion of incendiary devices at 10:15p.m. on 4/18 in the political offices of F.Petralia and V.Papandreou [politicians in the ruling PASOK party], which are on the mezzanine and the 5th floor of a building on Akadimias street in the centre of Athens. In the office of V.Papandreou, unfortunately the five gas canisters did not explode and any damage was caused by the fire. On the other hand, the mechanism with three canisters that was placed in the office of Petralia exploded, causing more damage.


There is money after all…

For advisers of privatisations and “use” of public property (this is the name for selling out) there are millions of euros.

For equipment, fuel, transport of all kinds of pig cops so that they can chase the internal enemy there is money.

For military equipment and participation in NATO, for “peaceful” forces in Afghanistan and wherever else, there are billions of euros.

For wages of bishops and priests, for churches and flights to bring the “Holly Light” there is money. For crewing and equipment of inspectors-traitors in public transport and systems for electronic tickets there is money.

For subsidies of Football Clubs and… and… and… the list is long… there is money.

But for doctors, nurses, ambulances and hospital materials there is no money. Soon of course there will be no hospitals. They will have been sold out to insurance companies.

For pensions, welfare and unemployment benefits there is not a dime.

On Monday 18th of April 2011 at 22:20 we set fire to the political offices of Vaso Papandreou and Fani Petralia, which are on Academias street 28 in the centre of Athens, on the fifth floor and in the mezzanine respectively. Vaso Papandreou has been putting on for thirty years now the same boring theatrical representation titled “i criticise the government – i want a better application of the governmental plan – I resign, I do not resign”. So, of course she never takes a ministry in order to have easier access to the payoffs. Leave it lady. This time maybe it was petrol and gas cannisters but the time of the guillotine is also coming.

As for the fossil with the name Fani Palli Petralia the message is clear: Maybe now some are not so much involved in things but as long as they have contributed even at the minimum in the maintenance of the existing system they are a permanent and constant target of revolutionaries.


We end our solidarity to the dozens of revolutionaries that are hostages in the governmental dungeons Guerrilla signals to all that fight.


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Olympia: Vandals smash bank for the Asheville 11

from The Olympian (mainstream press). No claim of responsibility has been made, but graffiti on the bank says “4 the AVL 11” in reference to the individuals arrested for the May 1st, 2010 attack in Asheville, North Carolina and facing trial soon on charges of 10 misdemeanors and 3 felonies each. Links added by war on society.

The Olympia Police Department is looking for the people who broke windows at South Sound Bank on Harrison Avenue Northwest about 2:30 a.m. Saturday, causing an estimated $12,000 in damage.

Authorities arrived on scene about 7:45 a.m. to find every window broken except the glass at the drive-up teller area, according to Olympia police.

The suspect or suspects likely would face felony malicious-mischief charges because of the severity of the damage, Sgt. Jim Partin said.

Police think anarchists are responsible for the damage, targeting financial institutions in solidarity with a similar group that is being prosecuted in Asheville, N.C.

“They found some graffiti on the building that indicated that it was possibly from anarchists,” Partin said.

Police reviewed video surveillance from the bank and are not sure what was used to break the windows; the business was not entered, Partin said.

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Communiqué from Stefania and Anna, two of the comrades arrested in Bologna on April 6 2011.

letter from two comrades in the Fuoriluogo case. Source: actforfreedomnow

To all delinquents who have expressed solidarity

Solidarity has come strong and abundant with letters and telegrams, which have been so numerous to make the guards go into a tailspin, and some were even sent by registered post to make sure they arrived. This really warms up our heart.

The charge for those arrested, for those subjected to restrictions and for all the comrades investigated is ‘organized crime’.

Already used against the comrades in Lecce as a more appropriate charge compared to that of ‘subversive association’ and also employed in other legal procedures as in a case in Turin, now even the Digos of Bologna have pulled it out of their hat to hit at their nightmare in town. But the Bologna Digos have added something of their own and have said ‘with aims of subversion’.

After describing Fuoriluogo as a site where numerous internal and overseas initiatives are organized and depicting the link between us as strong and intense, they list a long series of ‘illegal activities’ carried out singularly or collectively, which are nothing more than well known penal procedures under way, where some of us have already been put on trial and paid a high price and others will be in the future. They are charges of resistance, damages, private violence, non authorized demos etc etc. The usual charges that weight on those who carry out struggles that disturb power.

From all this to the charge of ‘organized crime’ the reasoning becomes obscure, the noise of the crack on the mirror can be heard. But that’s it. Once they have built their structure, even if it is groundless and absurd, it will be up to us to dismantle it. So they do and so it is. Then, once again they have talked of leaders, vice-leaders and soldiers. They always try this path because it is their way to hit and because they really cannot understand that people can have different kinds of relationships. They want ‘to demonstrate’ that there is a leader because the comrade in question [Stefania, translator’s note] is very much involved in gathering data to be exposed in leaflets and to be used for the success of initiatives. During a telephone conversation with a comrade who found it hard to be present at a demo due to money problems, this comrade identified as ‘leader’ encouraged him to be present anyway by saying to him: ‘Come on, we will find the money, someone will provide it’ – of course by making recourse to her usual way of speaking that many know.

In short, a series of well known episodes and phone tagging like that just mentioned constitute the plot of the Bologna Digos, supported by a public prosecutor with some pebbles in her shoes.

We two in the female wing are okay. We are still separate and in isolation. We receive mail but maybe not all of it.

We send you a big hug and we keep on struggling with you for a world without fences, be them material or generated by induced fear and shabbiness. Without servants or bosses with their infamy and harmfulness.

We will be together soon but, as someone said in a telegram, if it is us to reach you it will be better.

Stefi and Anna

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New Jersey: The rejection of the identity of victimization through cracking a Nazi’s skull

communique from Anti-racist Action:

The rejection of the identity of victimization through cracking a Nazi’s skull.
-by a bitch ass faggot

On Friday, April 15th, 2011 some anti-fascist in Anti-Racist Action learned of the location of the National Socialist Movement’s national conference for rank promotion and five-year planning. A group of 30 of us decided to march to where the Nazi’s were strongest, to bodily and boldly confront them, and we were decidedly victorious. After the the dust settled six Nazis were hospitalized, more were injured, their vehicles and property were damaged, and their conference was ended. On the other side, one anti-fascist required moderate first aid.

Many of us at the melee were people of color, working class, immigrants, women, queer, transgendered, and/or people on parole or probation. The logic of the victim is constantly thrust upon us. We are said to be ‘at risk’ and must be protected and pandered to. It is said that we need others, usually the State, to protect and stand up for us. But, through the action of splitting Nazis’ heads open, we rejected the logic of victimization. We will continue to do so, we will be victims no longer. We do not need others to stand up for us, we have each other. When we are attacked, we will find each other and counterattack, so hard and so fierce that we will surprise even ourselves.

If the Nazis call us bitch ass faggots, they might not be that far off the mark. But if they conflate those slurs with weakness, the six hospital visits they faced would prove otherwise.

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