Chile: The Compañerxs have Stopped their Hunger Strike; Rodolfo Retamales, Pablo & Vinicio Released!

from Santiasko Anarquista:

Today, the compañerxs, imprisoned by the “Bombs Case” frame up have decided to stop the now 65 day hunger strike. Regarding the decision they have taken, we have not heard any official statements from them so we will wait to see what they have to say.

Nonetheless, the fight for their freedom, continues and now we must support them in their recovery after the long and draining hunger strike, not only materially but also morally, as has been done so far. Solidarity does not stop. Our many strengths go out to them.

Fear can not stop solidarity…solidarity destroys cages!
Prisoners kidnapped by the State to the STREET!


Rodolfo Retamales has been released. His lawyer won the appeal against the preventative detention today. Due to the investigation being closed, he has been granted release. He is still accused of terrorism, and of being a “leader”.

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Montreal, QC – Desjardin Bank Attacked in Solidarity with Chilean Anarchists

from anarchistnews:

Over the week of April 14th -21st, a Desjardin bank had its windows smashed out. This was done as an act of solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike in Chile.

The strength and courage shown is a great inspiration. We are with you in struggle.

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Letter from Mónika Caballero from the Penal Hospital

from Viva la Anarquia, translated by War on Society:

“Hand extended to the comrade
Fist closed to the enemy”

I write to you from one of the most terrifying parts of the Chilean extermination centers, the penal hospital.

It is quite difficult to describe the atrocities of this place. Supposedly for the care of physical-psychological health, the jailers have required my hospitalization in this place, because during the “Holy week” there are no doctors in the female penitentiary.

With a permanent (24-hour) custodian literally at the foot of the bed, the days pass excessively slowly. I see people passing with tuberculosis, sick prisoners, many self-harmers, etc… from all the prisons of Santiago.

The hate keeps my head high; no jailer (whether white- or green-clad) will bow me in the slightest.

Although for many there are things that they have not appreciated… my anti-authoritarian chest swells with pride and gratitude before the dignified warriors who create and destroy with their gestures of solidarity in many corners in all the world.

Despite more chains, walls, and vigilant eyes, the objective has not changed: the destruction of all forms of domination!!

Without being sure that they read these lines, sisters and brothers who fly high, very high, far from cameras and uniforms… your flight is nourishment for the heart.

A strong embrace to all the irreducibles around the world, especially to the comrades of the Cells of Fire who have demonstrated that solidarity is a weapon.

Yesterday, today, and forever… No god No master.

To the streets, prisoners of the bombs case arrested August 14!!!
On Hunger Strike since February 21.

Mónika Caballero
Anarchist Political Prisoner
Penal Hospital, Santiasko, $hile.

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Olympia, WA: Bank of America Attacked in Solidarity with Chilean “Bombs Case” Prisoners

from (links added by war on society):

At around 3:15 AM on Monday morning the Bank of America on the west-side of Olympia had it’s windows smashed. This action happened due to the week-long (From the 14th-21st) call out for solidarity with Chilean Hunger Strikers, albeit we arrived fashionably late. Though it is clear the state consistently tries to isolate our struggles, even the 6,000 miles that separate Olympia from Santiago fail to mitigate the collective rage that we all feel for the state and capital. We do not do this out of charity but out of affinity, an understanding that our struggles for the annihilation of the state and capital are intrinsically connected. Because we refuse to cling to the ruins of the society that has already destroyed everything we care about, whether we are rolling with a pack or on our own, we will continue to confront their domination in a multitude of ways. And we will continue our attacks.

Much Love to the 14A
Solidarity to all those who refuse to be defeated, disillusioned, or recuperated in our on-going struggle for the destruction of this society and those who protect it.

We’ll be back


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Montreal, QC: Banners hung in solidarity with anarchists on hunger strike in Chile

Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners On Hungerstrike In Chile Since Feb 21st, While Misery Exists We Choose Rebellion

Solidarité Avec Des Anarchistes Incarcéres Au Chili, Pour La Destruction De Toutes Les Prisons (A) Faisons La Guerre Au Capital”
Solidarity with the Anarchists Imprisoned in Chile, For the Destruction of All Prisons (A) For War on Capital

“Liberté Pour Les 14 Anarchistes En Grève De La Faim Au Chili Depuis Le 21 Février, Feu Aux Prisons”
Freedom for the 14 Anarchists on Hunger Strike in Chile since February 21, Fire to the Prisons


Three banners were hung in Montreal in solidarity with the 14 anarchists in Chile on hunger strike since February 21st.

In addition, hundreds of fliers were scattered at each banner drop with info about their situation. These are images of the banners and the text from the fliers.

Solidarity from Montreal.

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Spain: Molotov attack on Italian consulate in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Bologna

communique from informa-azione, translated by War on Society:

The night of April 18 to 19 we attacked the Italian consulate in Barcelona, located at Carrer Mallorca 270, with a molotov cocktail.

This gesture is intended as a cry of solidarity to the comrades of Bologna and Ferrara affected by repression, an act of proximity and complicity with the arrested, the raided, the suspects.

We will never stop supporting any struggle which aims at a world without borders, police, states and jails.

‘Cause the real terrorist is not the one who fights for freedom and against barbarism, but those who march under the wing of the law, bomb, kill, rape and lock up.


“Freedom is not to be told, it is a blind condition, it refuses to be put in writing”


Individualist solidarity is, in any place, out of place (Fuoriluogo).

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Week of solidarity with the Khimki hostages: summary of actions

From 2nd of 9th of April 2011 and after, actions to defend “Khimki hostages”, Alexei Gaskarov and brothers Maxim and Denis Solopov were organised in six countries and
25 cities. Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov are currently out from jail, in court facing charges following from a demonstration, which was organised 28th of July 2010 in Moscow suburg of Khimki against construction of Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road, and the gross human rights violations against its opposers. Denis Solopov has been granted an UNCHR refugee status in Ukraine, but in beginning of April he was detained and is currently waiting his deportation court in Lykyanovka prison of Kiev.

To read original, more detailed call to week of actions, visit

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Chile: Communique from ‘Unknowns for the freedom of the prisoners’ for the attack on BBVA

from culmine, translated by War on Society:

In those moments in which we decide to locate our lives as a deed of propaganda and move to the attack on this prison society, we discover the complicity of the night as our unconditional lover, caressing every solidarity action of every one of the comrades who takes to assault the misery of everyday life that capitalism offers us everywhere in the world, and it is for this that we return to her to send a message of freedom to the prisoners, because we know that every cinder that flies from the flames of every barricade and burning ATM opens the door of every cell to embrace all of our imprisoned sisters and brothers on the planet, passing through the cracks in the walls to arrive at the dungeons where they remain sequestered.

The night of Thursday April 21st, at the end of the 60th DAY OF THE HUNGER STRIKE of those incarcerated and kidnapped for the “BOMBS CASE” FRAME-UP and without any response on the part of the State-Capital, a group of individuals armed with our hearts overflowing with the longing for freedom, some few pamphlets, hammers, gasoline and our indomitable and insurrectional dreams decided to disturb the social order and the complicit silence of the citizenry in the face of the abhorrent frame-ups of people struggling for freedom, attacking the BBVA branch at the intersection of Rodolfo Phillipi and Alameda in downtown Santiago, destroying its windows and then splashing gasoline to set it on fire, demonstrating to this disgusting society that we are more than commodities tradeable on the market and that the logics of money only reproduce themselves when one naturalizes them oneself. Barricades were erected on the south side of Alameda obstructing traffic and pamphlets were thrown about the situation of our sister/brother prisoners and for their immediate freedom, (we want to make clear that at no time did we attack the public transport as the bourgeois press is misreporting — if we had, then some buses would have been destroyed), later a couple of slogans were shouted in solidarity with the prisoners of the bombs case and the traffic block was maintained for some minutes to facilitate the escape of the insurgents.

This action marking the final day of the “Week of Action and Propaganda for Freedom, from April 14 to 21. End to the imprisonment of the accused in the bombs case frame-up arrested August 14, 2010,” demonstrates that we are not afraid of their new research division called the Department of Public Order and that their supposed advances do nothing more than intensify the solidarity and the action of every rebel, that their policies to terrorize the population and criminalize social protest do not work and will not work, because the seeds of freedom are making fertile their new fruits and the diaspora of the insurgents has been undertaken everywhere as has been demonstrated with the solidarity actions in Italy, England, Greece, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Canada, Venezuela, Spain, throughout $hile and in many other places of the world, shouting that they cannot quiet our indomitable hearts.

It is necessary to make clear that every day is an opportunity to denounce the political-judicial frame-ups and the terrorism of the State, so they are very mistaken if they intend to implement their public control policies strategically on commemorative days, as every second that passes is an opportunity to assault the monotony of everyday life and to sharpen our ideas against the State-Capital.

We extend this message as a solidarity greeting to all the comrades imprisoned in the world from Bologna to Argentina, from Canada to Peru, from Bolivia to Greece, from France to Mexico and in every corner of the earth.

We will not stop until we see our sisters and brothers free and the frame-up has ended in total collapse, neither their repression nor their bars will silence us, we demand:








For fear to not destroy solidarity…
for solidarity to destroy prison

Unknowns for the freedom of the prisoners…

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Spain: Hostages of the Chilean State: two solidarity actions

from culmine, translated by War on Society:

In response to the call for solidarity through propaganda and agitation for the comrades taken hostage by the Chilean State since August 14th, 2010, and 60 days since the initiation of their hunger strike, two solidarity actions were made in Barcelona:

– 2 simultaneous blockades on two important roads in the city, displaying banners alluding to the comrades accused for the “bombs case” in Chile and calling for solidarity with the comrades in struggle incarcerated in different parts of the world, causing a traffic commotion and thus affecting the everyday passivity of common citizenry, alien in the disinformation of the repressive attacks that power unleashes against anti-capitalist dissidents in Chile and the world.

– Unfurling of a huge banner in of the main tourist spots in Barcelona — el parque guell — complementing the action by throwing informational leaflets. The choice of this point was not random; the objective was to burst into one of the most insidious faces of brutal capitalism: tourism, which in Barcelona and in all parts of the world seeks to invisibilize conflicts and social struggles and represents a form of exploitation hidden behind the ostentatious cameras of tourism’s consumers.

Through these actions we have sought to send a signal of support to the political prisoners of Chile, with the firm conviction that solidarity is a weapon that should be used against power anywhere in the world, transcending the imagination created by states, by borders. For these same reasons, by means of these actions, we want also to greet all the fighters of the world who find themselves imprisoned by the state and by capital.

Freedom to the anarchist comrades imprisoned in Greece, Italy, Belarus, in Argentina and in all the territories where the flame of insurrection lives on.



Solidarios Barcelona

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Toronto, ON: Five banks vandalized in solidarity with struggles and prisoners

from anarchist news:

5 Banks in North Toronto were vandalized and redecorated on Sunday [April] 17th.

as an act of Anarchist solidarity with the Mapuche struggle for land, autonomy and freedom in Wamapu so called “Southern Chile.”

and as an act of Anarchist Solidarity with the Haudenesseunee Struggle for land, autonomy and freedom in the great lakes bio-region.

Most of all it is in solidarity for those in prison in both “Canada” and “Chile” who have struggled with dignity against our mutually repressive colonial states. For those who still have the will to refuse submission.

The banks targetted
two Bank of Montreals
two TD Canada Trusts
one Scotiabank

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Spain: Banco Santader attacked in solidarity with the “bombs case” prisoners in Chile

from Madrid Indymedia, translated by War on Society:

Thursday night the 21st, while the religious fanatics of Seville celebrated the dawn of Holy Thursday, a group of enraged anarchists decided to assault a branch of Banco Santander to express our rejection of the repressive process that is going on in $hile (the “bombs case”) that has imprisoned our brothers-and-sisters-in-ideas for 8 months.

Taking advantage of the sound of rain and darkness of the night, we stoned several windows, shattering them as well as the automatic teller screens — rendering them unusable — and left our message painted on the facade:



This time we chose as the object of our destructive desire this bank which directly defends the interests of the state of $hile and spreads its capitalist tentacles through those territories, where it is one of the primary economic powers.

We frame this gesture within the week of agitation and propaganda for the 14A, to send strength and courage during the hunger strike that 10 of them have maintained for 60 days in order to demand their release, the non-application of the Anti-Terrorist Law and immediate trial. They have already achieved the end of the investigative period and cessation of solitary confinement for the comrades, held in high security prison, which were two of the initial demands of the hunger strike.

We valorize the struggle and pressure that the comrades are conducting from within, and the achievements they are gaining with the support and unconditional embrace of those who continue the war on the outside.

We have motive and conviction in excess.

For all our warrior sisters and brothers who have fallen or are imprisoned in all corners of the world.

For the reclamation of our lives from social apathy: Let us seek to live anarchy!

Some anonymous anti-socialites!

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Chile: Solidarity action in USACH with the 14A comrades

Update (April 24): Two communiques for the action appeared at Hommodolars Contrainformación (April 22, 2011), and translated by This is Our Job. Click ‘continue reading’…

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Seattle, WA: Capitol Hill Bank Attacked at Dusk in Solidarity with Prisoners

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Today at around 9PM we attacked the Chase Bank on Broadway in Capitol Hill. About a dozen windows were broken. It’s important to note that this was done at time when Broadway is very busy with pedestrian and car traffic. One group of onlookers was heard saying “It’s not a big deal, they’re not hurting anyone” as people stood by watching, no one was seen calling the police and no one was chased. Fliers were thrown in front of the bank stating solidarity with the Chilean anarchists on their 60th day of hunger strike* as well as the non-cooperating Green Scare defendants serving time in prisons across the US. A short analysis of why one might attack a bank was included as well. No one was arrested.

This action was taken because banks are a clear symbol of the misery and slavery that we experience under capitalism. We chose to use solidarity as a weapon in our struggle against power because our passion for freedom knows no borders or prison walls.

Solidarity with the Chilean anarchists on hunger strike!
Strength and freedom to the non-cooperating Green Scare prisoners!
Prisoners to the streets!

for the proliferation of the attack,
-some anarchists

More information about the
Green Scare Prisoners:

*This day was chosen in accordance with the Week of Agitation and Propaganda in Solidarity with the Chilean Hunger Strikers April 14-21 (

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Chile: Another solidarity action in San Miguel

from Santiasko Anarquista (links added):

In the context of the week of agitation and propaganda we decided to block the streets, hang banners, and release pigeons at the intersection of La Marina and la Panamericana (San Miguel) during the early hours of the 20th of April.

This action was to express the following:
-Freedom for the comrades of August 14th on hunger strike
-The release of the 4 anarchist comrades, indicted for the attack on the Greek embassy.
-Karina (la Gallega), Diego and Leandro kidnapped by the Argentinian State

Iconoclastic greetings to those who negate the existent without looking down!!!

For those who do not feel forced to obey life in society, who do not feel connected to even the merest cells of the social body. Violent regards to all those who negate the existent!

Iconoclastic freedom!

Freedom to the 14A prisoners on hunger strike

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